DNS on Windows Server 2003
DNS on Windows Server 2003
ISBN: 0596005628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 163
Cricket Liu
Matt Larson
Robbie Allen
Main Page
Table of content
What s New in This Edition
Obtaining the Example Programs
Viewing Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles
Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
How to Contact Us
Chapter 1. Background
1.1 A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
1.2 On the Internet and Internets
1.3 The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
1.4 The History of the Microsoft DNS Server
1.5 Must I Use DNS?
Chapter 2. How Does DNS Work?
2.1 The Domain Namespace
2.2 The Internet Domain Namespace
2.3 Delegation
2.4 Name Servers and Zones
2.5 Resolvers
2.6 Resolution
2.7 Caching
Chapter 3. Where Do I Start?
3.1 Which Name Server?
3.2 Choosing a Domain Name
Chapter 4. Setting Up the Microsoft DNS Server
4.1 Our Zone
4.2 Installing the Microsoft DNS Server
4.3 The DNS Console
4.4 Setting Up DNS Data
4.5 Running a Primary Master Name Server
4.6 Running a Secondary Name Server
4.7 Adding More Zones
4.8 DNS Properties
4.9 What Next?
Chapter 5. DNS and Electronic Mail
5.1 MX Records
5.2 Adding MX Records with the DNS Console
5.3 What s a Mail Exchanger, Again?
5.4 The MX Algorithm
5.5 DNS and Exchange
Chapter 6. Configuring Hosts
6.1 The Resolver
6.2 Resolver Configuration
6.3 Advanced Resolver Features
6.4 Other Windows Resolvers
6.5 Sample Resolver Configurations
Chapter 7. Maintaining the Microsoft DNS Server
7.1 What About Signals?
7.2 Logging
7.3 Updating Zone Data
7.4 Zone Datafile Controls
7.5 Aging and Scavenging
Chapter 8. Integrating with Active Directory
8.1 Active Directory Domains
8.2 Storing Zones in Active Directory
8.3 DNS as a Service Location Broker
Chapter 9. Growing Your Domain
9.1 How Many Name Servers?
9.2 Adding More Name Servers
9.3 Registering Name Servers
9.4 Changing TTLs
9.5 Planning for Disasters
9.6 Coping with Disaster
Chapter 10. Parenting
10.1 When to Become a Parent
10.2 How Many Children?
10.3 What to Name Your Children
10.4 How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
10.5 Subdomains of Domains
10.6 Good Parenting
10.7 Managing the Transition to Subdomains
10.8 The Life of a Parent
Chapter 11. Advanced Features and Security
11.1 New Ways to Make Changes
11.2 WINS Linkage
11.3 Building Up a Large, Sitewide Cache with Forwarders
11.4 Load Sharing Between Mirrored Servers
11.5 The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
11.6 Securing Your Name Server
Chapter 12. nslookup and dig
12.1 Is nslookup a Good Tool?
12.2 Interactive Versus Noninteractive
12.3 Option Settings
12.4 Avoiding the Search List
12.5 Common Tasks
12.6 Less Common Tasks
12.7 Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
12.8 Best of the Net
12.9 Using dig
Chapter 13. Managing DNS from the Command Line
13.1 Installing the DNS Server
13.2 Stopping and Starting the DNS Server Service
13.3 Managing the DNS Server Configuration
13.4 An Installation and Configuration Batch Script
13.5 Other Command-Line Utilities
Chapter 14. Managing DNS Programmatically
14.1 WMI and the DNS Provider
14.2 WMI Scripting with VBScript and Perl
14.3 Server Classes
14.4 Zone Classes
14.5 Resource Record Classes
Chapter 15. Troubleshooting DNS
15.1 Is DNS Really Your Problem?
15.2 Checking the Cache
15.3 Using DNSLint
15.4 Potential Problem List
15.5 Interoperability Problems
15.6 Problem Symptoms
Chapter 16. Miscellaneous
16.1 Using CNAME Records
16.2 Wildcards
16.3 A Limitation of MX Records
16.4 DNS and Internet Firewalls
16.5 Dial-up Connections
Appendix A. DNS Message Format and Resource Records
A.1 Master File Format
A.2 DNS Messages
A.3 Resource Record Data
Appendix B. Converting from BIND to the Microsoft DNS Server
B.1 Step 1: Change the DNS Server Startup Method to File
B.2 Step 2: Stop the Microsoft DNS Server
B.3 Step 3: Change the Zone Datafile Naming Convention
B.4 Step 4: Copy the Files
B.5 Step 5: Get a New Root Name Server Cache File
B.6 Step 6: Restart the DNS Server
B.7 Step 7: Change the DNS Server Startup Method to Registry
Appendix C. Top-Level Domains
Index A
Index B
Index C
Index D
Index E
Index F
Index G
Index H
Index I
Index J
Index K
Index L
Index M
Index N
Index O
Index P
Index Q
Index R
Index S
Index T
Index U
Index V
Index W
DNS on Windows Server 2003
ISBN: 0596005628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 163
Cricket Liu
Matt Larson
Robbie Allen
Qshell for iSeries
Introduction to Qshell
Input and Output
C and C++ Development Tools
Appendix B Qshell versus DOS
Developing Tablet PC Applications (Charles River Media Programming)
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Math and Random Number Functions in VB .NET
Introduction to Ink-Enabled Applications
Tablet PC Full Screen Utility
Advanced Microsoft Agent
Sap Bw: a Step By Step Guide for Bw 2.0
Checking Loaded Characteristic Data
Creating Queries and Workbooks
Part II. Advanced Topics
Replicating R/3 DataSources
Junos Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
Creating a Login Account for Remote Authentication
Viewing Routes to a Particular Prefix
Adding Martian Addresses
Routing RIP Traffic over Faster Interfaces
Adjusting Local Preference Values
Special Edition Using FileMaker 8
FileMaker Extra: Managing the Relationships Graph
Scripts in FileMaker Pro
Export File Formats
Quartz Job Scheduling Framework: Building Open Source Enterprise Applications
Building Quartz from Source
Volatility, Durability, and Recoverability
Using Multiple Plug-Ins
Why RMI with Quartz?
Configuring JobStore Settings © 2008-2017.
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