Digital Video Hacks: Tips & Tools for Shooting, Editing, and Sharing (OReillys Hacks Series)
Digital Video Hacks: Tips & Tools for Shooting, Editing, and Sharing (OReillys Hacks Series)
ISBN: 0596009461
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 158
Joshua Paul
Digital Video Hacks
Table of Contents
About the Author
Why Digital Video Hacks?
How to Use This Book
How This Book Is Organized
Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
How to Contact Us
Safari Enabled
Got a Hack?
Chapter 1. Prepare
1.1. Hacks 1-16
Hack 1. Successfully Complete a Project
Hack 2. Keep Your Project Organized
Hack 3. Number Your Tapes
Hack 4. Black and Code a Tape
Hack 5. Log Using a Spreadsheet
Hack 6. Create a Digital Storyboard
Hack 7. Create a Two-Column Script
Hack 8. Build Your Own Apple Box
Hack 9. Make Your Own Slate
Hack 10. Control Your Camcorder Remotely
Hack 11. Monitor Your Camera
Hack 12. Protect Outdoor Cameras
Hack 13. Digitize Lots of Footage Quickly
Hack 14. Build Your Own Blue Screen
Hack 15. Stabilize Your Shots
Hack 16. Roll Your Own Dolly
Chapter 2. Light
2.1. Hacks 17-25
Hack 17. Compile a Cheap Lighting Kit
Hack 18. Light with Work Lights
Hack 19. Use Paper Lamps for Lighting
Hack 20. Add Diffusion to a Camcorder Light
Hack 21. Take Video in Total Darkness
Hack 22. Shoot a Green Screen Image
Hack 23. Shoot Clearly Through a Window
Hack 24. Reflect Light from a Shade
Hack 25. Use Clothespins Like a Professional
Chapter 3. Acquire
3.1. Hacks 26-38
Hack 26. Create a Time-Lapse Video of a Sunset
Hack 27. Mount Your Camera to Your Car
Hack 28. Slate Your Cuts
Hack 29. Transcode a Movie s Codec
Hack 30. Pantyhose Diffusion Filter for Flattering Portraits
Hack 31. Convert PAL to NTSC
Hack 32. Record a Television Screen Without Flicker
Hack 33. Import Footage from a DVD
Hack 34. Use HDV for Better DV Quality
Hack 35. Make a Movie Without a Camcorder
Hack 36. Freeze Time
Hack 37. Convert Analog Video to Digital Video
Hack 38. Create a 3D Video
Chapter 4. Edit
4.1. Hacks 39-50
Hack 39. Digicam Movie Editing Made Easy
Hack 40. Make Videos with Windows Movie Maker
Hack 41. Make a Movie Using iMovie
Hack 42. Rotate Your Movie from Horizontal to Vertical
Hack 43. Create a Submaster for Editing
Hack 44. Use a Television to Avoid Surprises
Hack 45. Convert a Closed Caption File to a Script
Hack 46. Make a Tough Cut Easy on Your Viewers
Hack 47. Create an Interactive Video Catalog
Hack 48. Fix Timecode Problems on an Existing Tape
Hack 49. Add Bookmarks to Your Movie
Hack 50. Create Faster DVD Navigation
Chapter 5. Audio
5.1. Hacks 51-60
Hack 51. Mobile Audio Booth
Hack 52. Reduce a Microphone s Wind Noise
Hack 53. Make Your Own Boom
Hack 54. Export Your Audio for Mixing
Hack 55. Cover Missing Audio with Room Tone
Hack 56. Make Your Audio Sound Better
Hack 57. Fool Your Audience s Perception
Hack 58. Get Music for Free
Hack 59. Wrangle Your Music and Sound Library
Hack 60. Cut to the Beat of Your Music
Chapter 6. Effects
6.1. Hacks 61-74
Hack 61. Give Your Video a
Hack 62. Make Your Own Weather Report
Hack 63. Zoom In from a Satellite
Hack 64. Remove an Unwanted Object
Hack 65. Create an Invert Effect Using Movie Maker
Hack 66. Turn Video into Matrix-Style Symbols
Hack 67. Create a Surreal Scene
Hack 68. Change a Scene from Day to Night
Hack 69. Create a Credit Flag
Hack 70. Composite a Green Screen Image
Hack 71. Create a Shadow for a Green Screen Image
Hack 72. Alternate Endings Based on the Time of Day
Hack 73. Alter a Video s Look After Editing
Hack 74. Expose Only One Color
Chapter 7. Distribute
Hack 75. Make a Window Burn Copy
Hack 76. Skin Your Movie
Hack 77. Determine Which Codec to Use
Hack 78. Play a Movie Off a CD in a DVD Player
Hack 79. Distribute Your Movie on DVD
Hack 80. Stream a DVD
Hack 81. Vlog Your Life
Hack 82. Host Your Video on a Web Site
Hack 83. Encode a Video to Stream on the Internet
Hack 84. Take Donations via PayPal
Hack 85. Set Up an Internet Television Station
Hack 86. Use BitTorrent to Distribute Your Video
Hack 87. Attend a Conference from Another Location
Hack 88. Play Your Video on a Pocket PC
Hack 89. Play Your Movie on a Cell Phone
Chapter 8. Random Fun
8.1. Hacks 90-100
Hack 90. Record a Streaming Video
Hack 91. Create a Movie Using LEGOs
Hack 92. See Through Walls
Hack 93. Rental-Car Tips and Other Auto Hacks
Hack 94. Save Your Presentations to DVD
Hack 95. Watch TV on a Palm Pilot
Hack 96. Back Up Your Computer to a DV Tape
Hack 97. Play
Hack 98. Inventory Your Home
Hack 99. Capture Life s Little Moments with Camera-Phone Video
Hack 100. Weekend Project: Create a Documentary
Digital Video Hacks: Tips & Tools for Shooting, Editing, and Sharing (OReillys Hacks Series)
ISBN: 0596009461
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 158
Joshua Paul
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MySQL Stored Procedure Programming
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Numeric Functions
Date and Time Functions
Using Stored Programs in JDBC
How MySQL Processes SQL
Competency-Based Human Resource Management
Why a Focus on Jobs Is Not Enough
Competency-Based Employee Recruitment and Selection
The Transformation to Competency-Based HR Management
Competency-Based HR Management The Next Steps
Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions About Competency-Based HR Management
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Computers as Persuasive Media Simulation
Credibility and Computers
Credibility and the World Wide Web
The Ethics of Persuasive Technology
Captology Looking Forward
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Blue-Screen Garbage Mattes
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Scripts in FileMaker Pro
Advanced Scripting Techniques
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