Sablotron XSLT processor sanctioned AFS (Apache Software Foundation) project SAX (Simple API for XML) Filters Sendmail module, interface to Sergeant, Matt, conceived by SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) site-processing diagram (XML to HTML and RSS) skinning site content with named styles Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Style style definitions directive inheritance 2nd how applied and overridden in child directories prepended, not appended order applied processing order, examining style processors configuration cheetsheet conditional directives against original XML source groups of conditional processing directives named style or media blocks processed last prepending style processers going down hierarchy same lexical level evaluation order 2nd defining definitions inherited recursively down directories named processors always last rule runtime styling directives source document or configuration directive driven StyleChooser modules 2nd alternate styles and custom 2nd named blocks processed last selecting between styles style overlap and StyleMap( ) StyleProviderClass( ) styles alternate processing instructions basic configuration options configuration directive or xml-stylesheet processing instruction definitions added after language processor setup definitions in all cases or conditionally handling overlap logical group combinations named styles, reasons for using 2nd persistant processing instructions preferred processing instructions transformations, dynamically choosing xml-stylesheet processing instructions, media attribute stylesheets associating documents with associating language processor with client-side transformations with creating XML-based web site samples define style processor mappings NULL as stylesheet path in XSP paths, resolving relative or qualified preprocessed transformations with processing instructions from original XML document only RSS [See RSS] server-side transformations with templates [See templates, stylesheets] transformation chains-;based HTTP cookie transformation rules transforming XML content with xml-stylesheet processing instructions XPathScript [See XPathScript] XSLT [See XSLT] Swish-e site search/indexing tool, interface to syndicating content