

L matrices
MIXED procedure, 2681, 2687, 2742
label collision avoidance , 351
ODS Graphics, 351
lack of fit tests, 3712, 3759
RSREG procedure, 4046
lag functionality
NLMIXED procedure, 3081
Lagrange multiplier
covariance matrix, 3030
NLMIXED procedure, 3093
statistics (GENMOD), 1668
test statistics (LIFEREG), 2110
test, modification indices (CALIS), 584, 673, 674
lambda asymmetric, 1474, 1482
lambda symmetric, 1474, 1483
Lance-Williams flexible-beta method,
See flexible-beta method
Lance-Williams nonmetric coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
latent variables
CALIS procedure, 549, 601, 625
PLS procedure, 3367
latent vectors
PLS procedure, 3367
LATEX destination
ODS Graphics, 326, 335
LaTeX output
examples, ODS Graphics, 358
ODS Graphics, 334, 337
Latin square design
ANOVA procedure, 472
generating with PLAN procedure, 3356
lattice design
balanced square lattice (LATTICE), 2069
efficiency (LATTICE), 2071, 2075, 2078
partially balanced square lattice (LATTICE), 2069, 2076
rectangular lattice (LATTICE), 2069
lattice layouts
ODS Graphics, 381
LATTICE procedure
adjusted treatment means, 2075
ANOVA table, 2074
Block variable, 2069, 2072, 2073
compared to MIXED procedure, 2665
covariance, 2075
Group variable, 2069, 2072, 2073
lattice design efficiency, 2071, 2075
least significant differences, 2075
missing values, 2074
ODS table names , 2075
Rep variable, 2069, 2072, 2073
response variable, 2072
Treatmnt variable, 2069, 2072, 2073
variance of means, 2074
layout area
ODS Graphics, 342
LD statistic
PHREG procedure, 3234, 3260
leader algorithm, 1380
least significant differences
LATTICE procedure, 2075
least-significant-difference test, 445, 1769
least-squares estimation
LIFEREG procedure, 2108
least-squares means
Bonferroni adjustment (GLM), 1754
Bonferroni adjustment (MIXED), 2688
BYLEVEL processing (MIXED), 2689
coefficient adjustment, 1822
compared to means (GLM), 1804
comparison types (GLM), 1757
comparison types (MIXED), 2690
construction of, 1820
covariate values (GLM), 1755
covariate values (MIXED), 2688
Dunnett's adjustment (GLM), 1754
Dunnett's adjustment (MIXED), 2688
examples (GLM), 1859, 1866
examples (MIXED), 2796, 2819
GLM procedure, 1753
Hsu's adjustment (GLM), 1754
Hsu's adjustment (MIXED), 2688
mixed model (MIXED), 2687
multiple comparisons adjustment (GLM), 1754, 1757
multiple comparisons adjustment (MIXED), 2687
nonstandard weights (GLM), 1756
nonstandard weights (MIXED), 2690
observed margins (GLM), 1756
observed margins (MIXED), 2690
Sidak's adjustment (GLM), 1754
Sidak's adjustment (MIXED), 2688
simple effects (GLM), 1758, 1817
simple effects (MIXED), 2691
simulation-based adjustment (GLM), 1754
simulation-based adjustment (MIXED), 2688
Tukey's adjustment (GLM), 1754
Tukey's adjustment (MIXED), 2688
Lee-Wei-Amato model
PHREG procedure, 3251, 3314
left truncation time
PHREG procedure, 3229, 3263
less-than -full-rank model
TRANSREG procedure, 4569, 4672
level of measurement
MDS procedure, 2472, 2481
levels of measurement
DISTANCE procedure, 1249
levels, of class variable, 1784
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
CALIS procedure, 578, 581, 665
Levene's test for homogeneity of variance
ANOVA procedure, 443
GLM procedure, 1767, 1819, 1893
MIXED Procedure, 2767
leverage, 1774
TRANSREG procedure, 4587
life data
GENMOD procedure, 1701
life-table estimate
LIFETEST procedure, 2149, 2186, 2211
lifereg analysis
insets , 2092
LIFEREG procedure, 2083
accelerated failure time models, 2083
censoring, 2094
computational details, 2108
computational resources, 2123
Confidence intervals, 2115
failure time, 2083
INEST= data sets, 2121
information matrix, 2083, 2084, 2108
initial estimates, 2108
inset, 2092
Lagrange multiplier test statistics, 2110
least-squares estimation, 2108
log- likelihood function, 2084, 2108
log-likelihood ratio tests, 2084
main effects, 2108
maximum likelihood estimates, 2083
missing values, 2108
Newton-Raphson algorithm, 2083
OUTEST= data sets, 2121
output table names, 2124
predicted values, 2114
supported distributions, 2111
survival function, 2083, 2111
Tobit model, 2085, 2129
XDATA= data sets, 2122
LIFETEST procedure
arcsine-square root transform, 2205
arcsine-square root transformation, 2169, 2177
association tests, 2150, 2156, 2180, 2191, 2200
censored, 2186
computational formulas, 2171
confidence bands, 2169, 2176
confidence limits, 2174, 2183, 2184
cumulative distribution function, 2149
effective sample size , 2172, 2173
equal precision bands, 2178, 2205
Fleming-Harrington G test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168
Hall-Wellner bands, 2177, 2205
hazard function, 2149, 2214
homogeneity tests, 2149, 2154, 2178, 2200
interval determination, 2174
life-table estimate, 2149, 2172, 2186, 2209, 2211
likelihood ratio test for homogeneity, 2150, 2179
lineprinter plots, 2159
log-log transformation, 2170, 2177
log-rank test for association, 2150, 2180
log-rank test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168, 2178
logarithmic transformation, 2170, 2177
logit transformation, 2170, 2177
median residual time, 2186
missing stratum values, 2166, 2167
missing values, 2171
modified Peto-Peto test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168
ODS graph names, 2191
ODS table names, 2188
output data sets, 2183
partial listing, 2165
Peto-Peto test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168
probability density function, 2149, 2214
product-limit estimate, 2149, 2171, 2185, 2191
stratified tests, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2158, 2167, 2180, 2187
survival distribution function, 2149, 2171
Tarone-Ware test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168
traditional high-resolution graphics, 2159
trend tests, 2150, 2168, 2179, 2187
Wilcoxon test for association, 2150, 2180
Wilcoxon test for homogeneity, 2150, 2168, 2178
likelihood displacement
PHREG procedure, 3234, 3260
Likelihood distance
MIXED procedure, 2770
likelihood function, 3756
likelihood ratio chi-square test, 3756, 3759
likelihood ratio test, 2780
Bartlett's modification, 1150
CALIS procedure, 653, 674
example (MIXED), 2794
mixed model (MIXED), 2741, 2743
MIXED procedure, 2751
PHREG procedure, 3246, 3269
TPHREG procedure, 4486
likelihood ratio test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150
likelihood residuals
GENMOD procedure, 1670
likelihood-ratio chi-square test, 1469
power and sample size (POWER), 3457, 3463, 3525
likelihood-ratio test
chi-square (FREQ), 1471
line colors, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 369
line patterns, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 369
line printer plots
REG procedure, 3848, 3882
line thickness , modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 376
line-search methods
NLMIXED procedure, 3066, 3067, 3096
linear discriminant function, 1139
linear equations model,
See LINEQS model
linear hypotheses
PHREG procedure, 3217, 3238, 3247
linear model
GENMOD procedure, 1612, 1613
linear models
CATMOD procedure, 814
compared with log-linear models, 817
linear predictor
GENMOD procedure, 1611, 1612, 1618, 1661, 1689
PHREG procedure, 3225, 3233, 3235, 3302, 3303
linear rank tests,
See association tests
linear regression
TRANSREG procedure, 4592
linear structural relationship model,
See LISREL model
linear structure
MIXED procedure, 2721
linear transformation
PRINQUAL procedure, 3662
TRANSREG procedure, 4563, 4610
LINEQS model
CALIS procedure, 553, 601
specification, 560
structural model example (CALIS), 558, 562
link function
built-in (GENMOD), 1614, 1639
GENMOD procedure, 1611, 1612, 1653
LOGISTIC procedure, 2281, 2312, 2334, 2344
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4243, 4263, 4273
user -defined (GENMOD), 1634
LISREL model
CALIS procedure, 554
structural model example (CALIS), 559
LMAX statistic
PHREG procedure, 3260
local influence
DFBETA statistics (PHREG), 3234, 3260
score residuals (PHREG), 3234, 3259
weighted score residuals (PHREG), 3260
local kriging
KRIGE2D procedure, 2034
LOESS procedure
approximate degrees of freedom, 2246
automatic smoothing parameter selection, 2243
data scaling, 2239
direct fitting method, 2240
graphics, 2250
introductory example, 2220
iterative reweighting, 2242
kd trees and blending, 2241
local polynomials , 2242
local weighting , 2242
missing values, 2238
ODS graph names, 2250
output data sets, 2238
output table names, 2248
scoring data sets, 2248
statistical inference, 2243
log likelihood
output data sets (LOGISTIC), 2294
log odds
LOGISTIC procedure, 2347
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4289
log-interval level of measurement
DISTANCE procedure, 1250
functions (GENMOD), 1654
log-likelihood function
LIFEREG procedure, 2084, 2108
PROBIT procedure, 3756
log-likelihood ratio tests
LIFEREG procedure, 2084
log-linear models
CATMOD procedure, 814, 870, 1616
compared with linear models, 817
design matrix (CATMOD), 884
examples (CATMOD), 916, 919
GENMOD procedure, 1616
multiple populations (CATMOD), 872
one population (CATMOD), 871
log-linear variance model
MIXED procedure, 2718
log-log transformation
LIFETEST procedure, 2170, 2177
log-rank test
PHREG procedure, 3219
log-rank test for association
LIFETEST procedure, 2150
log-rank test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168, 2178
power and sample size (POWER), 3473, 3481, 3533, 3561
logarithmic transformation
LIFETEST procedure, 2170, 2177
logistic analysis
CATMOD procedure, 815, 868
caution (CATMOD), 870
examples (CATMOD), 933
ordinal data, 815
logistic distribution, 2083, 2097, 2111, 3705
PROBIT procedure, 3757
LOGISTIC procedure
Akaike's information criterion, 2341
Bayes' theorem, 2314
best subset selection, 2308
branch and bound algorithm, 2341
classification table, 2314, 2352, 2353, 2422
conditional logistic regression, 2365
confidence intervals, 2314, 2315, 2319, 2345, 2346
confidence limits, 2350
convergence criterion, 2308
customized odds ratio, 2328
descriptive statistics, 2294
deviance , 2308, 2316, 2354
DFBETAS diagnostic, 2360
dispersion parameter, 2354
displayed output, 2381
estimability checking, 2300
exact logistic regression, 2300, 2369
existence of MLEs, 2338
Fisher's scoring method, 2317, 2318, 2336
goodness of fit, 2308, 2316
gradient, 2343
hat matrix, 2359
Hessian matrix, 2317, 2343
hierarchy, 2310
Hosmer-Lemeshow test, 2312, 2356, 2357
infinite parameter estimates, 2313
initial values, 2376
introductory example, 2284
link function, 2281, 2312, 2334, 2344
log odds, 2347
maximum likelihood algorithms, 2336
missing values, 2329
model fitting criteria, 2341
model hierarchy, 2283, 2310
model selection, 2306, 2317, 2340
multiple classifications, 2315
Newton-Raphson algorithm, 2317, 2318, 2336, 2338
odds ratio confidence limits, 2308, 2315
odds ratio estimation, 2347
ODS graph names, 2390
ODS table names, 2386
output data sets, 2294, 2374, 2376, 2377
output ROC data sets, 2378
overdispersion, 2316, 2354, 2355
Pearson's chi-square, 2308, 2316, 2354
predicted probabilities, 2350
prior event probability, 2314, 2353, 2422
profile likelihood convergence criterion, 2314
rank correlation, 2350
regression diagnostics, 2359
residuals, 2360
response level ordering, 2305, 2329, 2330
reverse response level ordering, 2290
ROC curve, 2314, 2357
Schwarz criterion, 2341
score statistics, 2343
selection methods, 2306, 2317, 2340
singular contrast matrix, 2300
subpopulation, 2308, 2316, 2355
testing linear hypotheses, 2327, 2358
Williams' method, 2355
logistic regression, 3705,
See also LOGISTIC procedure
See also SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure
CATMOD procedure, 814, 869
examples (CATMOD), 911
GENMOD procedure, 1613, 1697
logistic regression method
MI procedure, 2546
logit transformation
LIFETEST procedure, 2170, 2177
See adjacent-category logits
See also cumulative logits
See also generalized logits
loglogistic distribution, 2083, 2097, 2111
lognormal data
power and sample size (POWER), 3434, 3437, 3438, 3450, 3455, 3456, 3465, 3472, 3509, 3511, 3519, 3521, 3529, 3531, 3552
lognormal distribution, 2083, 2097, 2111
long run times
NLMIXED procedure, 3098
Longley data set, 3197
L p clustering
FASTCLUS procedure, 1379
L p clustering
FASTCLUS procedure, 1391
lpred plots
annotating, 3737
axes, color , 3737
font, specifying, 3737
reference lines, options, 3737-3739, 3741
threshold lines, options, 3740
PROBIT procedure, 3733
LR statistics
MI procedure, 2555
See least-squares means
lsd (least significant differences)
LATTICE procedure, 2075
LSD test, 1769

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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