Appendix W Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Checklist

Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Checklist

The following requirements and tasks shall be available and accomplished at the PCA.





  1. Approved final draft of the configuration item product specification.
  1. A list delineating both approved and outstanding changes against the configuration item.
  1. Complete list of shortages in CSCI production.
  1. Acceptance test procedures and associated test data.
  1. Findings/status of quality assurance programs.
  1. Manuscript copy of all software CI manuals ( i.e., SSS, SRS, STP, STD, SCOM, SUM, etc. ).
  1. Computer Software Version Description Document.
  1. Current set of listings and updated design descriptions or other means of design portrayal for each software CI.
  1. FCA minutes for each configuration item.


  1. Define Product Baseline.
  1. Specification Review and Validation.
  1. Record in the minutes of the PCA the differences between the CSCI being audited and its CM records.
  1. Ensure the discrepancies noted during the FCA on each CSCI have been corrected.
  1. Ensure CSCI design descriptions properly reflect labels, references, and data descriptions.
  1. Ensure each CSCI design description is consistent.
  1. Review acceptance test plan, procedures, records, and results, as well as specification records to ensure the product complies with its design requirements.
  1. Review shortages and design changes.
  1. Review deviations/waivers.
  1. Ensure each CSCI's system evaluation documents are completed and properly formatted.
  1. Ensure all system documentation is complete and conforms to its data item description.
  1. Review system allocation document.
  1. Review Software User's Manuals and Software Programmer's Manuals.
  1. Review software CIs for the following:

    1. Preliminary and detail Software Component design descriptions
    2. Preliminary and detail Software Interface requirements
    3. Database characteristics, storage allocation charts , and timing and sequencing characteristics
  1. Review packaging plan and requirements.
  1. Review release records and procedures.
  1. Ensure that approved software coding standards have been used and documented.
  1. Certify that each CSCI accepted has been built in accordance with the specifications.

Signature of PCA Team Members:


















Check one:

o Results reviewed satisfy the requirements and are accepted (see attached comments).

o Results reviewed do not satisfy requirements (see attached comments and list of deficiencies).


Approved by: _________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

Source: Adapted from Military Standard Configuration Management, MIL-STD-973.

Software Configuration Management
Software Configuration Management
ISBN: 0849319765
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 235
Authors: Jessica Keyes © 2008-2020.
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