

paradigm, 119

participative leadership, 119

performance, 75, 119

plan, 120

plan-do-check-act model (PDCA), 120

planning. See project planning

plus delta, 40-41, 120

PMI . See Project Management Institute

political forces, 31, 120

politics, sharing power, 8-9

polling, 120

power, sharing, 8-9

predecessor, 120

preplanning, 120

prioritize, 52, 120

problem-solving, 72, 81, 120

process improvement, 120

project, 13, 120

project budget, 45, 55-56, 116

project case study

background, 18-19

business model, 19

business philosophy, 20

management team, 20

operational highlights, 20-21

project charter

definition, 120

example, 45

importance of, 44

three Cs, 47

three Hs, 46

three Ws, 46

project closing

auditing project, 86-87

capturing and sharing lessons learned, 89-90

celebrating project completion, 93-94

definition, 120

importance of, 85-86

reassigning workers, 90-91

rewarding and recognizing participants, 91-93

terminating project, 87-89

project details

project closing, 89

project executing, 73

project initiating, 29

project planning, 57

project executing

authorizing work, 68-69

coordinating work across multiple projects, 73-77

definition, 117

importance, 67-68

leading teams, 77-79

maintaining morale, 80-82

monitoring progress and controlling

changes, 70-73

securing customer acceptance, 82-83

project initiating

aligning with parent organization, 24-27

decision-making, 37-39

definition, 118

importance of, 23-24

key participants, selecting, 31-35

management support, developing, 42-43

meeting management, 39-42

operating methods, determining, 35-37

project commitment, 44-46

project details, 29

project integration, 31

project justification and selection, 29-31

project priorities, 27

risk analysis, 27-29

project integration

project closing, 90

project executing, 74

project initiating, 31

project planning, 58

project kickoff meeting, 63-64, 120

project leader

definition, 15, 120

level of effort, 16-17

responsibilities, 23-24

stage-specific project leadership tasks, 17-18

project leadership assessment

individual, 103-107

organizational, 97-102

team, 108-114

project lifecycle, 14-15, 120

project management, 11-13

Project Management Institute (PMI ), 12

project manager

candidate qualifications, 32

definition, 120

skills, 15

project office, 120

project planning

definition, 120

developing communications plan, 60-62

importance of, 49-50

integrating project plans, 57-58

motivating participants, 62-63

overseeing detailed plan development, 53-57

securing stakeholder approval, 63-65

selecting remainder of project participants, 58-60

types, 2

understanding and responding to customer, 50-53

project priorities

project closing, 87

project executing, 69

project initiating, 27

project planning, 53

project promotion, 43

project closing, 93

project executing, 82

project initiating, 43

project planning, 63

project report, 60

project sponsor, 31-32, 120

project status report, 60

project update, 60

Project Leadership
Project Leadership
ISBN: 0071388672
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 106 © 2008-2017.
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