
PathGeometryHierarchy: Freezable Animatable Geometry

     <PathGeometry FillRule="NonZero|EvenOdd" >         <PathGeometry.Figures>             <PathFigureCollection>                 <PathFigure>                     <PathFigure.Segments>                         <PathSegmentCollection  >                         </PathSegmentCollection>                     </PathFigure.Segments>                 </PathFigure>             </PathFigureCollection>         </PathGeometry.Figures>     </PathGeometry> 

<PathGeometry.../> describes a series of connected ellipses, arcs, line segments, curves, and rectangles.


Figures (optional)

A PathFigureCollection

FillRule (optional)

Describes the rule used to determine if a Point is inside the shape and should therefore be painted according to the Fill attribute value


After the Point is examined, a ray is drawn from it to infinity in any direction. If the number of path segments the ray crosses is even, the Point is outside the shape. If the number of path segments the ray crosses is odd, the Point is inside the shape and is painted according to the Fill attribute value.


After the Point is examined, a ray is drawn from it to infinity in any direction. Starting from zero, the count increases by one every time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and decreases by one every time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. If the resulting value is 0, then the Point is outside the shape; otherwise, it is inside the shape and will be painted accordingly.

XAML in a Nutshell
XAML in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596526733
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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