

basic block coverage, 411
bean class tags (XDoclet)
@ ejb.bean, 172173
@ ejb.finder, 173174
@ ejb.home, 173
@ ejb.interface, 173
@ ejb.persistence, 174175
@, 173
BeanShell tag library (Jelly), 473
Beck, Kent, 222
beginXXX() method (Cactus), 351, 353, 363
body tags (JSP), testing, 376377
BodyContent object, 376
custom tags testing, 380
nested tags, 381384
bootstrapper components (CruiseControl), 498499
branch coverage, 411, 417419
branches, creating (CVS repositories), 3133
bug groups (Bugzilla)
administration, 294
configuring, 293294
creating users, 293
entering, 287289
lifecycle, 290291
resolution status, 290291
searching for, 291293
integration, 6
entering, 287289
lifecycle, 290291
resolution status, 290291
searching for, 291293
components, 285287
configuring, 284285, 294295
downloading, 279
e-mail, 289290
administration, 294
configuring, 293294
creating users, 293
installing, 280284
Apache settings, 282283
finalizing installation, 284
MySQL configuration, 283
MySQL installation, 281282
Perl modules, 282
untarring, 283284
overview, 280
products, 285286
security, 293
setup, 280
voting, 295
build automation. See Ant
build element (Maven), 465466
build log (CruiseControl), 493494
build process definitions, 509
build queues (CruiseControl), 502
build scripts, 490, 503504, 509
build target (Ant)
Hello World main project, 80
in master buildfiles , 121, 123124
BuildEvent class (Ant), 559560
buildfiles (Ant), 39, 199200
custom task example, 208211
EJB testing, 396397
Hello World application project, 7678
Hello World model project, 7073
Hello World simple example, 41
HelloWorldApplet project, 84
jcoverage modifications, 412416
master, 7880, 121125
multiple-component projects (Model 2 Hello World), 9398
nesting, 59
organization, 6768
pet store example, 683687
sample file, running, 4243
for shared librares, 70
specifying name , 41
test project (JUnit), 239242
XDoclet, sample buildfile, 140141
automated, 3738
Hello World Model 2 example, 9899
BuildListener interface (Ant), 560561
BuildLogger components (CruiseControl), 500
BuildLogger interface (Ant), 561562
BuildNumber task (Ant), 62
BuildStatus component (CruiseControl), 498
byte-code instrumentation, 410411

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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