Web browser

Ajax code, 426-427

CSS compatibility, 88-91

XPath, 297-298

XSLT, executing, 262-263

Web language

handler, 703-704

verbs and URLs, 701-703

Web page, adding JavaScript to

functions, 406-407

problem, 406

tag, 406

Web reference, ASP.NET, 587-589

Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) file, creating, 586-587

Web services. See also WS-* specifications

asynchronous consumption

described, 601-602

slow service, building, 602-603

TakeLongTime() WebMethod, 603-605


described, 580

publishing, 582-587

setting up, 580-582


building described, 571-574

consuming with ASP.NET, 587-591

Microsoft Web services test page, 575-576

protocols, altering, 578-579

WebMethod, testing, 576-578

caching, 599-600


data, representing and communicating, 568

described, 567-570

discovering, 570-571

described, 565-570

discovering, 570-571


binary attachments, 650

digital signature, 651

encyrption, 651

guaranteed message exchange, 651

inspection, 651

message correlation, 651

message envelope and controlled extensibility, 650

message exchange (routing), 650

Process Flow Contract Description, 651


building with, 579

client application, running, 596-597, 599

HelloWorld service, 594-596

ProductService, consuming, 597-599

Microsoft test page, 575-576

Microsoft WSE

client, 676-679

described, 665-666

exchange, result of, 679-681

functionality, 664-665

version 1.0, 664

version 2.0, 664

version 3.0, 663-664

Microsoft WSE server

application, configuring, 669-673

building service, 676

credential verification class, 667-669

described, 666-667

diagnostics, configuring, 673-674

results, 674-676

model, 649-650

SOAP, extending with

described, 653-655

extensions, 655-656

headers, 655


described, 580

setting up, 580-582

Windows forms, consuming with, 591-594

WSDL, defining

<binding>, 643-644

<definitions>, 638-640

described, 633-637

document structure, 637-638

<documentation>, 647-648

<import>, 645-647

<message>, 641-642

<portType>, 642-643

<service>, 645

<soap:binding>, 644

<soap:body>, 644-645

<soap:operation>, 644

<types>, 640-641

Web Services Enhancements. See WSE

web.config, adding REST to, 716-717

WebMethod, testing, 576-578

Western European (windows-1252) character set, 23

when element, 252

where clause, FLWOR, 307, 309-310


tags, 13-14

XSLT, controlling with strip-space, preservespace, and decimal-format, 243-244

whitespace primitive data type, 202

width property, CSS, 83

Wiley Publishing

Beginning Python, 510

Professional CSS: Cascading Sheets for Web Design, 81, 82

Programming Perl, 502

Windows forms, 591-594

Windows Presentation Foundation. See WPF

windows-1250 (Central European) character set, 23

windows-1251 (Cyrillic) character set, 23

windows-1252 (Western European) character set, 23

windows-1253 (Greek) character set, 23

Word (Microsoft)

editing XML documents, 788-792

saving documents as XML, 782-788

word order


described, 26

empty, 26-27

naming, 26

uniqueness, 27

xml:lang, 28

xml:space, 28-29

comments, 23-25


encoding attribute, 22-23

standalone attribute, 23

version attribute, 22

document .xml file, 17-22


described, 7-8

empty, 11

naming conventions for elements, 8-9

nesting, 10

start and end tag, 8

namespaces, 29-31

parsers, 6-7

processing instructions, 25-26


CDATA sections, 16-17

content, 12

described, 7-8, 11-12

entity references, 14-15

spoken languages, 12-13

text length, 12

whitespace, 13-14

well-formed documents, 6

workbooks, Excel, saving as XML, 773-777

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

application, creating, 815

described, 809-812


building, 815-820

viewing, 820-823

image, adding to document, 823-825

nesting controls, 812-814

within Visual Studio 2005, 809-812

XPS file, saving document as, 825-829

wrapping Geocode service, 687-689

writing XML


described, 477-478

JAXP serializer, 478-479

serializing using StAX, 479-480

Perl, 508-509

Python, 514-516

Ruby, 523-526

SAX contents, 396-399

XmlTxtWriter, 447-449

XmlWriter, 450-452


addressing, 657-658

attachments, 658

coordination, 658

core specifications, 659-663

described, 656


credential exchange, 657

message confidentiality, 657

message integrity, 657

WS-MetadataExchange, 658

WSDD (Web Service Deployment Descriptor) file, creating, 586-587

WSDL Web services, defining

<binding>, 643-644

<definitions>, 638-640

described, 633-637

document structure, 637-638

<documentation>, 647-648

<import>, 645-647

<message>, 641-642

<portType>, 642-643

<service>, 645

<soap:binding>, 644

<soap:body>, 644-645

<soap:operation>, 644

<types>, 640-641

WSE (Web Services Enhancements)

client, 676-679

described, 665-666

exchange, result of, 679-681

functionality, 664-665


application, configuring, 669-673

building service, 676

credential verification class, 667-669

described, 666-667

diagnostics, configuring, 673-674

results, 674-676

version 1.0, 664

version 2.0, 664

version 3.0, 663-664

http://www.WS-I.org, 652-653

WS-MetadataExchange, 658

W3C validation service, 72

XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)

described, 807-808

thin- of thick-client, 808-809


application, creating, 815

described, 809-812

document, building, 815-820

document, viewing, 820-823

image, adding to document, 823-825

nesting controls, 812-814

within Visual Studio 2005, 809-812

XPS file, saving document as, 825-829

Xerces (Apache), 7


actions logic, 744-745

appearance, changing control, 733

children, common control, 731-732

clients, 755-756

controls, 727-730

described, 722-727

events logic, 743-744

grouping controls, 733-737

instance data, binding, 737-741

Microsoft InfoPath versus, 754-755

sample, 745-750

submit protocol, 741-743

XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language)

<font> element, 81

forms, 721-722

markup, evolution of, 67-68


described, 94-95

RelNoFollow, 95

Rel-Tag, 95

microformats, compound

hCalendar, 97-98

hCard, 96-97

hReview, 98-99

resources, 100

Tidy application, 73-77

Tidy UI application, 78-80

validating, 69-72

versions, 68

W3C validation service, 72

Xindice database

retrieving XML, 345-348

storing XML, 348-349

XMetaL editor, 62

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

in ASP.NET 2.0

described, 461

XmlDataSource server control, 462-466

Data Type Query and data modification

described, 319-320

exist() method, 321

modify method, 321-322

nodes method, 321

query method, 320

value method, 320-321

declaration, XML Schemas root document, 172

elements, reusing in DTDs, 152-153


Altova XMLSpy, 209-210

<annotation>, 206


DTDs, problem with, 169-171

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 207-208

RDF, 769-771

standard, 205-206

server control, 467-469

SOAP, 609

syntaxes, converting between, 272-274

tools, creating DTDs with, 166

Xindice database

retrieving XML, 345-348

storing XML, 348-349

XPath editor, 299

.xml file, 17-22

XML Schemas root document

declaring elements

atomic simple type, 176-177

complex types, 180-181

list simple type, 177-178

named complex types, reusability and, 181-183

<sequence> and <all> elements, 183-184

type element, 184-188

union simple type, 179

defining attributes

attribute groups, 202-203

default values, 199-200

described, 198-199

use attribute, 200

values, restricting, 200-202

described, 171-172

element restrictions

cardinality, 192

default values, 195-196

fixed values, 196-197

maxOccurs attribute, 193-195

minOccurs attribute, 192-193

null values, 197-198

<group> element, 189-192

<import>, 203-204

<include>, 204

root element

attributeFormDefault attribute, 172-173

described, 172

elementFormDefault attribute, 174

targetNamespace attribute, 174-175

version attribute, 175

xml:lang attribute, 175-176

XML declaration, 172

XML tree models

described, 480-481

DOM alternatives, 481

DOM4J, 483-484

JDOM, 482-483

XOM, 484-486

XmlCursor, invoking execQuery() from, 317-318

XmlDataSource server control

described, 462-466

namespace problem, 466-467

XmlDocument, 550-552

XMLHttpRequest, 410-415

xml:lang attribute, 28, 175-176

XmlObject, invoking execQuery() from, 315-317

XMLParser (Expat), 7

XMLParser for Java (IBM), 7

XMLParser (Mozilla), 7

XMLParser (Oracle), 7


described, 552-556


casting XML types to .NET-compliant types, 459-460

sample, 454-457

schema validation, reading with, 457-459

interface, 382, 384-385

XMLReader interface, 382, 384-385

xmlsequence(), 344

XmlSerializer class, 436-438

xml:space attribute, 28-29

XMLSpy 2006 (Altova)

benefits and disadvantages, 47

described, 39-44

schema development, 44-45

script editor, 46-47

Spy debugging, 624-629

XML Schemas, 209-210

XSLT development, 46

XmlTxtWriter, writing XML using, 447-449


creating XML programmatically, 452-454

writing XML with, 450-452

XmlTxtWriter, writing XML using, 447-449


axes, 281-282

in browser, 297-298

comments and nested comments, 286-287

debugging with trace(), 292-293

described, 277

Eclipse, 300


FLWOR expressions versus, 310-311

tuning, 284

function calls in path expressions, 285-286

//h1[1] different than (//h1)[1], 289-291

IntelliJ, 300

in Java, 293-295

many faces of a document, 283

on .NET, 295

nodes, 278

online XPath Sandbox, 296-297

path expressions, 279

in PHP, 296

predicates, 279-280

regular expressions, 287-288

reverse axis, 291-292

sequences, 282

tree structure, 278-279

union (|) and sequence concatenation (,) operators, 289

unordered() function, 288-289

when A != B Is different from not(A = B), 282-283

XML editors, 299

XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference (Kay), 300

XPathDocument class, 460-461

XPS file, saving WPF document as, 825-829

XQJ (XQuery API for Java), 499-500


advantages, 304

described, 303-304

enclosed expressions, 306

expression, structure of, 304-305

FLWOR expressions

described, 306-307

for clause, 308-309

let clause, 309

order by clause, 310

return clause, 310

sample, 307-308

where clause, 309-310

XPath expressions versus, 310-311


aggregate (count, avg, max, min, and sum), 312

built-in, described, 311-312

doc(), 312

string, 312-313

user-defined, 313-314

in Java, 314

relational databases

described, 318

SQL Server 2005, 318-319

XML Data Type Query and data modification, 319-322

sample, 305-306

selecting XML

XmlCursor, invoking execQuery() from, 317-318

XmlObject, invoking execQuery() from, 315-317

use cases, 304

XQuery API for Java (XQJ), 499-500

XSL-FO (eXtensible Stylesheet Language-Formatting Objects)

basic formatting

described, 111-112

lists, 112-114

tables, 114-116

composition, 102-103

described, 101

Hello World example, 109-110

Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, 108

overview, 103-105

page templates, fo:simple-page-master, 105-108

working example

described, 117-119

formatting table cells, 122-123

header, 120-122

high-level layout for invoice, 119-120

PDF, 126-127

rendering table, 123-124

sale item table, 127-130

summary table with total values for invoice, 130-131

XSLT code, 125-126

XSLT (XSL Transformations)

changes ahead in version 2.0, 263-268

code, XSL-FO, 125-126

conditional processing (if element), 251-252

debugging, 274-275


Altova XMLSpy 2006, 46

Oxygen XML Editor 6.2, 60-61

Stylus Studio 2006, 51-53

Visual Studio 2005, 38-39


in browser, 262-263

at command line, 258-259

via code, 259-261

extending with script, 257-258

functions, built-in, 256-257

looping (for-each element), 252-255

output, generating

HTML, 268-272

XML syntaxes, converting between, 272-274

required syntax items

output, controlling, 245-247

stylesheets, including with include and import, 243

top-level elements, 242-243

whitespace and formatting, controlling with strip-space, preserve-space, and decimal-format, 243-244

resources, 276

retrieving values

calling templates, 249-250

described, 248-249

multiple templates for single element, 250-251

sample, 241-242

templates, 247

variables and parameters, 255-256

Professional XML
Professional XML (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0471777773
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 215

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