Uses of ECS

To Call IBM

ECS can be used to contact IBM in three different ways. Each one requires a different command:

  • ANZPRB. Use the Analyze Problem (ANZPRB) command to report hardware or software problems you encounter with your I5. The ANZPRB command is described in Chapter 34.

  • SNDPTFORD. Use the Send PTF Order (SNDPTFORD) command to place an order for PTFs. You can order either individually or in cumulative packages. SNDPTFORD can also be used to obtain information about PTFs. The SNDPTFORD command is described in Chapter 35.

  • WRKPRDINF. Use the Work with Product Information (WRKPRDINF) command to start an IBMLink session. IBMLink is an optional, chargeable service you may or may not use. With IBMLink, you can ask questions about any aspect of the i5 and receive answers from IBM personnel. IBMLink also enables you to find out if any problems have been reported with products or to obtain pricing for IBM products.

Other Uses

ECS uses an ordinary modem and telecommunications setup. You can use the ECS equipment and setup to connect with other computer systems as well. Although IBM may not have intended it, it is possible and perfectly legal.

For example, you can use the ECS line for temporary communications with a remote workstation controller that has one or more attached devices (display stations and printers). You also can use the ECS setup to contact bulletin board services (BBSS) that cater to IBM midrange professionals. Additional setup is required, because you are usually connecting to a microcomputer.

IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
Year: 2004
Pages: 245 © 2008-2017.
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