

Cactus, 346
Ant integration, 359360
architecture, 350
beginXXX() method, 351, 353, 363
downloading, 343
EJB testing
Ant buildfile example, 396397
benefits of, 393
OrderReportBean example, 393396
product entity bean, 397401
ProductTest, 401408
endXXX() method, 357, 363
example test, 349350
filter testing, 365369
HttpUnit comparison, 299, 346
implicit objects, 354355
installing, 347
client-side installation, 348349
server-side installation, 347348
JSP tag testing, 371
attribute testing, 373375
body tag testing, 376377
iteration tag testing, 378379
simple tag test, 372373
tag library descriptor testing, 384385
TagExtraInfo classes, 384
JSPs, testing, 371
JspTestCases, 371, 372373
pet store example
business need, 386
examining JSPs, 386
tag loop, 387388
TestCase, writing, 386387
redirectors, 346
results collection, 356357
setUp() method, 355356
tearDown() method, 355356
beginning execution, 351353
calling redirector servlets, 353
FilterTestCase, 351
JspTestCase, 351
server-side execution, 355356
server-side setup, 353354
ServletTestCase class, 351
testing requirements, 359360
testing servlets, 361365
testXXX() method, 356
WebRequests, 351352
WebResponse class, 357358
CASE tools, 910
embracing, 34
incremental, 3
check task (Ant), 412
checking out code (CVS repositories), 27
chmod task (Ant), 62, 535536
Clark, Mike, 263
classpath element (Ant), 204, 553
referring to by reference, 4546
setting up (Ant), 4446
clean target (Ant), 40, 70
Hello World main project, 80
Hello World model project, 72
in master buildfiles , 121
ClearCase component (CruiseControl), 498
ClearCaseBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
ClientCookie class (Cactus), 628629
Clover, 409
code coverage, 409. See also jcoverage
basic block coverage, 411
benefits of, 410411
branch coverage, 411, 417419
function coverage, 411
GroboUtils, 422
instrumentation, 409
byte-code , 410411
with modified JVMs, 410
source code, 410
path coverage, 411
race coverage, 411
relational operator coverage, 411
statement coverage, 411, 417
code documentation, 131. See also Javadoc; XDoclet
code repositories (CVS), 24
adding files, 2730
checking out code, 27
connecting to, 2627
creating branches, 3133
local, 2425
locking files, 31
merge conflics, 3536
recovering files, 3435
removing files, 33
updating modules, 3031
coding standards, 9
collective ownership (XP practice), 8
com.clarkware.junitperf package, 665
command line options, Ant, 527528
commands (CVS), 26
comment blocks (Javadoc), 132
com.meterware.httpunit package, 635
communication (XP value), 2
compile target (Ant), 40, 70
Hello World application project, 77
Hello World Model 2 example, 97
Hello World model project, 73
compiling Struts applications, 195
ComponentFinder class (jfcUnit), 439
ComponentOperator (Jemmy), 433436
components (Bugzilla), 285287
Concurrent Versions System. See CVS
conditional targets (Ant), 5052
config object (Cactus), 355
configuration files (Struts), 190191
configuration management systems, 509
ConstantTimer class (JUnitPerf), 665666
< contains> selector (Ant), 46
< containsregexp> selector (Ant), 48
continuous integration, 67. See also Ant
AntHill, 507508
Administration page, 511512
application servers, 509510
building projects, 521522
configuring, 512513
creating projects, 518521
HelloWorld project, 515518
scheduling builds, 523
urban{code} example project, 514515
benefits of, 508
CruiseControl, 489490
alternatives to, 490
bootstrapper components, 498499
build labels, 500
build log, 493494
build queues, 502
build scripts, 503504
builder components, 499500
BuildLogger components, 500
< cruisecontrol> tag, 491
keeping track of builds, 493
LabelIncrementer components, 500501
lifecycle, 502
mailing lists, 505
< modificationset> element, 493
multiproject support, 503
MVCHelloWorld project example, 491497
naming conventions, 491
< project> tag, 491
publisher components, 501502
publishing results, 494495
quiet period, 492
< schedule> element, 492
source control system components, 498
synchronizing clocks, 492
successful system components, 509
contributors/ contributor element (Maven), 465
controllers (JMeter), 321322
logic, 321
setting up (pet store example), 323325
testing, 321
controlling servers, 509. See also AntHill
Cookie class (Cactus), 610614
HttpUnit, 310
tracking with JMeter, 326
copy task (Ant), 536537
Costello, 447448. See also Abbot
adding assertions, 453
cleaning up results, 454
dialog test example, 453454
editor frame, 449
key modifiers, 450
recording tests, 448450
Robot mode, 449
STDOUT errors, 450
table test example, 452453
courage (XP value), 2
Craig, Philip, 344
create method tags (XDoclet), 175
CruiseControl, 489490
alternatives to, 490
build labels, 500
build log, 493494
build queues, 502
build scripts, 490, 503504
bootstrappers, 498499
builders, 499500
BuildLoggers, 500
LabelIncrementers, 500501
publishers, 501502
source control system, 498
< cruisecontrol> tag, 491
downloading, 489
keeping track of builds, 493
lifecycle, 502
log files, viewing, 497
mailing lists, 505
< modificationset> element, 493
multiproject support, 503
MVCHelloWorld project example, 491497
naming conventions, 491
< project> tag, 491
publishing results, 494495
quiet period, 492
running, 496497
< schedule> element, 492
synchronizing clocks, 492
version control repositories supported, 490
< cruisecontrol> tag, 491
CurrentBuildStatusBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
CurrentBuildStatusFTPBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
CurrentBuildStatusFTPPublisher component (CruiseControl), 502
CurrentBuildStatusPublisher component (CruiseControl), 501
custom Ant tasks , example buildfile, 208211
custom tags (JSP), 371372
attribute testing, 373375
body tag testing, 376377
BodyContent object, testing with, 380
iteration tag testing, 378379
nested tags, 381384
pet store example, 388390
simple tag test, 372373
tag library descriptor testing, 257259
TagExtraInfo classes, 384
custom tasks (Ant)
accessing properties, 203204
Ant class, 201203
< classpath> element, 204
execute() method, 204205
nested elements, 205208
TDSS task example, 200201
cvs add command, 28, 29
cvs co command, 27
cvs commit command, 2829, 34
CVS component (CruiseControl), 498
CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 23, 24
code repositories, 24
adding files, 2730
checking out code, 27
connecting to, 2627
creating branches, 3133
local, 2425
locking files, 31
recovering files, 3435
removing files, 33
updating modules, 3031
commands, 26
CVS Home, 36
downloading, 23
merge conflics, 3536
with NetBeans/Forte, 36
server administration, 3334
source drops , 35
up-to-date check failure, 34
WebCVS, 36
WinCVS, 36
on Windows platforms, 35
CVS Home, 36
cvs init command, 34
cvs remove command, 33
cvs status command, 2930
cvs tag -b command, 32
cvs task (Ant), 62, 550
cvs update command, 3031
CVSBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
CVSLabelIncrementer component (CruiseControl), 500

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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