
The following questions refer to the file Rock.xlsx.

  1. How many songs were not sung by Britney Spears?

  2. How many songs were played before June 15, 2004?

  3. How many songs were played between June 1, 2004, and July 4, 2006? Hint: Take the difference between two COUNTIF functions.

  4. How many songs were sung by singers whose last names begin with M?

  5. How many songs were sung by singers whose names contain an e?

  6. Create a formula that will always yield the number of songs played today. Hint: Use the TODAY() function.

  7. For the cell range D4:G15, count the cells containing a numeric value. Count the number of blank cells. Count the number of nonblank cells.

  8. How many songs sung by Barry Manilow were played in 2004?

  9. How many songs at least four minutes long and sung by Mandy Moore were played in 2007 or earlier?

  10. How many songs exactly three minutes long and sung by Britney Spears were played later than 2004?

  11. The file NBA.xlsx contains the following information:

    • Columns A and B contain the name of each NBA team and a code number for each team. For example, Team 1 is Atlanta.

    • Column C contains the home team for each game.

    • Column D contains the visiting team for each game.

    • Column E contains points scored by the home team.

    • Column F contains points scored by the visiting team.

    From this data, compute the number of games played by each team.

  1. The file Matchthesecond.xlsx gives a list of names. Note that some names occur more than once. We want to be able to determine the row in which, for example, the second occurrence of the name “Dave” occurs. Set up a worksheet that allows us to enter a person’s name and a positive integer (such as n), and returns the row in which the name occurs for the n’th time.

Microsoft Press - Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Data Analysis and Business Modeling
MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2007: Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Bpg -- Other)
ISBN: 0735623961
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 200 © 2008-2017.
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