

Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI), 729–734

complex activity modeling, 733

correlation elements, 734–735

defined, 729

elements, 731

interfaces, 731

process definitions, 731–732

sequencing and, 733

specification, 729

Web services

accounting, 694–696

acting as clients to provider, 466

asynchronous, 410

availability, 29–30

benefits, 3, 28–30

categorizing, 192–196

communication stack, 100

composite implementation, 25–26

composition, 29, 728–741

CORBA vs., 3

defined, 4

describing, 134

discovering, 178–192

fault tolerant, 718–720

features, 699

functional characteristics description, 135–174

with grid computing, 721

history, 4–13

implementation checklist, 724–725

as the interoperability standard, 4

invocation order, 134

invoking, 134

Java and, 20–21

location transparency, 29

loose coupling among, 594–595

management, 19

message-conversation-based, 262

messaging and, 410–411

middleware application, 26

multi-grained, 53–55

overview, 3–34

platform independence, 3–4

procedure-based, 262

QoS, 17–19, 134

reduced vendor dependence, 30

registries, 181, 480

reusability, 28

scalability, 29–30

security, 2, 621–626

security initiatives, 626–634

service bus, 26–28

service composition, 16–17

service description, 15–16

service development, 20

service messaging, 14–15

service registry, 16

service transport, 14

simple implementation, 25

SOA and, 40

specifications management, 31

standards, 1

standards bodies, 32

summary, 725–726

synchronous, 410

technical, 87–88

technology, 14–17

technology stack, 14

testing, 699–703

transaction model for, 593–597

UDDI role in, 179–180

Web Services Description Language. See WSDL

Web Services Interoperability organization, 394

Web Services Routing Protocol, 454

Web Services Security Assertions, 658

White Mesa, 394

World Geodetic System classification, 195

World Wide Web, 8

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 31, 99, 134

wrap and replace, 29

WS-Authorization, 663–666

defined, 660

scenario, 663–665

specification, 663

wscompile tool, 273–274

configuration file, 273–274

defined, 273

invocation syntax, 273

samples using, 275

for server-side ties, 274

xrpcc vs., 345

See also Java WSDP (JWSDP)

WS-Coordination, 616–617, 666–668

defined, 616

specification, 666

WS-Transaction relationship, 616

wsdeploy tool, 271–273

defined, 271

illustrated, 273

samples using, 275

usage syntax, 271

See also Java WSDP (JWSDP)

WSDL, 1, 15–16, 133–176

access point specification, 215

arrays and, 147, 148

arrayType attribute, 148

clients using, 363–365

defined, 133

with DII, 362

for document/encoded style, 162–163

for document/literal style, 163

dynamic interactions and, 138–139

dynamic proxy use, 84

elements to extend, 166

extending, 165–166

extension mechanism, 156

generating, from Java, 173–174

importing, 167–168

information published in UDDI, 514

JAXR application to publish, 515–519

for RPC/encoded style, 161

for RPC/literal style, 162

server-side Java classes and, 173

service descriptions, 135

service implementation, 210–211

service interface, 512

specification, 133, 134, 135

storing in UDDI, 203

summary, 176

for timer service, 704–707

tools/utilities, 165

UDDI relationship, 202–213

UDDI representation, 513

usage patterns, 167–169

WSDL 1.2, 174–175

clarifications, 175

description, 174

description components, 175

serviceType, 175

SOAP 1.2

support, 175

specification, 174

Web services description, 174

WSDL bindings

early, 169–171

HTTP, 159–160

late, 171–173

MIME, 158–159

service, 212–213

SOAP, 156–158

style/use and, 160–163

types of, 156

See also binding(s)

WSDL documents

abstract, 135–137

allows multiple symbols to be passed, 207–208

allows single symbol to be passed, 206–207

binding element, 154–160, 166

conceptual representation, 136

conceptually, 174

concrete descriptions, 137–138

defined, 135

definitions element, 145, 166

elements, 140–144

fault element, 152, 166

Flute Bank bill payment service, 141–144

import element, 164–165

information organization, 137

input element, 152, 166

message element, 148–150

multiple-symbol, 209–210

operation element, 150–153, 166

output element, 152, 166

overview, 135–139

parsed, 215

port element, 163, 166

portType element, 154, 155

publishing, 519

referencing other descriptions, 164–165

service element, 164, 166

service interface, 211–212

single-symbol, 209

types element, 146–148, 166

Web service interface within, 154

as well-formed XML documents, 139

WSDL messages

content, 148

example, 148

name attribute, 148

notification, 153

one-way, 151

part name, 149

solicit-response, 153

WSDL operations, 150–153

bindings, 153

defined, 150

Flute Bank bill payment service, 152

groups, describing, 154

notification, 152–153

one-way, 151, 152

request-response, 151, 152

schema, 151

solicit-response, 152

WSDL service interface

binding element, 212

document contents, 212

publishing, in UDDI, 213–216

referencing another service interface, 211–212

tModel representation, 213

WSDL4J APIs, 213–214

WSDL-UDDI-SOAP technologies (WUST) stack, 262

WS-Federation, 663

defined, 660

use, 663

WS-I organization, 32–33

WS-I specifications, 660–668

illustrated, 661

list of, 660

WS-Authorization, 660, 663–666

WS-Coordination, 666–668

WS-Federation, 660, 663

WS-Policy, 660, 661

WS-Privacy, 660, 662

WS-SecureConversation, 660, 662–663

WS-Security, 660, 661

WS-Trust, 660, 662

WS-Policy, 661

defined, 660

SOAP policy format definition, 661

specification, 661

WS-Privacy, 662

defined, 660

WS-Trust and, 662

WS-Routing protocol, 115, 736–740

action element, 738

bindings, 739–740

defined, 737

from element, 739

fwd element, 738

intermediaries, 738, 739

over HTTP, 739

path element, 738

SOAP header entry, 738

specification, 740

via element, 738–739

WS-SecureConversation, 662–663

defined, 660

use, 663

WS-Security, 661

defined, 660

example, 665–666

faults, 667

security-token formats, 661

WS-Transaction, 597, 616–617

ACID properties and, 617

atomic transaction coordination pattern, 617

defined, 616

specifications, 616, 617

WS-Coordination relationship, 616

See also transaction models; transactions

WS-Trust, 662

defined, 660

specification, 662

WS-Privacy and, 662

Java Web Services Architecture
Java Web Services Architecture (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
ISBN: 1558609008
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 210 © 2008-2017.
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