List of Outputs

Chapter 75: The TRANSREG Procedure

Output 75.1.7: Plots Summarizing Analysis for Spline Example
Output 75.1.1: Fitting a Linear Regression Model with PROC TRANSREG
Output 75.1.2: Fitting a Quadratic Polynomial
Output 75.1.3: Fitting a Piecewise Cubic Polynomial
Output 75.1.4: Piecewise Polynomial with Discontinuous Derivatives
Output 75.1.5: Discontinuous Function and Derivatives
Output 75.1.6: Specifying Number of Knots instead of Knot Location
Output 75.1.7
Output 75.1.8: Scoring Spline Variables Example
Output 75.2.1: Simple Conjoint Analysis
Output 75.3.1: Tire Study, Design Efficiency
Output 75.3.2: Tire Study, Design Evaluation
Output 75.3.3: Tire Study, Design
Output 75.3.4: Conjoint Analysis, Stimuli Descriptions
Output 75.3.5: Conjoint Analysis
output 75.3.6: Summary of Conjoint Analysis Results
Output 75.4.1: Transformation Regression Example: The Nonparametric Model
Output 75.4.2: Plots of Compression Ratio, Equivalence Ratio, and Nitrogen Oxide
Output 75.4.3: Transformation Regression Example: The Parametric Model
Output 75.5.2: Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980
Output 75.5.1: Preference Ratings Example Output
Output 75.6.1: Basic Box-Cox Example, Default Output
Output 75.6.2: Basic Box-Cox Example, Default Output
Output 75.6.3: Basic Box-Cox Example, Several Options Demonstrated
Output 75.6.4: Basic Box-Cox Example, Several Options Demonstrated
Output 75.6.5: Box-Cox Graphical Displays
Output 75.6.6: Box-Cox Graphical Displays
Output 75.6.7: Box-Cox Graphical Displays

Chapter 76: The TREE Procedure

Output 76.1.1: Output from PROC CLUSTER
Output 76.1.2: PROC TREE High-Resolution Graphics
Output 76.1.3: PROC TREE with the LINEPRINTER Option
Output 76.1.4: PROC TREE with SORT and HEIGHT= Options
Output 76.1.5: PROC TREE OUT= Data Set
Output 76.2.1: Clustering of Fisher's Iris Data
Output 76.2.2: Horizontal Tree for Fisher's Iris Data

Chapter 77: The TTEST Procedure

Output 77.1.1: Output Data Set of Summary Statistics
Output 77.1.2: Summary Statistics
Output 77.1.3: t Tests
Output 77.2.1: TTEST Results
Output 77.3.1: TTEST Results

Chapter 78: The VARCLUS Procedure

Output 78.1.1: Principal Cluster Components: Cluster Summary
Output 78.1.2: Standard Scoring Coefficients and Cluster Structure Table
Output 78.1.3: Inter-Cluster Correlations
Output 78.1.4: Centroid Cluster Components: Cluster Summary
Output 78.1.5: Standardized Scoring Coefficients
Output 78.1.6: Cluster Summary for Three Clusters
Output 78.1.7: Cluster Quality Table
Output 78.1.8: Output 78.1.8. Hierarchical Clusters and the SUMMARY Option
Output 78.1.9: TREE Diagram from PROC TREE

Chapter 79: The VARCOMP Procedure

Output 79.1.1: VARCOMP Procedure: Method=TYPE1
Output 79.1.2: VARCOMP Procedure: Method=MIVQUE0
Output 79.1.3: VARCOMP Procedure: Method=ML
Output 79.1.4: VARCOMP Procedure: Method=REML

Chapter 80: The VARIOGRAM Procedure

Output 80.1.1: Summary of Results
Output 80.1.2: Box Plot of the Square Root Difference Cloud

Appendix A: Special SAS Data Sets

Output A.1.1: A TYPE=CORR Data Set Produced by PROC CORR
Output A.1.2: Contents of a TYPE=CORR Data Set
Output A.2.2: A TYPE=CORR Data Set Created by a DATA Step
Output A.3.1: A TYPE=SSCP Data Set Produced by PROC REG
Output A.4.1: A TYPE=EST Data Set Produced by PROC REG

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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