Section 4.12. Review Questions

4.12. Review Questions


Which of the DB2 tools can be used to schedule SQL scripts in DB2?


The DB2 Command Window is only available on Windows. What is the equivalent tool on the Linux/UNIX platforms?


Which registry variable needs to be changed to set autocommit to off permanently for the CLP?


When is it handy to start the CLP in interactive mode with a different terminator character as in db2 -td!?


Which command is necessary to guarantee the CLP back-end process is terminated?


How can Visual Explain be invoked?


Which tool can be used to develop SQL user-defined functions?


Can the Control Center be used to administer DB2 for iSeries databases?


It's 9:00 a.m. and you would like to investigate a problem that happened at 3:00 a.m. Where do you look for more information?


How can you obtain the most current information about a given DB2 topic?


Which two of the following tools can be used to execute SQL statements against a DB2 database?

  1. Command Window

  2. Command Editor

  3. Command Line Processor

  4. Command Processor

  5. db2cc


Which of the following is the default termination character for files processed by the DB2 CLP?

  1. :

  2. ;

  3. |

  4. $


If you have the following CLP input file named samp.sql, how many commits will occur during the processing of the db2 tvf samp.sql command?

 connect to sample; select * from org; select * from dept; connect reset; 

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. 3

  5. 4


The Health Center will alert you when:

  1. A row is deleted from a table

  2. You run the load tool

  3. You exceed a defined threshold on performance characteristics

  4. An SQL statement fails because of incorrect syntax


Which of the following tools will give you information about the memory used by DB2 and your DB2 applications?

  1. db2memlist

  2. Memory Visualizer

  3. db2mv

  4. Memory Center

  5. db2mtrk


If you have the following CLP input file named samp.sql, how many commits will occur during the processing of the db2 +c tvf samp.sql command?

 connect to sample; select * from org; select * from dept; 

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. 3

  5. 4


If you have the following CLP input file named samp.sql, which of the commands below will run this file successfully?

 connect to sample@ select * from org@ select * from dept@ connect reset@ 

  1. db2 t@f samp.sql

  2. db2 -td@ -f samp.sql

  3. db2 -t@ -f samp.sql

  4. db2 -td@f samp.sql


If your application receives the SQL code -911, which of the following commands can be used to get its description?

  1. db2 ? -911

  2. db2 ? 911N

  3. db2 ? SQL-911

  4. db2 ? SQL911N


Which of the following commands cannot be run from the CLP in interactive mode?

  1. History

  2. Edit

  3. Runcmd

  4. Repeat


Which two of the following can be performed from the CLP in interactive mode?

  1. db2 ? SQL911N

  2. db2stop

  3. list applications

  4. select * from staff

Understanding DB2(R. Learning Visually with Examples)
Understanding DB2: Learning Visually with Examples (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131580183
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 313 © 2008-2017.
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