Packages, 120, 192, 240–241, 245, 250–251, 585

access plans and, 251

authorities and privileges using, 133, 143, 157

BINDADD privilege and, 113

binding and, 241

deferred binding, 241

privileges available with, 120–121, 120

SQL and, 240

SQL Precompiler and, 240

Parallel transactions, 467

Parallelism, 11, 43, 70

Parameter passing, stored procedures and, 237–238

Parent and child tables, 365, 606

referential integrity constraints and, 382, 384t, 459

Parent and child views, 208, 434

Parent key, referential integrity constraints and, 382, 384t

Parsing, XML, 9

PARTITION BY clause, 414–416

Partitioned databases, 12

Partitioning, 43, 413. See also Tables, partitioned

Database Partitioning Feature (DPF), 44

Dynamic Logical Partitioning in, 49

PASSTHRU, 122, 134, 143–144

Passwords, 98–99, 150, 190, 191

Configuration Assistant in, 77–78, 78

Pearson VUE, 17

Performance, 11, 107, 108

data warehouses and, 86

Health Center in, 72–75, 74

index's effects on, 214, 436

locks and, 487

SQL Performance Monitor and, 74–75, 89, 93, 569

System Monitor (SYSMON) authority and, 105, 106, 109–110, 147t , 149t

Performance Optimization feature, 39, 42


Personal Developer's Edition, DB2, 36, 47–48, 568

application programming interfaces (APIs) in, 48

Call Level Interface (CLI) in, 47

Embedded SQL in, 47

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) in, 48

.NET in, 48

PHP in, 48

PYTHON in, 48

SQL and, 48

SQLJ in, 48

Personal digital assistants (PDAs), 37

Personal Edition, DB2, 36, 41, 567

Phantoms, 468–477, 469t. See also isolation levels

PHP, 9, 40, 48

Planning, 35–96

Positioned delete operations, 265, 360, 594

Positioned update operations, 263

Precision, data types and, 367

PRECOMPILE, isolation levels and, 476

Precompiler, SQL, 240

PREVIOUS VALUE, 119, 159, 217, 580

Primary keys, 211, 608

indexes and, 434

referential integrity constraints and 384t

UNIQUE constraints and, 365, 374, 379–381, 380, 384, 403, 406, 408, 410, 421, 426, 456, 457, 602, 605

Privileges, 97, 103, 104, 113–123, 151, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580. See also authorities

ALL PRIVILEGES and, 129, 130, 134–136, 139, 144, 159

ALTER, 116, 119, 122, 129, 131, 134, 139, 141, 144, 156, 158, 159

ALTERIN, 115, 128, 138–139

BIND, 7, 120, 133, 143, 149t, 157, 171, 577

BINDADD, 113, 127, 137, 149t, 157, 171, 576, 577

BY ALL clause in, 138

common jobs and, required for, 148, 148–149t

CONNECT, 113, 127, 137, 149t, 157


CONTROL, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 129, 130, 133, 134, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 156, 158, 159

Control Center and, granting/revoking of, 125–126, 125, 126

CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE, 113, 127, 137, 149t

CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE, 113–114, 127, 137

CREATE_TAB, 149t, 149

CREATEIN, 115, 128, 138–139, 149t, 156, 574

CREATETAB, 113, 127, 137, 157, 171, 574, 577

Database Administrator (DBADM) and. See Database Administrator

Database Manager and, 103

database type, 113–114, 113

database-level, and GRANT, 127

database-level, and REVOKE, 137–138

DELETE, 116, 118, 123, 124, 129, 130, 134, 139, 140, 144, 149t, 156, 157, 158

distinct type (iSeries/zSeries only), 135, 144–145

DROPIN, 115, 128, 138–139

EXECUTE, 120, 121, 132, 133, 141, 142, 143, 149t, 157, 160

explicit granting of, 124, 125

EXPORT utility and, 156

GRANT and, 127–137, 153, 156, 159


granting of, 123–147

IMPLICIT_SCHEMA, 113, 127, 137

implicitly granting of, 123–124

INDEX, 116, 118–119, 118, 123, 129, 134, 139, 144, 156, 158

index, and GRANT, 130–131

index, and REVOKE, 140–141

indirect granting of, 124

INSERT, 116, 117, 123, 129, 130, 134, 139, 140, 144, 149t, 156, 158

iSeries and. See iSeries

Linux and. See Linux

LOAD, 127, 137

nickname, 122–123, 122

nickname, and GRANT, 134–135

nickname, and REVOKE, 144

object type, 114–123, 114

package, 120–121, 120, 157

package, and GRANT, 133

package, and REVOKE, 143

PASSTHRU, 122, 134, 143–144

PUBLIC, 112, 121, 128, 131, 133, 138, 141, 143, 145, 171, 577, 579


REFERENCES, 116–117, 123, 129, 134, 139, 144, 156, 158, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578

requirements for granting/revoking, 146, 147t

RESTRICT clause and, 142

REVOKE and, 137–146, 154, 159

routine, 119–120, 120

routine, and GRANT, 131–133

routine, and REVOKE, 131–133

schema, 115, 115, 193

schema, and GRANT, 128

schema, and REVOKE, 138–139

SECADM, 105, 106, 111–112, 127, 137, 147t, 149t

SELECT, 116, 117, 118, 123, 129, 130, 134, 139, 140, 144, 145, 149t, 151, 155, 156, 158

sequence, 119, 119

sequence, and GRANT, 131

sequence, and REVOKE, 141

server, 121–122, 122

server, and GRANT, 133–134

server, and REVOKE, 143–144

SQL and, 170, 171

stored procedures and, 152, 154, 160

System Administrator (SYSADM) and. See System Administrator

table, 152, 153, 158

table, and GRANT, 129

table, and REVOKE, 139

table space, 114, 114

table space, and GRANT, 128

table space, and REVOKE, 138

table type, 115–117, 116, 126, 126

UNIX and. See UNIX

UPDATE, 116, 117, 123, 129, 130, 134, 139, 140, 144, 149t, 156, 158

USAGE, 119, 131, 135, 141, 145, 159

USE, 114, 115, 124

view, 117–118, 117, 155, 156

view, and GRANT, 130

view, and REVOKE, 140

Windows and. See Windows


zSeries and. See zSeries

Procedures, 586

Procedures, stored. See stored procedures

Processing of your certification, 34

Professional Certification title/trademark, 34

Project Engineer, 13

Project Explorer, 14

PUBLIC, 112, 121, 128, 131, 133, 138, 141, 143, 145, 171, 577, 579

Publications, exam preparation, 16

pureXML, 38, 40, 42, 50, 60

PYTHON, 9, 48

DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification Study Guide
DB2 9 Fundamentals: Certification Study Guide
ISBN: 1583470727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 93

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