Element | Means |
<!--> | Comments and server-side includes |
<!DOCTYPE> | Starting an HTML page |
<A> | Creating a hyperlink or anchor |
<ABBR> | Displaying abbreviations |
<ACRONYM> | Displaying acronyms |
<ADDRESS> | Displaying an address |
<APPLET> | Embedding applets in web pages |
<AREA> | Creating clickable regions in image maps |
<B> | Creating bold text |
<BASE> | Setting the base for hyperlinks |
<BASEFONT> | Setting the base font |
<BDO> | Overriding the bidirectional character algorithm |
<BGSOUND> | Adding background sounds |
<BIG> | Creating big text |
<BLINK> | Making text blink |
<BLOCKQUOTE> | Indenting quotations |
<BODY> | Creating a web page's body |
<BR> | Inserting line breaks |
<BUTTON> | Creating a customizable button |
<CAPTION> | Creating a table caption |
<CENTER> | Centering text |
<CITE> | Creating a citation |
<CODE> | Displaying program code |
<COL> | Defining a column |
<COLGROUP> | Grouping and formatting columns |
<DD> | Creating definition list definitions |
<DEL> | Displaying text as deleted |
<DFN> | Defining new terms |
<DIR> | Deprecated list |
<DIV> | Formatting block text |
<DL> | Creating definition lists |
<DT> | Creating definition list terms |
<EM> | Emphasizing text |
<EMBED> | Embedding multimedia and plug-ins in a web page |
<FIELDSET> | Grouping form elements |
<FONT> | Specifying a font |
<FORM> | Creating HTML forms |
<FRAME> | Creating frames |
<FRAMESET> | Containing frames |
<H1> through <H6> | Creating web page headings |
<HEAD> | Creating a web page's head |
<HR> | Creating horizontal rules |
<HTML> | Starting an HTML page |
<I> | Creating italic text |
<IFRAME> | Creating inline or floating frames |
<ILAYER> | Creating inline layers |
<IMG> | Adding an image to a web page |
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON> | Creating buttons |
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX> | Creating check boxes |
<INPUT TYPE=FILE> | Creating file input for a form |
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN> | Creating hidden data |
<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE> | Creating image submit buttons |
<INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD> | Creating password controls |
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO> | Creating radio buttons |
<INPUT TYPE=RESET> | Creating reset buttons |
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> | Creating submit buttons |
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT> | Creating text fields |
<INS> | Displaying inserted text |
<ISINDEX> | Using an index |
<KBD> | Displaying text the user is to type |
<KEYGEN> | Processing secure transactions |
<LABEL> | Labeling form elements |
<LAYER> | Arranging text in layers |
<LEGEND> | Creating a legend for form elements |
<LI> | Creating list items |
<LINK> | Setting link information |
<MAP> | Creating client-side image maps |
<MARQUEE> | Displaying text in a scrolling marquee |
<MENU> | Deprecated list |
<META> | Giving more information about your web page |
<MULTICOL> | Creating columns |
<NOBR> | Avoiding line breaks |
<NOEMBED> | Handling browsers that don't handle embedding |
<NOLAYER> | Handling browsers that don't handle layers |
<NOSCRIPT> | Handling browsers that don't handle JavaScript |
<OBJECT> | Placing an object into a web page |
<OL> | Creating ordered lists |
<OPTGROUP> | Creating a select control item group |
<OPTION> | Creating a select control item |
<P> | Creating paragraphs |
<PARAM> | Specifying a parameter |
<PRE> | Displaying preformatted text |
<Q> | Displaying short quotations |
<RT> | Creating ruby text |
<RUBY> | Creating rubies |
<S> and <STRIKE> | Striking text out |
<SAMP> | Displaying sample program output |
<SCRIPT> | Creating a script |
<SELECT> | Creating a select control |
<SERVER> | Running server-side JavaScript scripts |
<SMALL> | Creating small text |
<SPACER> | Controlling horizontal and vertical spacing |
<SPAN> | Formatting inline text |
<STRONG> | Strongly emphasizing text |
<STYLE> | Using embedded style sheets |
<SUB> | Creating subscripts |
<SUP> | Creating superscripts |
<TABLE> | Creating a table |
< TBODY > | Creating a table body when grouping rows |
<TD> | Creating table data |
<TEXTAREA> | Creating text areas |
<TFOOT> | Creating a table foot when grouping rows |
<TH> | Creating table headings |
<THEAD> | Creating a table head when grouping rows |
<TITLE> | Giving a web page a title |
<TR> | Creating a table row |
<TT> | Creating "teletype" text |
<U> | Underlining text |
<UL> | Creating unordered lists |
<VAR> | Displaying program variables and arguments |
<WBR> | Allowing word breaks |
<XML> | Accessing XML data with an XML data island |