

MAC method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643, 3669
TRANSREG procedure, 4588
Mahalanobis distance, 791, 1158
CANDISC procedure, 804
main effects
design matrix (CATMOD), 877
GENMOD procedure, 1660
LIFEREG procedure, 2108
MIXED procedure, 2744
model parameterization (GLM), 1788
specifying (ANOVA), 451, 452
specifying (CATMOD), 864
specifying (GLM), 1784
TRANSREG procedure, 4558, 4594
Mallows' C p selection
REG procedure, 3875
manifest variables
CALIS procedure, 549
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3166
See multivariate analysis of variance
CANDISC procedure, 786
Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test, 1469, 1472
Mantel-Haenszel test
log-rank test (PHREG), 3219
MI procedure, 2537, 2564
marginal probabilities,
See also response functions
specifying in CATMOD procedure, 853
Marginal residuals
MIXED procedure, 2764
marker symbols, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 369
martingale residuals
PHREG procedure, 3234, 3258, 3302
matched comparisons,
See paired comparisons
Matern covariance structure
MIXED procedure, 2721
offspring and parent (INBREED), 1981
self (INBREED), 1980
decompositions (CORRESP), 1079, 1100
factor, defined for factor analysis (FACTOR), 1292
inversion (CALIS), 647
multiplication (SCORE), 4065
names , default (CALIS), 608
notation, theory (MIXED), 2731
properties, COSAN model (CALIS), 592
matrix properties
COSAN model (CALIS), 592
MATRIX statement (CALIS)
factor analysis model, 595
maximum average correlation method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643, 3669
maximum likelihood
algorithms (LOGISTIC), 2336
algorithms (SURVEYLOGISTIC), 4275
estimates (LIFEREG), 2083
estimates (LOGISTIC), 2338
estimates (SURVEYLOGISTIC), 4277
estimation (CATMOD), 817, 843, 895
estimation (GENMOD), 1655
hierarchical clustering (CLUSTER), 967, 971, 980, 981
NLMIXED procedure, 3048
maximum likelihood estimation
mixed model (MIXED), 2738
maximum likelihood factor analysis, 1291, 1311
with FACTOR procedure, 1297, 1298
maximum method,
See complete linkage
maximum total variance method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643
MI procedure, 2537
PHREG procedure, 3225
MCMC method
MI procedure, 2547
MCMC monotone-data imputation
MI procedure, 2565
McNemar's test, 1493, 1494
power and sample size (POWER), 3443, 3447, 3448, 3516, 3517
McQuitty's similarity analysis
CLUSTER procedure, 967
MIXED procedure, 2768
MDFFITS for covariance parameters
MIXED procedure, 2769
MDPREF analysis
PRINQUAL procedure, 3678
MDS procedure
alternating least squares, 2476
analyzing data in groups, 2485
asymmetric data, 2484
badness of fit, 2479, 2482, 2483, 2489, 2490
conditional data, 2477
configuration, 2471, 2482, 2483, 2489
convergence criterion, 2478, 2480, 2481
coordinates, 2482, 2483, 2488, 2489
data weights, 2487
dimension coefficients, 2471, 2472, 2477, 2482, 2483, 2488, 2489
dissimilarity data, 2471, 2478, 2484
distance data, 2471, 2478, 2484
Euclidean distances, 2472, 2477, 2488
external unfolding, 2471
individual difference models, 2471
INDSCAL model, 2471, 2477
initial values, 2480-2484, 2491
measurement level, 2472, 2481
metric multidimensional scaling, 2471
missing values, 2492
multidimensional scaling, 2471
nonmetric multidimensional scaling, 2471, 2472
normalization of the estimates, 2492
optimal transformations, 2472, 2481
output table names, 2497
partitions, 2477, 2488
plot of configuration, 2504, 2505
plot of dimension coefficients, 2504, 2506
plot of linear fit, 2503
%PLOTIT macro, 2474
plots, 2474
proximity data, 2471, 2478, 2484
residuals, 2483, 2487, 2488, 2491, 2503
similarity data, 2471, 2478, 2484
stress formula, 2479, 2480, 2489
subject weights, 2471, 2477
three-way multidimensional scaling, 2471
ties, 2485
transformations, 2472, 2481, 2482, 2484, 2487-2489
transformed data, 2491
transformed distances, 2491
unfolding, 2471
weighted Euclidean distance, 2472, 2477, 2488
weighted Euclidean model, 2471, 2477
weighted least squares, 2487
mean function
PHREG procedure, 3224, 3226, 3244, 3245, 3253, 3255
mean per element
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4337
mean separation tests,
See multiple comparison procedures
mean survival time
time limit (LIFETEST), 2164
MEAN= data sets
FASTCLUS procedure, 1393, 1394
ANOVA procedure, 440
compared to least-squares means (GLM), 1804
displayed in CLUSTER procedure, 972
GLM procedure, 1763
power and sample size (POWER), 3432, 3448, 3463, 3471, 3526
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4337
weighted (GLM), 1820
MEANS procedure, 21
means, difference between
independent samples, 4775, 4789
paired observations, 4775
measurement level
MDS procedure, 2472, 2481
measures of agreement, 1493
cluster, 1389, 1392
method (CLUSTER), 967, 981
median residual time
LIFETEST procedure, 2186
median scores
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3167
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4302
Mehta and Patel, network algorithm, 1509, 3172
memory requirements
ACECLUS procedure, 410
CLUSTER procedure, 986
FACTOR procedure, 1335
FASTCLUS procedure, 1402
MIXED procedure, 2775
reduction of (ANOVA), 434
reduction of (GLM), 1747
VARCLUS procedure, 4818
memory usage
SIM2D procedure, 4110
Merle-Spath algorithm
FASTCLUS procedure, 1392
METHOD= specification
PROC CLUSTER statement, 966
methods of estimation
VARCOMP procedure, 4831, 4842
metric multidimensional scaling
MDS procedure, 2471
MGV method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643
MI procedure
adjusted degrees of freedom, 2562
analyst's model, 2563
approximate Bayesian bootstrap, 2543
arbitrary missing pattern, 2539
autocorrelation function plot, 2557
Bayes' theorem, 2547
Bayesian inference, 2547
between-imputation variance, 2561
bootstrap, 2527
combining inferences, 2561
converge in EM algorithm, 2522
convergence in EM algorithm, 2527
convergence in MCMC, 2555, 2566
degrees of freedom, 2561
discriminant function method, 2544
EM algorithm, 2536, 2566
fraction of missing information, 2562
imputation methods, 2539
imputation model, 2565
imputer's model, 2563
input data set, 2519, 2526, 2558
introductory example, 2513
logistic regression method, 2546
LR statistics, 2555
MAR, 2537, 2564
MCAR, 2537
MCMC method, 2547
MCMC monotone-data imputation, 2565
missing at random, 2537, 2564
monotone missing pattern, 2538
multiple imputation efficiency, 2562
multivariate normality assumption, 2565
number of imputations, 2565
ODS graph names, 2567
ODS table names, 2566
output data sets, 2520, 2528, 2559
output parameter estimates, 2528
parameter simulation, 2564
predictive mean matching method, 2542
producing monotone missingness, 2552
propensity score method, 2543, 2565
random number generators, 2520
regression method, 2541, 2565
relative efficiency, 2562
relative increase in variance, 2562
saving graphics output, 2526
singularity, 2521
Summary of Issues in Multiple Imputation, 2564
suppressing output, 2520
syntax, 2517
time-series plot, 2556
total variance, 2561
transformation, 2533
within-imputation variance, 2561
worst linear function of parameters, 2556
MI procedure, EM statement
output data sets, 2523
MIANALYZE procedure
adjusted degrees of freedom, 2625
average relative increase in variance, 2627
between-imputation covariance matrix, 2626
between-imputation variance, 2624
combining inferences, 2624
degrees of freedom, 2625, 2627
fraction of missing information, 2625
input data sets, 2620
introductory example, 2610
multiple imputation efficiency, 2626
multivariate inferences, 2626
ODS table names, 2631
relative efficiency, 2626
relative increase in variance, 2625
syntax, 2613
testing linear hypotheses, 2618, 2628
total covariance matrix, 2627
total variance, 2625
within-imputation covariance matrix, 2626
within-imputation variance, 2624
minimum generalized variance method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643
Minkowski metric
STDIZE procedure, 4138
Minkowski L(p) distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
misclassification probabilities
discriminant analysis, 1140
missing at random
MI procedure, 2537, 2564
missing level combinations
MIXED procedure, 2748
missing stratum values
LIFETEST procedure, 2166, 2167
missing values
ACECLUS procedure, 409
and interactivity (GLM), 1787
CANCORR procedure, 765
character (PRINQUAL), 3662
CLUSTER procedure, 987
DISTANCE procedure, 1261, 1262, 1267, 1276
FASTCLUS procedure, 1380, 1381, 1391, 1393, 1397
LIFEREG procedure, 2108
LIFETEST procedure, 2171
LOGISTIC procedure, 2329
MDS procedure, 2492
MODECLUS procedure, 2883
MULTTEST procedure, 2960
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3162
PHREG procedure, 3228, 3236, 3286
PRINCOMP procedure, 3608
PRINQUAL procedure, 3655, 3667, 3674
PROBIT procedure, 3755
SCORE procedure, 4074
STDIZE procedure, 4131, 4133
strata variables (PHREG), 3237
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4205
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4251, 4268
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4323, 4333, 4358
SURVEYREG procedure, 4382
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4445
TRANSREG procedure, 4578, 4599, 4600, 4605
TREE procedure, 4756
VARCOMP procedure, 4837
mixed model
unbalanced (GLM), 1882
VARCOMP procedure, 4837
mixed model (MIXED),
See also MIXED procedure
estimation, 2737
formulation, 2732
hypothesis tests, 2742, 2751
inference, 2741
inference space, 2681, 2682, 2685, 2781
least-squares means, 2687
likelihood ratio test, 2741, 2743
linear model, 2661
maximum likelihood estimation, 2738
notation, 2663
objective function, 2749
parameterization, 2743
predicted values, 2687
restricted maximum likelihood, 2779
theory, 2731
Wald test, 2741, 2786
mixed model equations
example (MIXED), 2796
MIXED procedure, 2678, 2739
MIXED Procedure
Leverage, 2767
PRESS Residual, 2766
PRESS Statistic, 2766
MIXED procedure,
See also mixed model
2D geometric anisotropic structure, 2721
Akaike's information criterion, 2676, 2740, 2750
Akaike's information criterion (finite sample corrected version) , 2676, 2750
ante-dependence structure, 2721
ARIMA procedure, compared, 2665
ARMA structure, 2721
assumptions, 2661
asymptotic covariance, 2674
at sign (@) operator, 2745, 2819
AUTOREG procedure, compared, 2665
autoregressive structure, 2721, 2788
banded Toeplitz structure, 2721
bar () operator, 2743, 2745, 2819
basic features, 2662
Bayesian analysis, 2708
between-within method, 2693
BLUE, 2740
BLUP, 2740, 2809
Bonferroni adjustment, 2688
boundary constraints, 2707, 2708, 2773
Box plots, 2762
BYLEVEL processing of LSMEANS, 2689
CALIS procedure, compared, 2665
Cholesky root, 2704, 2764, 2772
class level, 2678
classification variables, 2681
compound symmetry structure, 2721, 2733, 2789, 2794
computational details, 2772
computational order, 2773
Conditional residuals, 2764
confidence interval, 2686, 2713
confidence limits, 2674, 2685, 2689, 2692, 2713
containment method, 2693
continuous effects, 2714, 2715, 2717, 2721
continuous-by-class effects, 2746
continuous-nesting-class effects, 2745
contrasted SAS procedures, 1735, 1833, 1885, 2664, 2665, 2985
contrasts, 2681, 2685
convergence criterion, 2674, 2675, 2749, 2775
convergence problems, 2774
Cook's D, 2768
Cook's D for covariance parameters, 2768
correlation estimates, 2713, 2716, 2720, 2791
correlations of least-squares means, 2689
covariance parameter estimates, 2674, 2676, 2750
covariance parameter estimates, ratio, 2680
covariance parameters, 2661
covariance structures, 2664, 2721, 2723, 2782
covariances of least-squares means, 2689
covariate values for LSMEANS, 2688
covariates, 2743
COVRATIO for covariance parameters, 2770
COVTRACE for covariance parameters, 2770
CPU requirements, 2776
crossed effects, 2744
degrees of freedom, 2682, 2684-2687, 2690, 2693, 2705, 2742, 2747, 2751, 2774, 2809
DFFITS, 2768
dimensions, 2677, 2678
direct product structure, 2721
Dunnett's adjustment, 2688
EBLUPs, 2715, 2740, 2801, 2817
effect name length, 2678
empirical best linear unbiased prediction, 2703
empirical sandwich estimator , 2676
estimability, 2682-2684, 2686, 2687, 2691, 2704, 2705, 2742, 2748
estimable functions, 2702
estimation methods, 2677
factor analytic structures, 2721
Fisher information matrix, 2750, 2796
Fisher's scoring method, 2674, 2680, 2774
fitting information, 2750, 2751
fixed effects, 2663
fixed-effects parameters, 2661, 2705, 2732
fixed-effects variance matrix, 2705
function evaluations, 2677
G matrix, 2712
general linear structure, 2721
generalized inverse, 2684, 2740
gradient, 2675, 2749
grid search, 2706, 2796
growth curve analysis, 2733
Hannan-Quinn information criterion, 2676
Hessian matrix, 2674, 2675, 2680, 2707, 2749, 2750, 2774, 2775, 2786, 2796
heterogeneity, 2714, 2717, 2792
heterogeneous AR(1) structure, 2721
heterogeneous compound-symmetry structure, 2721
heterogeneous covariance structures, 2730
heterogeneous Toeplitz structure, 2721
hierarchical model, 2810
Hotelling-Lawley-McKeon statistic, 2717
Hotelling-Lawley-Pillai-Sampson statistic, 2718
Hsu's adjustment, 2688
Huynh-Feldt structure, 2721
infinite likelihood, 2717, 2773, 2775
Influence diagnostics details, 2765
Influence plots, 2760
information criteria, 2676
initial values, 2706
input data sets, 2676
interaction effects, 2744
intercept, 2743
intercept effect, 2703, 2713
intraclass correlation coefficient, 2791
introductory example, 2665
iterations, 2677, 2749
Kenward-Roger method, 2695
Kronecker product structure, 2721
L matrices, 2681, 2687, 2742
LATTICE procedure, compared, 2665
least-square means, 2796
least-squares means, 2690, 2819
Likelihood distance, 2770
likelihood ratio test, 2751
linear structure, 2721
log-linear variance model, 2718
main effects, 2744
MAKE statement in Version 6, 2757
Marginal residuals, 2764
Matern covariance structure, 2721
matrix notation, 2731
MDFFITS for covariance parameters, 2769
memory requirements, 2775
missing level combinations, 2748
mixed linear model, 2661
mixed model, 2732
mixed model equations, 2678, 2739, 2796
mixed model theory, 2731
model information, 2678
model selection, 2740
multilevel model, 2810
multiple comparisons of least-squares means, 2687, 2690
multiple tables, 2754
multivariate tests, 2717
nested effects, 2745
nested error structure, 2814
NESTED procedure, compared, 2665
Newton-Raphson algorithm, 2738
non-full-rank parameterization, 2664, 2718, 2747
nonstandard weights for LSMEANS, 2690
nugget effect, 2718
Oblique projector, 2767
observed margins for LSMEANS, 2690
ODS graph names, 2762
ODS Graphics, 2757
ODS table names, 2752
ordering of effects, 2679, 2746
over-parameterization, 2744
parameter constraints, 2707, 2773
parameterization, 2743
Pearson Residual, 2704
pharmaceutical stability, example, 2810
Plots of leave-one-out-estimates, 2760
plotting the likelihood, 2801
polynomial effects, 2743
power-of-the-mean model, 2718
predicted means, 2704
predicted value confidence intervals, 2692
predicted values, 2703, 2796
prior density, 2709
profiling residual variance, 2679, 2708, 2718, 2738, 2772
R matrix, 2716, 2720
random coefficients, 2788, 2810
random effects, 2663, 2712
random-effects parameter, 2715
random-effects parameters, 2662, 2732
regression effects, 2743
rejection sampling, 2711
repeated measures, 2662, 2716, 2782
Residual diagnostics details, 2763
residual method, 2694
Residual plots, 2758
residual variance tolerance, 2705
restricted maximum likelihood (REML), 2662
ridging, 2680, 2738
sandwich estimator, 2676
Satterthwaite method, 2694
Scaled Residual, 2705
Scaled residuals, 2764
Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion, 2676, 2740, 2750
scoring, 2674, 2680, 2774
Sidak's adjustment, 2688
simple effects, 2691
simulation-based adjustment, 2688
singularities, 2775
spatial anisotropic exponential structure, 2721
spatial covariance structures, 2722, 2723, 2730, 2774
split-plot design, 2734, 2777
standard linear model, 2663
statement positions , 2672
Studentized Residual, 2704
Studentized residuals, 2768
subject effect, 2683, 2715, 2721, 2776, 2782
summary of commands, 2672
sweep operator, 2768, 2772
table names, 2752
test components , 2702
Toeplitz structure, 2721, 2819
TSCSREG procedure, compared, 2665
Tukey's adjustment, 2688
Type 1 estimation, 2677
Type 2 estimation, 2677
Type 3 estimation, 2677
Type I testing, 2696
Type II testing, 2696
Type III testing, 2696, 2751
unstructured R matrix, 2720
unstructured correlations, 2721
unstructured covariance matrix, 2721
VARCOMP procedure, example, 2795
variance components, 2662, 2721
variance ratios, 2707, 2714
Wald test, 2750, 2751
weighted LSMEANS, 2690
weighting , 2730
zero design columns , 2696
zero variance component estimates, 2774
MIXED procedure, MODEL statement
Influence diagnostics, 2700
ML factor analysis
and computer time, 1297
and confidence intervals, 1294, 1297, 1327
and multivariate normal distribution, 1297
and standard errors, 1297
modal clusters
density estimation (CLUSTER), 970
modal region, definition, 2878
MODECLUS procedure
analyzing data in groups, 2857, 2874
cascaded density estimates, 2873
clustering methods, 2856, 2874
clusters, definition, 2878
clusters, plotting, 2878
compared with other procedures, 2856
cross validated density estimates, 2872
density estimation, 2870
example using GPLOT procedure, 2916, 2923
example using TRACE option, 2927
example using TRANSPOSE procedure, 2912
fixed-radius kernels , 2870
functional summary, 2862
Hertzsprung-Russell Plot, example, 2923
JOIN option, discussion, 2880
modal region, 2878
neighborhood distribution function (NDF), definition, 2878
nonparametric clustering methods, 2855
output data sets, 2883
p -value computation, 2877
plotting samples from univariate distributions, 2889
population clusters, risks of estimating, 2877
saddle test, definition, 2879
scaling variables, 2856
significance tests, 2916
standardizing, 2856
summary of options, 2862
variable-radius kernels, 2870
fit summary (REG), 3896
fitting criteria (LOGISTIC), 2341
fitting criteria (SURVEYLOGISTIC), 4279
hierarchy (LOGISTIC), 2283, 2310
hierarchy (TPHREG), 4473, 4475
information (MIXED), 2678
parameterization (GLM), 1787
specification (ANOVA), 451
specification (GLM), 1784
specification (NLMIXED, 3077
model assessment, 1718, 1725
PHREG procedure, 3223, 3265, 3271, 3318
model checking, 1718, 1725
model selection
entry (PHREG), 3230
examples (REG), 3924
LOGISTIC procedure, 2306, 2317, 2340
MIXED procedure, 2740
PHREG procedure, 3216, 3229, 3264
REG procedure, 3800, 3873, 3876, 3877
removal (PHREG), 3230
modification indices
CALIS procedure, 576, 649, 673
constraints (CALIS), 584
displaying (CALIS), 687
Lagrange multiplier test (CALIS), 584, 673, 674
Wald test (CALIS), 584, 674
modified Peto-Peto test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168
modified ridit scores, 1469
monoecious population analysis
example (INBREED), 1985
regression function (TRANSREG), 4629
transformations (TRANSREG), 4593
monotone missing pattern
MI procedure, 2538
transformation (PRINQUAL), 3662, 3663
transformation (TRANSREG), 4563, 4564, 4610
transformation, B-spline (PRINQUAL), 3662
transformation, B-spline (TRANSREG), 4563, 4611
Monte Carlo estimation
FREQ procedure, 1443, 1445, 1512
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3174
Mood scores
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3168
MORALS method
TRANSREG procedure, 4576
mortality test
MULTTEST procedure, 2952, 2972
SURVEYREG procedure, 4388
MTV method
PRINQUAL procedure, 3643
REG procedure, 3895
multidimensional preference analysis
PRINQUAL procedure, 3678, 3688
multidimensional scaling
MDS procedure, 2471
metric (MDS), 2471
nonmetric (MDS), 2471, 2472
three-way (MDS), 2471
multilevel model
example (MIXED), 2810
multilevel response, 3759
distribution (GENMOD), 1653
models (GENMOD), 1671
multiple classifications
cutpoints (LOGISTIC), 2315
multiple comparison procedures, 1806,
See also multiple comparisons of means
See also multiple comparisons of least-squares means
GLM procedure, 1763
multiple-stage tests, 1814
pairwise (GLM), 1807
recommendations, 1816
with a control (GLM), 1807, 1812
multiple comparisons adjustment (MIXED)
least-squares means, 2687
multiple comparisons of least-squares means,
See also multiple comparison procedures
GLM procedure, 1754, 1757, 1808
interpretation, 1816
MIXED procedure, 2687, 2690
multiple comparisons of means,
See also multiple comparison procedures
ANOVA procedure, 440
Bonferroni t test, 441, 1765
Duncan's multiple range test, 442, 1766
Dunnett's test, 442, 1766, 1767
error mean square, 443, 1767
examples, 1847
Fisher's LSD test, 445, 1769
Gabriel's procedure, 443, 1767
GLM procedure, 1806, 1808
GT2 method, 444, 1769
interpretation, 1816
Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch test, 444, 1768
Scheff 's procedure, 444, 1769
Sidak's adjustment, 444, 1769
SMM, 444, 1769
Student-Newman-Keuls test, 444, 1769
Tukey's studentized range test, 445, 1769
Waller-Duncan method, 443
Waller-Duncan test, 445, 1769
multiple correspondence analysis (MCA)
CORRESP procedure, 1076, 1101, 1123
multiple destinations
examples, ODS Graphics, 360
multiple imputation efficiency
MI procedure, 2562
MIANALYZE procedure, 2626
multiple imputations analysis, 2511, 2609
multiple R-square
SURVEYREG procedure, 4387
multiple redundancy coefficients
TRANSREG procedure, 4590
multiple regression
TRANSREG procedure, 4593
multiple tables
MIXED procedure, 2754
multiple-stage tests, 1814,
See multiple comparison procedures
multiplicative hazards model,
See Andersen-Gill model
multistage sampling, 165
multivariate analysis of variance, 433, 436
CANDISC procedure, 786
examples (GLM), 1868
GLM procedure, 1745, 1759, 1823
hypothesis tests (GLM), 1824
partial correlations, 1824
multivariate general linear hypothesis, 1824
multivariate inferences
MIANALYZE procedure, 2626
multivariate multiple regression
TRANSREG procedure, 4593
multivariate normality assumption
MI procedure, 2565
multivariate tests
MIXED procedure, 2717
REG procedure, 3910
repeated measures, 1828
multiway tables
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4227
MULTTEST procedure
adjusted p -value, 2935, 2956
Bonferroni adjustment, 2939, 2956
bootstrap adjustment, 2938, 2939, 2957
Cochran-Armitage test, 2946, 2948, 2951, 2964
computational resources, 2960
convolution distribution, 2950
displayed output, 2963
double arcsine test, 2951
expected trend, 2951
false discovery rate adjustment, 2959
fast Fourier transform, 2950
Fisher combination adjustment, 2959
Fisher exact test, 2944, 2946, 2954
Freeman-Tukey test, 2946, 2951, 2968
Hochberg adjustment, 2959
Hommel adjustment, 2959
introductory example, 2936
linear trend test, 2949
missing values, 2960
ODS table names, 2963
output data sets, 2961
p -value adjustments, 2935, 2956
permutation adjustment, 2942, 2957, 2975
Peto test, 2946, 2952, 2972
resampled data sets, 2962
Sidak's adjustment, 2942, 2956
statistical tests, 2948
stepdown methods, 2957
strata weights, 2951
t test, 2946, 2955, 2968
Murthy's method
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4454

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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