Eleven percent (11%) of the DB2 9 Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 730) is designed to test your knowledge about the mechanisms DB2 uses to protect data and database objects against unauthorized access and modification. The questions that make up this portion of the exam are intended to evaluate the following:
Your ability to identify the methods that can be used to restrict access to data stored in a DB2 database
Your ability to identify the authorization levels used by DB2
Your ability to identify the privileges used by DB2
Your ability to identify how specific authorizations and/or privileges are given to a user or group
Your ability to identify how specific authorizations and/or privileges are taken away from a user or group
This chapter is designed to introduce you to the various authorizations and privileges that are available with DB2 9 and to the tools that are used to give (grant) one or more of these authorizations and/or privileges to various users and groups. This chapter will also show you how to revoke one or more authorizations or privileges a user or group currently holds.