
A thread is a distinct sequence of steps performed by one or more processes. By definition, all programs contain a single thread of control. Threads, which are created dynamically and execute independently, can be used to provide concurrency at a minimal cost (both in system resources and programming effort). Problems that consist of multiple individual tasks lend themselves to a threaded solution, while problems that are serial in nature do not.

Thread libraries (such as the POSIX thread library) provide programmers with a means for generating and coordinating multiple threads. These threads can be contained within a single process or spread across multiple processes. Threads within a process share most of the process's state information. At a system-implementation level, a thread can be bound (directly associated with an underlying LWP) or unbound. Unbound threads are mapped on an as-needed basis to an LWP from a pool maintained by the system. Threads can be specified as detached. A detached thread cannot be waited upon and exits once it has finished its processing. A nondetached thread can be waited upon (often by its creating thread) and its exiting status obtained. When a thread is created, it is passed a reference to the code it is to execute. Each thread has an associated priority and scheduling algorithm that is used by the system to determine how and when the thread will receive processing time. The actual scheduling of a thread is done by the thread library (if unbound ) or by the kernel (if bound). Threads can send and receive signals. In a multithreaded setting, often one thread is designated as the signal catcher . A signal mask is used to specify whether or not a thread will act upon or ignore a particular signal.

Thread activity can be coordinated with mutexes (mutual exclusion locks), condition variables , and semaphores. A mutex is used to lock a specific section of code (often called the critical section) where the integrity of the data accessed must be maintained. The term monitor is sometimes used when the section of code to be locked encompasses the entire module to be executed. Some thread libraries support read/write mutexes. A read/write mutex allows any number of threads to read protected data, but only one thread at a time to write or modify the data. Read/write mutexes are considerably slower than their less complicated brethren. Mutexes that are used by threads in different processes must be mapped to a shared memory location. Condition variables are used to force a thread to block on an arbitrary condition. Multithread-safe semaphores, based on a POSIX4 implementation, can be binary or counting. Semaphores can be used to manage multiple resources. Usually, it is best to lock the minimal number of lines of code needed to maintain data consistency.

If needed, it is possible to have data items in common sections of code that contain a value specific to each thread. Such data, called thread-specific data (TSD), is accessible to all threads but is maintained on a per-thread basis. The system uses a unique key value to determine the data value in a given thread.

Programs and Processes

Processing Environment

Using Processes

Primitive Communications


Message Queues


Shared Memory

Remote Procedure Calls



Appendix A. Using Linux Manual Pages

Appendix B. UNIX Error Messages

Appendix C. RPC Syntax Diagrams

Appendix D. Profiling Programs

Interprocess Communication in Linux
Interprocess Communications in Linux: The Nooks and Crannies
ISBN: 0130460427
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 136 © 2008-2020.
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