3D rotation using a motion guide (tutorial) 5558
adding motion guide layer 56
adding scaling effects 58
basic_tweened_rotate.fla 56
creating motion tween 5758
myCircle movie clip 56, 57, 58
3D scaling text with atmospheric perspective (tutorial) 4548
adding text 46
atmospheric movie clip 46, 47
converting words to movie clips 46
creating motion tween 47
perspective movie clip 46, 47
scaling up and fading in text 4647
separating words into layers 46
Text Tool 46
3D slice engine (tutorial) 222250
3D Studio Max 240
3D_perspectives.swf 222, 224
3D_slice_engine.swf 222
adding angular interactivity 232233
adding rotational interactivity 231232
adding slices to base movie clip 227228
angle limitations of slice engine 235
angle variable 226, 229, 230
container movie clip 223, 224
creating object clip 224
hideMe function 239
interactive_combo.swf 239
localToGlobal method 247
mimicking skewing at runtime 223224
myNum variable 229
offsetX and offsetY variables 230
onDragOver event handler 239
onRollOver event handler 239
Pencil Tool 224
processor intensity of slice engine 234
rot variable 231, 248
rotateMe function 231
rotSpeed variable 226, 231
sample 1: building primitive and organic objects 236238
sample 2: layer interactivity 238239
sample 3: organic masks 239241
sample 4: global to local object space 242244
sample 5: dynamic shading and blurring 244246
sample 6: including nonlayer elements 246249
sample1_primitives.fla 237
sample1_vase.fla 238
sample2_layer_jnteractivity.fla 238
sample3_organic_masks.fla 239, 240
sample4_car.fla 242, 243
sample5_meteor.fla 244, 245
sample6_final.swf 246, 249
sample6_start.fla 247
scaleFactor variable 226
scaleMe function 232, 236
showMe function 239
slice container movie clip 225, 227, 231, 237, 241
sliceNum variable 226, 231, 237, 241
spacing slices along y-axis 228
step variable 226, 228, 230, 241
step1_final.fla 224
step2_final.fla 225
step3_final.fla 227, 230
step4_final.fla 231
step5_final.fla 232
temp variable 235
z-order organization 235
z-order_fix.fla 235, 236