Checking Your Spelling with the Spell Checker



Click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar to start checking your document.


The Spelling and Grammar dialog box opens, and Word begins searching for errors. When Word finds a spelling error, it highlights it in red.


If the correct spelling is listed under Suggestions , click it and click Change to change this instance of the word, or Change All to change all instances.


Sometimes, the correct spelling for a misspelled word does not appear in the Suggestions area.


The spell checker enables you to check the spelling (and grammar) of an entire document all at once. You won't really need to use it if you use automatic spelling checking to fix your spelling on-the-fly (see the preceding task). However, if you've disabled automatic spell checking, or if you're working on a rather large document, the spell checker will come in handy.



If this happens, select the word in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, type over it with the correct spelling, and click the Change or Change All button.


If Word incorrectly flags a word you use frequently as a misspelling, click Add to Dictionary to add it to the dictionary that Word uses to check your spelling.


If Word incorrectly flags a word as a misspelling, but it's one you don't use often, click Ignore Once to ignore it once or Ignore All to ignore it throughout the document.


When Word tells you that it has finished the spell check, click OK .


Turning Off Grammar Checking

If you don't want Word to look for grammatical problems during the spell check, clear the Check grammar check box in the lower-left corner of the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.

Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
ISBN: 0789729652
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 178
Authors: Heidi Steele © 2008-2017.
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