delete records

You'll want to delete records if you've sold or cashed in an investment, one has become worthless, or you've simply created a record by mistake. Note that all record deletions are permanent; Undo cannot reverse them.

To delete an investment, locate its record in the Main layout, and do one of the following: click the Delete button at the top of the layout, choose Records > Delete Record, or press /. Click Delete in the dialog box that appears.

If the investment is anything other than a savings bond, it may have transaction records in the related database. Follow these steps to delete the transactions.

Before deleting the investment record in Main, note the data in the field used to identify its transactions. For a savings/money market account, this is Sav_Savings Account; for a stock/mutual fund, it's Description; and for a CD, it's CD_Certificate.

Select the related layout (Savings, Stocks, or CD) from the layouts pop-up menu and locate one of the investment's transaction records.

-click (Mac) or right-click (PC) the identifying field in the Header. Choose Find Matching Records from the contextual menu that appears.

Choose Records > Delete Found Records. In the confirmation dialog box, click Delete All.

Click the Sort button to restore the normal record order.

Note: To delete individual records in any of the three transaction databases, switch to the record and then click the Delete Record button at the top of the layout, choose Records > Delete Record, or press /. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box that appears.

Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro 8. Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro 8: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321414837
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 115 © 2008-2017.
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