National Public Radio website
redesigned search function focused on radio stories, 166
unusual search options, 164 See U.S. National Academies website
navigation aid, color as a, 266
"navigation-bar buttons ", 233
navigation bars
avoiding duplication on different, 101-102
clear, unique purposes for, 91
constructing from HTML tables containing text links, 232
marking the current page's item in, 110
not duplicating links on category pages, 101
placing on all website pages, 119
self-links in, 112-113
navigation bloopers, 83-119, 221
navigation cues, successful, 83
"navigation hierarchy on the left" design idiom, 96
navigation links, Web pages lacking any, 116-119
navigation schemes
minimizing the number presented, 91
multiple competing, 89
separating from site logistics, 91-92
Navigator 4.76 (Mac), text size of, 250
Needle in a Haystack: Piles of Irrelevant Hits blooper, 178-182
Netscape software download page, misleading information, 25-26
Netscape websites , download page sniffing users' browsers, 62, 106, 107, guessing a visitor's approximate location, 62
New Hampshire Association of School Principals (NHASP) website
blank page displayed, 40, 41
centered bullets, 259 See New Hampshire Association of School Principals (NHASP) website
Nielson, Jakob, 7, 83, 196
No Default Text Input Focus blooper, 139-141
No Defaults blooper, 128-136
non-links , not underlining, 229-230
Non-links Look Like Links blooper, 226-230
nonalphanumeric characters , not accepting in data fields, 125
nonbreaking spaces, using to avoid link wrapping, 235
nonclickable graphics, deemphasizing, 229, 230
"none" as an explicit and default radiobutton value, 134
"noneditable" controls, allowing, 149
noneditable text fields, avoiding, 151
nonstandard controls, 154, 155
nonstandard link colors, 242
nontechnical language, using for search controls, 165
Northwest Airlines' website
calendar for picking dates, 123, 124
conventional calendar for choosing dates, 157
elimination of a "click here " link, 238, 239
initially reasonable categories, 21, 23
patterns provided for data fields, 128
response to Ann Arbor as the destination, 69
travel-time menus from, 64, 65
Not Linking Directly blooper, 102-106, 107 See National Public Radio website
NSF International's website, home page easily mistaken for a splash page, 113
null search results, displaying, 2
Number of Hits Not Revealed blooper, 190-192
Numerous Navigation Schemes blooper, 89-92 See Northwest Airlines' website