

parent-child relationships, 180
peek(), 151, 163164
persistent storage, 2, 3
pointers, 2122
accessing data pointed to, 2527
arithmetic, 2729
and arrays, 4445
arrays of, 3638, 4548
arrays of pointers to pointers, 4852
assigning addresses to, 24
data types and, 2223
declaring, 22
and Java, 45
pointer dereferencing operators, 26
to pointers, 2930, 37, 4852
popping, 58
creating a pop member in C++, 6263
creating a pop member method in Java, 6667
nodes from a stacked -linked list, 118120
See also pushing
precision, 9
primitive data types, 1617
private access specifiers, 59
processNodesInOrder(), 199200
public access specifiers, 59
pushing, 57
creating a push member in C++, 6162
creating a push member method in Java, 6566
nodes onto a stacked-linked list, 117118
See also popping
put(), 224

Data Structures Demystified
Data Structures Demystified (Demystified)
ISBN: 0072253592
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 90 © 2008-2017.
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