Chapter Three. Working with Text

InDesign can do everything from serving as your primary word processor to importing text from other programs to automatically applying specialized formatting. In InDesign, text is placed inside text frames or it flows along type paths, both of which can be any size or shape. Text frames and type paths can be linked (or threaded) to each other to flow text through a document.

When it comes to formatting text, you have a variety of options for applying character and paragraph formats, including styles for automated formatting. InDesign also provides expert options for setting tabs and creating bulleted and numbered lists. For word processing, InDesign provides a story editor, spell check features, and search-and-replace functions.

In this chapter you'll learn how to create text frames and type paths, and then how to add, format, and edit text.

Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos(c) 100 Essential Techniques
Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques
ISBN: 0321321901
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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