

J2EE (Java 2.0 Platform Enterprise Edition)

class loading in J2EE, 585

design issues, 675

distributed architecture, 676

general principles, 676

helper classes, 679

JDBC, 677

maintainability, 675

MVC pattern, 679

OO design principles, 678

performance, 675, 678

portability, 677

productivity, 676

scalability. 678

simplicity 675

SLSB (stateless session beans), 678

determining version specification, 44

EJB concerns, 21, 676

project guidelines, 679

testing projects, 679

J2EE Connector Architecture Resource Adapters

see JCA Resource Adapters.

J2EE Reference Implementation server

choosing application server, 47

JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization API), 237

web sites, 237

Jakarta TagLibs, 535

Jakarta Velocity

see Velocity

JAR files

EJB JAR files, 584

packaging sample applications, 592

Java 1.3 extension mechanism

class loading in J2EE, 588

Servlet 2.3 specification, 589

Java 1.4 assertion mechanism

web site, 108

Java Authentication and Authorization API

see JAAS.

Java coding conventions

see coding standards.

Java language binding, XSLT, 700

Java logging APIs, 162-65

Java Pet Store

integrating web application into overall architecture,


Java reflection API

see reflection.

Java Transaction Service

see JTS.

Java web development, 443

history of web development, 443

JSP pages, 444

Physical Resource Mapping Strategy, 444

servlets, 443

using JSP with servlets, 446

Front Controller pattern, 447

Java.beans.beancontext package

infrastructure, support packages for, 402

java.lo package

Externalizable interface, 661

Serializable interface, 653

java.lang package

Class class, 585, 642

ClassLoader class, 586

Runnable interface, 620

java.lang.reflect package

Method class, 642

java.rmi package

Remote interface, 653

RemoteException class, 30, 387, 653

Java.sql package

CallableStatement interface, 347

Connection interface 340

Date class, 359

PreparedStatement interface, 323

SQLException class, 320, 327

SQLWarning class, 323

Statement interface, 323

Timestamp class, 359

Java.text package

NumberFormat class, 540, 694

SimpleDateFormat class, 539, 694

Java.util package

Date class, 659

HashMap class, 651

HashTable class, 646

Thread class, 590

JavaBean properties

exposing using controller objects, 482

writing effective tests, 86


adapter beans, 526

bean manipulation, 397

limitations, core JavaBeans API, 397

converting to XML, 241

data binding in MVC frameworks, 493

flexibility, 138

infrastructure framework using, 397

BeanWrapper example, 399

BeanWrapper interface, methods, 398

com.interface21.beans package, 398

PropertyEditorSupport/~ Manager,

implementing/registering property editors, 400

model objects, 525

OO design principles, 138

summarized, 174

using JavaBeans in JSP pages, 531


documentation, 159

test cases, 90

Javax.jdo package

PersistenceCapable interface, 317

PersistenceManager interface, 317

PersistenceManagerFactory interface, 317

Query interface, 318

Javax.jms package

MessageListener interface, 230, 415

Javax.servlet package

ServletContext interface, 698

Javax.servlet.http package

HttpServlet class, 668

HttpServletRequest interface, 493

HttpServletResponse interface, 668

HttpSession interface, 488

web caching using HTTP, 668

Javax.sql package

DataSource interface, 87, 340, 597

javax.xml.transform package

Source interface, 698

Templates interface, 697

Transformer class, 697

TransformerFactory class, 697

JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding), 244

JBoss deployment descriptors

deploying sample application, 605

JBoss server

choosing application server, 47, 53

deploying sample application, 601, 607

creating connection pools, 602

creating JMS destinations, 603

JBoss deployment descriptors, 605

viewing configuration, 604

directory structure, 601

conf sub-directory, 601

deploy sub-directory, 601

lib sub-directory, 601

log sub-directory, 601

integrating JProbe with application server, 625

sample application and, 199

service definition files, 601

JCA Resource Adapters

EAR deployment, 584

JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)

compared to SQLJ, 313

data access technologies, 26

description, 312

exception handling, 320

ApplicationException class, 321

problems with, 327

SQLException class, 320, 322, 327

SQLWarming class, 323

J2EE design, 677

managing persistence using JDBC, 313

PreparedStatement interface, 323

problems with API, 325

rules for using, 313

sample application data access, 319

calling stored procedures using JDBC, 357

implementing queries using JDBC, 355

implementing updates using JDBC, 356

SQL-based database access, 312, 677

Statement interface, 323

JDBC abstraction framework, 324

aims and objectives, 326

AvailabilityQuery class, 326

com.interface21.dao package, 329

com.interface21.jdbc.core package, 329, 333

DataSourceUtils class, 336

JdbcTemplate class, 334, 336, 340

PreparedStatementCreator interface, 335

PreparedStatementCreatorFactory class, 335

ResultReader interface, 336

RowCallbackHandler interface, 335

RowCountCallbackHandler class, 336

SQLExceptionTranslater interface, 336

com.interface21.jdbc.object package, 333, 342

calling stored procedures, 350

ManualExtractionSqlQuery class, 345

performing queries, 348

performing updates, 350

RdbmsOperation class, 343

SqlFunction class, 346

SqlOperation class, 344

SqlQuery class, 344

SqlUpdate class, 347

StoredProcedure class, 347

DAO (Data Access Object) pattern, 328

exception handling, 327, 334

DataAccessException class, 328

JDBC specific exceptions, 329, 331

inversion of control, 334

reasons for using, 325

reflection and, 346

sample application, 324

Strategy design pattern, 334

JDBC helper classes

testing, 99

JDBC RowSets

disconnected data access, 267

JDBC specific exceptions

converting JDBC exceptions to generic exceptions,


OracleSQLExceptionTranslater class, 332

SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslater class, 332

JDBC abstraction framework, 329

JdbcTemplate class, 334

DataSource interface and, 340

getDataSource() method, 337

getlgnoreWarnings() method, 337

implementing, 336

performing queries, 341

performing updates, 341

query() method, 337, 338

setExceptionTranslater() method, 337

setlgnoreWarnings() method, 337


method, 338

UML class diagram, 334

update() method, 339, 341

using, 340

JDO (Java Data Objects)

byte code enhancer, 317

caching for performance, 246, 317

compared to com.interface21.jdbc.object package,


compared to entity beans, 317

data access technologies, 25

description, 317

entity beans, 308

JDOQL query language, 318

O/R mapping technologies, 315, 317

persistence manager, 317

Query interface, 318

references to web sites, 319

TopLink and, 316

JDOQL query language, 318

filters, 318

queries, 318

Query interface, 318

Jetty HTML generation library, 562


see Apache JMeter.

JMS (Java Message Service)

accessing EJBs using, 425

custom bean definition, 427

DataUpdateJmsListener class, 427

JmsTemplate class, 426

publish() method, pub/sub messaging, 426

subscrbeToTopicNonDurable() method, 427

PubSubMessageCreator inner interface, 426

alternatives, 234

asynchronous calling, 227-35

JTS compared, 229

messaging, 227-35

performance, 233

propagating data updates, 435

sample application, 234

JMS destinations, creating

deploying applications, 597

deploying sample application, 603

JMX MBeans, 603

JMX MBeans

creating connection pools, 602

creating JMS destinations, 603

JBoss service definition files, 602

installing service definition files, 604

singletons, 222

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 141

JProbe profiler, 625

integrating JProbe with application server, 625

configuring settings, 626

filters, 626

using JProbe with sample application, 627, 644, 651

JProbe Suite

profiling, 625

writing effective tests, 86

JSP fragments, 538

JSP Front strategy

compared to Servlet Front strategy, 454

Front Controller pattern, 454

JSP Model 1 architecture

see Physical Resource Mapping Strategy.

JSP Model 2 architecture

see Front Controller pattern.

JSP pages

alternatives to JSP, 544

compared to template languages, 544

compared to WebMacro, 545

compared to XSLT, 551

custom tags, 446, 532

advantages, 532

disadvantages, 532

data access, 276

data binding, 446

<jsp:setProperty> element, 446

problems with, 446

future prospects, 538

guidelines for using in views, 536

Jakarta TagLibs, 535

Java web development, 444

limitations, 445

Physical Resource Mapping Strategy, 444

problems with, 444

protecting interface code, 131

unit tests, 101

using as templates, 544

using JavaBeans in JSP pages, 531

using JSP with servlets, 446

Front Controller pattern, 447

using XSLT instead of JSP pages, 553

JSP Standard Tag Library

see JSTL.

JSP tag libraries, Struts, 459

Bean tag library, 460

HTML tag library, 460

Logic tag library, 460

nested properties, 460

Template tag library, 460

JSP views, 526

advantages, 526

content page inclusion, 575

custom tags, 533

view helpers, 533

disadvantages, 526

example of bad design, 527

future prospects, 538

guidelines for using, 536

implementing, 688

InternalResourceView class, 691

<jsp:setProperty> element, 528

<jsp:useBean> element, 531

performance, 664

references to web sites, 527

sample application, 538

JSTL, 541

template page inclusion, 576

<jsp:forward> element

avoiding using, 537

<jsp:getProperty> element, 540

<jsp:setProperty> element

JSP data binding, 446

JSP views, 528

<jsp:useBean> element, 541

class attribute, 531

id attribute, 531

JSP views, 531

scope attribute, 531

type attribute, 531

JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library), 533

<c:forEach> element, 542

<c:if> element, 543

<c:out> element, 542

configuring JSTL, 688

description, 533

Expression Language, 533

syntax, 542

<fmt:formatDate> element, 542

<fmt:formatNumber> element, 543

importance of, 534

sample application view, 541

SQL tag library, 534

using XSLT with JSP custom tags, 554

<x:forEach> element, 554

<x:out> element, 554

XML tag library, 554

JTA (Java Transaction API)

using EJBs, 23

JTS (Java Transaction Service)

JMS compared, 229

JUnit framework, 79-85

inheritance, 87

test case, 102

testing business objects implemented without EJB, 92

web site, 79

writing effective tests, 86

JUnltEE testing tool

web site, 97


collocating components in JVM, 663

profiling options, 624

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 On Demand
ISBN: B0085SG5O4
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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