Network Clients


Ruby Way
By Hal Fulton
Slots : 1.0
Table of Contents

Sometimes the server is a well-known entity or is using a well-established protocol. In this case, we need simply to design a client that will talk to this server in the way it expects.

This can be done with TCP or UDP, as you saw previously. However, it's common to use other higher-level protocols such as HTTP or SNMP. We'll give just a few examples here.

Retrieving Truly Random Numbers from the Web

Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.

John von Neumann

There is a rand function in Kernel to return a random number; but there is a fundamental problem with it. It isn't really random. If you are a mathematician, cryptographer, or other nitpicker, you will refer to this as a pseudorandom number generator, because it uses algebraic methods to generate numbers in a deterministic fashion. These numbers "look" random to the casual observer, and may even have the correct statistical properties; but the sequences do repeat eventually, and we can even repeat a sequence purposely (or accidentally) by using the same seed.

But processes in nature are considered to be truly random. That is why in state lotteries, winners of millions of dollars are picked based on the chaotic motions of little white balls. Other sources of randomness are radioactive emissions or atmospheric noise.

There are sources of random numbers on the Web. One of these is, which we use in this example.

The sample code in Listing 9.4 simulates the throwing of five ordinary (six-sided) dice. Of course, gaming fans could extend it to ten-sided or twenty-sided, but the ASCII art would get tedious.

Listing 9.4 Casting Dice at Random
 HOST = "" RAND_URL = "/cgi-bin/randnum?col=5&" def get_random_numbers(count=1, min=0, max=99)   path = RAND_URL + "num=#{ count} &min=#{ min} &max=#{ max} "   connection =   response, data = connection.get(path)   if response.code == "200"     data.split.collect {  |num| num.to_i }   else     []   end end DICE_LINES = [   "+  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ ",   "|     | |  *  | | *   | | * * | | * * | | * * | ",   "|  *  | |     | |  *  | |     | |  *  | | * * | ",   "|     | |  *  | |   * | | * * | | * * | | * * | ",   "+  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ +  -+ " ] DIE_WIDTH = DICE_LINES[0].length/6 def draw_dice(values)   DICE_LINES.each do |line|     for v in values       print line[(v-1)*DIE_WIDTH, DIE_WIDTH]       print " "     end     puts   end end draw_dice(get_random_numbers(5, 1, 6)) 

Here we're using the Net::HTTP class to communicate directly with a Web server. Think of it as a highly specialized, all-purpose Web browser. We form the URL and try to connect; when we make a connection, we get a response and a piece of data. If the response indicates that all is well, we can parse the data that we received. Exceptions are assumed to be handled by the caller.

Here's a variation on the same basic idea. What if we really wanted to use these random numbers in an application? Because the CGI at the server end asks us to specify how many numbers we want returned, it's logical to buffer them. It's a fact of life that there is usually a delay involved when accessing a remote site. We want to fill a buffer so that we are not making frequent Web accesses and incurring delays.

We've decided to go ahead and get a little fancy here (see Listing 9.5). The buffer is filled by a separate thread, and it is shared among all the instances of the class. The buffer size and the "low water mark" (@slack) are both tunable; appropriate real-world values for them would be dependent on the reachability (ping-time) of the server and on how often the application requested a random number from the buffer.

Though we haven't shown it here, it would probably be logical to make this a singleton (in the sense of the singleton design pattern). That way, all the code could share a single pool of random numbers and a single interface to the Web page. Refer to the singleton.rb library.

Listing 9.5 A Buffered Random Number Generator
 class TrueRandom       require "net/http"       require "thread"       def initialize(min=0,max=1,buff=1000,slack=300)         @site = ""         @min, @max = min, max         @bufsize, @slack = buff, slack         @buffer =         @url  = "/cgi-bin/randnum?num=nnn&min=#@min&max=#@max&col=1"         @thread = {  fillbuffer }       end       def fillbuffer         h =, 80)         true_url = @url.sub(/nnn/,"#{ @bufsize-@slack} ")         resp, data = h.get(true_url, nil)         data.split.each { |x| @buffer.enq x }       end       def rand         if @buffer.size < @slack           if ! @thread.alive?             @thread = {  fillbuffer }           end         end         num = nil         num = @buffer.deq until num!=nil         num.to_i       end     end     t =,6,1000,300)     count = { 1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0, 5=>0, 6=>0}     10000.times do |n|       x = t.rand       count[x] += 1     end     p count     # In one run:     # { 4=>1692, 5=>1677, 1=>1678, 6=>1635, 2=>1626, 3=>1692} 

Contacting an Official Timeserver

As we promised, here's a bit of code to contact an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server on the Net. We do this by means of a telnet client. This example is adapted from the one in Programming Ruby (Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, Addison-Wesley, 2000).


 require "net/telnet" timeserver = "" tn ="Host"       => timeserver,                      "Port"       => "time",                      "Timeout"    => 60,                      "Telnetmode" => false) local ="%H:%M:%S") msg = tn.recv(4).unpack('N')[0] # Convert to epoch remote = - 2208988800).strftime("%H:%M:%S") puts "Local : #{ local} " puts "Remote: #{ remote} " 

When we call, we pass in a set of options as a hash. Note that the port is given here as a string; most or all of the well-known ports can be specified by name rather than number in this way (not just in the context of Telnet, but in other classes as well). Note also that we set the Telnetmode flag to false because we are using a telnet client to talk with a non-telnet server.

We establish a connection and grab four bytes. These represent a 32-bit quantity in network byte order (big endian); we convert this number to something we can digest and then convert from the epoch to a Time object.

Note that we didn't use a real timeserver name. This is because the usefulness of such a server frequently is dependent on your geographic location. Furthermore, many of these have access restrictions, and may require permission, or at least notification, before they are used. A Web search should turn up an open-access NTP server less than a thousand miles from you.

Interacting with a POP Server

The Post Office Protocol (POP) is very commonly used by mail servers. Ruby's POP3 class enables you to examine the headers and bodies of all messages waiting on a server and process them as you see fit. After processing, you can easily delete one or all of them.

The Net::POP3 class must be instantiated with the name or IP address of the server; the port number defaults to 110. No connection is established until the method start is invoked (with the appropriate user name and password).

Invoking the method mails on this object will return an array of objects of class POPMail. (There is also an iterator each that will run through these one at a time.)

A POPMail object corresponds to a single e-mail message. The header method will retrieve the message's headers; the method all will retrieve the header and the body. (There are also other usages of all as we'll see shortly.)

A code fragment is worth a thousand words. Here's a little example that will log on to the server and print the subject line for each e-mail.


 require "net/pop" pop ="") pop.start("gandalf", "mellon")     # user, password pop.mails.each do |msg|   puts msg.header.grep /^Subject: / end 

The delete method will delete a message from the server. (Some servers require that finish be called, to close the POP connection, before such an operation becomes final.) Here is the world's most trivial spam filter.


 require "net/pop" pop ="") pop.start("gandalf", "mellon")     # user, password pop.mails.each do |msg|   if msg.all =~ /make money fast/i     msg.delete   end end pop.finish 

We'll mention that start can be called with a block. By analogy with, it opens the connection, executes the block, and closes the connection.

The all method can also be called with a block. This will simply iterate over the lines in the e-mail message; it is equivalent to calling each on the string resulting from all.


 # Print each line backwards... how useful! msg.all {  |line| print line.reverse } # Same thing... msg.all.each {  |line| print line.reverse } 

We can also pass an object into the all method. In this case, it will call the append operator (<<) repeatedly for each line in the string. Because this operator is defined differently for different objects, the behavior may be radically different, as shown here:


 arr = []          # Empty array str = "Mail: "    # String out = $stdout     # IO object msg.all(arr)      # Build an array of lines msg.all(str)      # Concatenate onto str msg.all(out)      # Write to standard output 

Finally, we'll give you a way to return only the body of the message, ignoring all headers.


 module Net   class POPMail     def body       # Skip header bytes       self.all[self.header.size..-1]     end   end end 

This method doesn't have all the properties that all has; for example, it does not take a block. It can easily be extended, however.

The IMAP protocol is somewhat less common than POP3. But for those who need it, there is an imap.rb library for that purpose.

Sending Mail with SMTP

A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five.

Groucho Marx

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) might seem like a misnomer. If it is "simple," it is only by comparison with more complex protocols.

Of course, the smtp.rb library shields the programmer from most of the details of the protocol. However, we have found that the design of this library is not entirely intuitive and perhaps overly complex (and we hope it will change in the future). In this section, we'll present a few examples to you in easy-to-digested pieces.

The Net::SMTP class has two class methods, new and start. The new method takes two parametersthe name of the server (defaulting to localhost) and the port number (defaulting to the well-known port 25).

The start method takes these parameters:

  • server is the IP name of the SMTP server (defaulting to "localhost").

  • port is the port number, defaulting to 25.

  • domain is the domain of the mail sender (defaulting to ENV["HOSTNAME"]).

  • account is the username (default is nil).

  • password is the user password, defaulting to nil.

  • authtype is the authorization type, defaulting to :cram_md5.

Many or most of these parameters can be omitted under normal circumstances.

If start is called normally (without a block), it returns an object of class SMTP. If it is called with a block, that object is passed into the block as a convenience.

An SMTP object has an instance method called sendmail that will typically be used to do the work of mailing a message. It takes three parameters:

  • source is a string or array (or anything with an each iterator returning one string at a time).

  • sender is a string that will appear in the From field of the e-mail.

  • recipients is a string or an array of strings representing the addressee(s).

Here is an example of using the class methods to send an e-mail:


 require 'net/smtp' msg = <<EOF Subject: Many things "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things  Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, Of cabbages and kings; And why the sea is boiling hot, And whether pigs have wings." EOF Net::SMTP.start("") do |smtp|   smtp.sendmail(msg, '', '') end 

Because the string Subject: was specified at the beginning of the string, Many things will appear as the subject line when the message is received.

There is also an instance method named start that behaves much the same as the class method. Because new specifies the server, start doesn't have to specify it. This parameter is omitted, and the other parameters are the same as for the class method. This gives us a similar example using an SMTP object:


 require 'net/smtp' msg = <<EOF Subject: Logic "Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be, and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." EOF smtp ="") smtp.start smtp.sendmail(msg, '', '') 

In case you are not confused yet, the instance method can also take a block:


 require 'net/smtp' msg = <<EOF Subject: Moby-Dick Call me Ishmael. EOF addressees = ['', ''] smtp ="") smtp.start do |obj|   obj.sendmail msg, '', addressees end 

As the example shows, the object passed into the block (obj) certainly need not be named the same as the receiver (smtp). We also take this opportunity to emphasize that the recipient can be an array of strings.

There is also an oddly-named instance method called ready. This is much the same as sendmail, with some crucial differences. Only the sender and recipients are specified; the body of the message is constructed using an adapteran object of class Net::NetPrivate::WriteAdapter that has a write method as well as an append method. This adapter is passed into the block and can be written to in an arbitrary way:


 require "net/smtp" smtp ="") smtp.start smtp.ready("", "") do |obj|   obj.write "Let us go then, you and I,\r\n"   obj.write "When the evening is spread out against the sky\r\n"   obj.write "Like a patient etherised upon a table...\r\n" end 

Note here that the carriage-return linefeed pairs are necessary (if we actually want line breaks in the message). Those who are familiar with the actual details of the protocol should note that the message is "finalized" (with "dot" and "QUIT") without any action on our part.

We can append instead of calling write if we prefer:


 smtp.ready("", "") do |obj|   obj << "In the room the women come and go\r\n"   obj << "Talking of Michelangelo.\r\n" end 

Finally, we offer a minor improvement by adding a puts method that will tack on the newline for us:


 module Net   module NetPrivate     class WriteAdapter       def puts(args)         self.write(*(args+["\r\n"]))       end     end   end end 

This new method enables us to write this way:


 smtp.ready("", "") do |obj|   obj.puts "We have lingered in the chambers of the sea"   obj.puts "By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown"   obj.puts "Till human voices wake us, and we drown." end 

If your needs are more specific than what we've detailed here, we suggest you do your own experimentation; different environments may differ in their handling of authentication and such things. And if you decide to write a new interface for SMTP, feel free to do so.

Retrieving a Web Page from a Specified URL

Here's a simple code fragment. Let's suppose that, for whatever reason, we want to retrieve an HTML document from where it lives on the Web. Maybe our intent is to do a checksum and find out whether it has changed so that our software can inform us of this automatically. Maybe our intent is to write our own Web browser; this would be the proverbial first step on a journey of a thousand miles.


 require "net/http" begin   h ="", 80)   resp, data = h.get("/en/index.html", nil) rescue => err   puts "Error: #{ err} "   exit end puts "Retrieved #{ data.split.size}  lines, #{ data.size}  bytes" # Process as desired... 

We begin by instantiating an HTTP object with the appropriate domain name and port. (The port, of course, is usually 80.) We then do a get operation, which returns an HTTP response and a string full of data. Here we don't actually test the response, but if there is any kind of error, we'll catch it and exit.

If we skip the rescue clause as we normally would, we can expect to have an entire Web page stored in the data string. We can then process it however we want.

What could go wrong herewhat kind of errors do we catch? Actually, there are several. The domain name could be nonexistent or unreachable; there could be a redirect to another page (which we don't handle here); or we might get the dreaded 404 error (meaning that the document was not found). We'll leave this kind of error handling to you.

Case Study: A Mail-News Gateway

Online communities keep in touch with each other in many ways. Two of the most traditional ways are mailing lists and newsgroups.

Not everyone wants to be on a mailing list that might generate dozens of messages per day; some would rather read a newsgroup and pick through the information at random intervals. On the other hand, some people are impatient with Usenet and want to get the messages before the electrons have time to cool off.

So we get situations in which a fairly small, fairly private mailing list deals with the same subject matter as an unmoderated newsgroup open to the whole world. Eventually someone gets the idea for a mirrora gateway between the two.

Such a gateway isn't appropriate in every situation, but in the case of the Ruby mailing list, it was and is. The newsgroup messages needed to be copied to the list, and the list e-mails needed to be posted on the newsgroup.

This need was addressed by Dave Thomas (in Ruby, of course), and we present the code here with his kind permission.

But let's look at a little background first. We've taken a quick look at how e-mail is sent and received; but how do we deal with Usenet? As it turns out, we can access the newsgroups via a protocol called NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). This, incidentally, was the work of Larry Wall, who later on gave us Perl.

Ruby doesn't have a "standard" library to handle NNTP. However, a Japanese developer (known to us only as greentea) has written a very nice library for this purpose.

The nntp.rb library defines a module NNTP containing a class called NNTPIO; it has the instance methods connect, get_head, get_body, and post (among others). To retrieve messages, you connect to the server and call get_head and get_body repeatedly. (We're over-simplifying this.) Likewise, to post a message, you basically construct the headers, connect to the server, and call the post method.

These programs use the smtp library that we've looked at previously. The original code also does some logging in order to track progress and record errors; we've removed this logging for greater simplicity.

The file params.rb is used by both programs. This file contains the parameters that drive the whole mirroring processthe names of the servers, account names, and so on. Here is a sample file that you will need to reconfigure for your own purposes. (The following domain names, which all contain the word fake, are obviously intended to be fictitious.)


 # These are various parameters used by the mail-news gateway module Params   NEWS_SERVER = ""       # name of the news server   NEWSGROUP   = "comp.lang.ruby"         # mirrored newsgroup   LOOP_FLAG   = "X-rubymirror: yes"      # line added to avoid loops   LAST_NEWS_FILE = "/tmp/m2n/last_news"  # Records last msg num read   SMTP_SERVER = "localhost"              # host for outgoing mail   MAIL_SENDER = ""       # Name used to send mail   # (On a subscription-based list, this   # name must be a list member.)   MAILING_LIST = ""        # Mailing list address end 

The module Params merely contains constants that are accessed by the two programs. Most are self-explanatory; we'll only point out a couple of items here. First, the LAST_NEWS_FILE constant identifies a file where the most recent newsgroup message ID is stored; this is "state information" so that work is not duplicated or lost.

Perhaps even more important, the LOOP_FLAG constant defines a string that marks a message as having already passed through the gateway. This avoids an infinite regress and prevents the programmer from being mobbed by hordes of angry netizens who have received thousands of copies of the same message.

You might be wondering: How do we actually get the mail into the mail2news program? After all, it appears to read standard input. The author recommends a setup like this: The sendmail program's .forward file first forwards all incoming mail to procmail. The .procmail file is set up to scan for messages from the mailing list and pipe them into the mail2news program. For the exact details of this, see the documentation associated with RubyMirror (found in the Ruby Application Archive). Of course, if you are on a non-Unix system, you will likely have to come up with your own scheme for handling this situation.

With this overview, the rest of the code is easy to understand. Refer to Listings 9.6 and 9.7.

Listing 9.6 Mail-to-News
 # mail2news: Take a mail message and post it # as a news article require "nntp" include NNTP require "params" # Read in the message, splitting it into a # heading and a body. Only allow certain # headers through in the heading HEADERS = %w{ From Subject References Message-ID              Content-Type Content-Transfer-Encoding Date} allowed_headers ={ ^(#{ HEADERS.join("|")} ):} ,                              Regexp::IGNORECASE) # Read in the header. Only allow certain # ones. Add a newsgroups line and an # X-rubymirror line. head = "Newsgroups: #{ Params::NEWSGROUP} \n" subject = "unknown" valid_header = false msg_id = "unknown" while line = gets   exit if line =~ /^#{ Params::LOOP_FLAG} /o # shouldn't happen   break if line =~ /^\s*$/   # allow continuation lines only after valid headers   if line =~ /^\s/     head << line if valid_header     next   end   msg_id = $1 if line =~ /Message-Id:\s+(.*)/i   valid_header = (line =~ allowed_headers)   next unless valid_header   if line =~ /^Subject:\s*(.*)/     # The following strips off the special ruby-talk number     # from the front of mailing list messages before     # forwarding them on to the news server.     line.sub!(/\[ruby-talk:(\d+)\]\s*/, '')     head << "X-ruby-talk: #$1\n"   end   head << line end head << "X-ruby-talk: #{ msg_id} \n" head << "#{ Params::LOOP_FLAG} \n" body = "" while line = gets   body << line end msg = head + "\n" + body msg.gsub!(/\r?\n/, "\r\n") nntp = raise "Failed to connect" unless nntp.connect 

Listing 9.7 News-to-Mail
 ## # Simple script to help mirror the comp.lang.ruby # traffic on to the ruby-talk mailing list. # # We are called periodically (say once every 20 minutes). # We look on the news server for any articles that have a # higher message ID than the last message we'd sent # previously. If we find any, we read those articles, # send them on to the mailing list, and record the # new hightest message id. require 'nntp' require 'net/smtp' require 'params' include NNTP ## # Send mail to the mailing-list. The mail must be # from a list participant, although the From: line # can contain any valid address # def send_mail(head, body)   smtp =   smtp.start(Params::SMTP_SERVER)   smtp.ready(Params::MAIL_SENDER, Params::MAILING_LIST) do |a|     a.write head     a.write "#{ Params::LOOP_FLAG} \r\n"     a.write "\r\n"     a.write body   end end ## # We store the mssage ID of the last news we received. begin   last_news = { |f|}  .to_i rescue   last_news = nil end ## # Connect to the news server, and get the current # message numbers for the comp.lang.ruby group # nntp = raise "Failed to connect" unless nntp.connect count, first, last = nntp.set_group(Params::NEWSGROUP) ## # If we didn't previously have a number for the highest # message number, we do now if not last_news   last_news = last end ## # Go to the last one read last time, and then try to get more. # This may raise an exception if the number is for a # nonexistent article, but we don't care. begin   nntp.set_stat(last_news) rescue end ## # Finally read articles until there aren't any more, # sending each to the mailing list. new_last = last_news begin   loop do     nntp.set_next     head = ""     body = ""     new_last, = nntp.get_head do |line|       head << line     end     # Don't sent on articles that the mail2news program has     # previously forwarded to the newsgroup (or we'd loop)     next if head =~ %r{ ^X-rubymirror:}     nntp.get_body do |line|       body << line     end     send_mail(head, body)   end rescue end ## # And record the new high water mark, "w") do |f|   f.puts  new_last end  unless new_last == last_news 




The Ruby Way
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672328844
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 119
Authors: Hal Fulton © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: