Checking the Call Status for Auto Reply

The file checks the status of a call. The AutoAnswerObserver class auto-replies to the caller with the predefined welcome message. Listing 8-2 shows the contents of the file:

Listing 8-2: The File
start example
 /*Import required JTAPI classes*/ import javax.telephony.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; /*  This class provides the media call observer for the Auto Reply Application. Class:AutoAnswerObserver-Class to detect the call made by caller Methods: setJtapiVariables():This method is used to initialize the terminal connection objects. */ public class AutoAnswerObserver implements MediaCallObserver, Runnable {    boolean isAnswering = false;    AutoAnswerGUI replyApp = null;    Call phoneCall = null;    private Connection connections[] = null;    private TerminalConnection tconnection = null;    private TerminalConnection desttconnection =  null;    Thread t=null;    AnswerText st=null;    /*    Public constructor takes the object of AutoAnswerGUI class as parameter.    AutoAnswerObserver():    Parameters:    replyApp:object of AutoAnswerGUI    Return Type:NA    */    public AutoAnswerObserver(AutoAnswerGUI replyApp)    {       this.replyApp = replyApp;    }    /*     This method is used to initialize the terminal connection objects.    Parameters:Object of Call class    Return Value:void    */    private void setJtapiVariables(Call c)    {       phoneCall = c;       try       {          connections = c.getConnections();          TerminalConnection[] tc;          phoneCall.addObserver(this);          tc = connections[0].getTerminalConnections();          tconnection = tc[0];          Terminal terminal = tconnection.getTerminal();          terminal.addCallObserver(this);          /*          Creating the remote terminal connection. The remote connection is the origination          connection,          which is always the first connection in the connections array.          */          tc = connections[1].getTerminalConnections();          desttconnection = tc[0];       }       catch(Exception e)       {          System.out.println("Exception occurred in setJtapiVariables(): " + e.toString());       }    }        /*     The callChangedEvent() method is called every time an event associated with the phone call is    raised.    Parameters:Array of CallEv class eventList    Return Type:void    */    public void callChangedEvent(CallEv[] eventList)    {       if(phoneCall == null)       {          setJtapiVariables(eventList[0].getCall());       }       for (int i = 0; i <eventList.length;  i++)       {          CallEv ev = eventList[i];          TerminalConnection terminalConnection = ((TermConnEv)ev).getTerminalConnection();          MediaTerminalConnection mtc = (MediaTerminalConnection)terminalConnection;          switch(ev.getID())          {             case TermConnCreatedEv.ID:             try             {                /*                 Specifying the audio file that is to be played when terminal connection is created.                */                System.out.println("Connection Created.");                mtc.useDefaultSpeaker();                mtc.useDefaultMicrophone();                mtc.useP layURL(new URL("file:helloworld.wav"));                isAnswering = false;             }             catch (Exception excp)             {                System.out.println("Exception TermConnCreatedEv:" + excp.toString());             }             break;             case TermConnRingingEv.ID:             try             {                System.out.println("Ringing");                if(isAnswering == false)                {                   /*Answering the phone call.*/                   isAnswering = true;                   terminalConnection.answer();                   t=new Thread(this,"Node action");                   t.start();                }             }             catch (Exception excp)             {                System.out.println("Exception occurred while answering the phone call:" +                excp.toString());             }             break;             case MediaTermConnAvailableEv.ID:             try             {                System.out.println("Media Term Connection Available event.");                mtc.startPlaying();             }             catch (Exception excp)             {                System.out.println("Exception occurred in startPlaying():" + excp.toString());             }             break;             case MediaTermConnStateEv.ID:             try             {                /*Check if playing is done.*/                int state = mtc.getMediaState();                System.out.println("Playing"+state);                state = state &MediaTerminalConnection.PLAYING;                System.out.println("Playing"+state);                if(state == 0)                {                   /*                   Stop playing and closing the phone connection.                   */                   mtc.stopPlaying();                   hangupConnection();                }             }             catch (Exception excp)             {                System.out.println("Exception occurred in stopPlaying():" + excp.toString());             }             break;             case MediaTermConnUnavailableEv.ID:             try             {                /*                 Specifying that the Media Terminal Connection is not available.                */                System.out.println("Media terminal connection is not available.");                mtc.stopPlaying();             }             catch(Exception e)             {                System.out.println("Exception occurred in MediaTermConnUnavailableEv.ID:" +                e.toString());             }             /*             Closing the telephone connection.             */             hangupConnection();             break;             default:             break;             }          }       }       /*       Run method to speak the answer       Parameters:NA       Return Value:Void       */        public void run()       {          /*          Initialize a new object of AnswerText class.          */          st=new AnswerText("Thank You for calling me i would be glad to say hello", "kevin16");          /*          Invoke the answerSelText() method of AnswerText class.          */          st.answerSelText(this);       }    } 
end example

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In the above code, the constructor of the class takes an object of the class as an input parameter to invoke the methods of the class.

The methods defined in Listing 8-2 are:

  • setJtapiVariables (): Initializes the terminal connection objects of JTAPI to create a connection with the modem.

  • callChangedEvent (): Acts as an event listener every time an event occurs in the modem, which is attached to the telephone line.

Java InstantCode. Developing Applications using Java Speech API
Java InstantCode. Developing Applications using Java Speech API
Year: 2004
Pages: 46 © 2008-2017.
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