

Which of the following statements will successfully insert a row into the employee table?

     insert into employee values set employeeID=NULL, name='Laura Thomson', job='Programmer', departmentID=128; 
     insert employee values (NULL, 'Laura Thomson', 'Programmer', 128); 
     insert into employee values (NULL, Laura Thomson, Programmer, 128); 
     insert employee values (NULL, 'Laura O'Leary', 'Programmer', 128); 

The REPLACE statement

  1. is similar to INSERT except that where a key clash occurs, it will replace the old row with the new row

  2. is similar to INSERT except that where a key clash occurs, it will keep the old row and discard the new row

  3. is similar to UPDATE except that where a key clash occurs, it will replace the old row with the new row

  4. is similar to UPDATE except that where a key clash occurs, it will keep the old row and discard the new row


The --i-am-a- dummy startup option for the mysql client

  1. prevents you from inserting any data

  2. prevents you from updating data without specifying a key constraint

  3. prevents you from deleting data without specifying a key constraint

  4. both b) and c)


By default, fields in data files for load data infile are separated by

  1. commas

  2. spaces

  3. tabs

  4. pipes


The optional LOCAL clause in LOAD DATA INFILE

  1. specifies that the client and server are running on the same machine

  2. specifies that the data file is on the server

  3. specifies that the data file is on the client

  4. specifies that the server is running on the local host

MySQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
ISBN: 0672325845
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 261

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