Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture
Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture
ISBN: 1403901635
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121
Change Management in Transition Economies - Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture
List of Abbreviations
Notes on the Contributors
Part I: Establishing the Framework: Economic and Political Constraints on Business in Poland
Chapter 1: Political, Economic and Cultural Developments in Polish - German Relations Since 1989
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Polish - German relations, 1945 - 89
1.3 New beginnings, 1989 - 91
1.4 The German - Polish community of interests, 1991 - 2002
1.5 Where does Poland stand now?
Chapter 2: Polish - German Economic Relations in the 1990s: The Track Record and its Implications
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Polish - German economic relations
2.3 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Investing in Poland: The Experiences of German Enterprises
3.1 Poland s economic development and German - Polish business relations
3.2 The experiences of German enterprises in Poland: a survey
3.3 Polish enterprises in Germany
Chapter 4: Mass Privatization as a Condition for Change: The Role of Polish NIFs
4.1 Mass privatization programmes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
4.2 Structure of the NIF programme
4.3 NIFs as proprietors
4.4 NIFs as investors
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter 5: Privatization, Restructuring, Corporate Governance and the Behaviour of Firms in Transition Economies
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sources of evidence: introduction to the case studies
5.3 Framework for restructuring
5.4 Short-term responses
5.5 Long-term responses and enterprise restructuring
5.6 Conclusions and future challenges
Chapter 6: Politics and Employment Relations: The Power of Labour in Poland after the Fall of Communism
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Polish employment relations: continuities and change
6.3 Excessive labour power?
6.4 Conclusion
Part II: The Beiersdorf Case: Radical Change from a Production-Oriented Conglomerate to a Market-Driven Consumer Goods Company
Chapter 7: Case Study: Beiersdorf-Lechia SA, Poznan
7.2 Steps of transformation from a state-owned collective conglomerate to a market-driven, fast-moving consumer goods company
7.3 Key areas of change management
7.4 Conclusion
Part III: Strategic Concepts for Continuous Change in Transformation Enterprises
Chapter 8: Market Entry Strategies and Competitive Advantages in Poland
8.1 New chances for competitive advantage in Poland
8.2 Strategies for the Polish market
8.3 Dunning s eclectic paradigm of international production
8.4 Market entry strategies for Poland, empirical evidence
8.5 Conclusion
Chapter 9: Marketing Strategies of Western Consumer Goods Firms in Central and Eastern Europe
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Motives for market entry
9.3 Market entry strategies
9.4 Marketing strategies
9.5 Implementing marketing programme in CEE
Chapter 10: The Development of the Retail Sector in Poland since 1990
10.2 Facing fragmentation: Polish retail enterprises formulate new strategies
10.3 From scepticism to accelerated innovation: strategies of the international retail networks
10.4 Conclusions
Chapter 11: The Leadership Behaviour of Managers in Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland: An Intercultural Comparison Based on the Vroom - Yetton Model of Leadership and Decision Making
11.1 Cross-cultural studies: value concept versus action orientation
11.2 The Vroom - Yetton model
11.3 Cross-cultural comparison of Austrian, Czech and Polish Managers
11.4 Discussion
Chapter 12: Remuneration Management in Polish Companies
12.1 General wage levels
12.2 Job evaluation
12.3 Performance appraisal and performance-related pay
12.4 Conclusion
Chapter 13: Change of Organizational Identity in Polish Enterprises
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Organizational identity
13.3 Research objectives and hypotheses
13.4 Research methods and description of sample
13.5 Research findings
13.6 Conclusions
Chapter 14: Simple Rules and Simple Solutions: The Dominant Logic of High and Low Performers in Turbulent Environments
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Theoretical background
14.3 Research method
14.4 Exemplary twins
14.5 The dominant logic of leading firms
14.6 The dominant logic of peripheral firms
14.7 Conclusions: inquisitive children and mature losers
Chapter 15: How Multinational Corporations Can Upgrade Foreign Subsidiaries: A Case Study from Central and Eastern Europe
15.1 Internationalization strategies and headquarter - subsidiary relations in multinational corporations
15.2 Foreign subsidiaries as centres of competence
15.3 A case study on centres of competence in Central and Eastern Europe The general process of becoming a centre of competence
15.4 Conclusions
Chapter 16: Klaus E. Meyer and Camilla Jensen
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Past accessions and FDI
16.3 FDI typologies
16.4 International trade and FDI
16.5 Institutional changes
16.6 Present and future prospects for FDI in Poland
16.7 Conclusion and perspectives on EU enlargement
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Boxes
Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture
ISBN: 1403901635
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121
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Oracle Structures
Oracle Advanced SELECT Options
Data Dictionary Report
Appendix A Common Issues
MySQL Clustering
MySQL Clusters Native Backup Tool
Physical Factors
Cluster Topographies
Web Farm/MySQL Farm
Individual Programs
.NET System Management Services
.NET Framework and Windows Management Instrumentation
Using the System.Management Namespace
Querying WMI
WMI Providers
WMI Security
MPLS Configuration on Cisco IOS Software
Frame-Mode MPLS
Static PE-CE Routing Command Reference
CSC Architecture Benefits
Introduction to QoS-Classification and Marking
MPLS QoS Implementation
VBScript in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
VBScripts History and Uses
Why Use WSH?
Program Flow
Section A.14. Program Structure and Flow
Section C.2. String Operator
GDI+ Programming with C#
Some Basic GDI+ Objects
Accessing the Graphics Object
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Viewing Multiple Images
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