Not only is OneNote a great tool for meetings, it is also a great tool for doing research on the Web. It's easy to drag-and-drop Web content into OneNote. OneNote actually keeps the formatting of the source most of the time, making the research you do look good. Drag-and-Drop Web PagesBecause you can move objects around easily in OneNote, you can make connections between items in your research results, drawing lines to connect related ideas and taking notes on things that stand out to you. Figure 16.26 shows what a Web page about home MP3 players looks like when I dragged it into OneNote. Figure 16.26. OneNote tries to keep source formatting for dropped-in Web pages. Although OneNote does its best, it is certainly not perfect when it comes to formatting Web pages. One of the main problems I've seen is with tables and frames. If you select just the text or graphics you want to include, however, you'll have better results. Tip
When you drop in a Web page, OneNote also inserts the URL of the source Web page so you can return there for more information. Of course, retaining the source page's formatting a bit better would be helpful, but it would be almost impossible to make every page look exactly the same in OneNote as it does in your browser. (Of course, you could always take a screen shot of the page and drop it into OneNote, but then you would lose the text-editing capability.)