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Pauline Ratnasingam
Department of Computer
Information Systems
Central Missouri State University, USA
Dr. Pauline Ratnasingam received her Bachelor’s in Computing from Monash University, Australia, and her PhD from Erasmus University, The Netherlands. In 1998, she was invited by KPMG Norlan & Norlan Institute, Australia, to participate in a nationwide survey examining the extent of e-commerce adoption inAustralia and New Zealand. She played the role of consultant and researcher by contributing to sections of the survey questionnaire relating to e-commerce security and trust, analyzing the survey’s findings, and designing the final report along with a group of consultants at KPMG.
She teaches courses on project management, management of IS, and e-commerce. She is an associate member of the Association of IS, and is a member of the Information Resources Management Association and Academy of Management. She has published articles and refereed journals on Internet-based B2B E-Commerce and trust. She has received a grant from the National Science Foundation to pursue her work on inter-organizational trust in B2B e-commerce.
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