
All of the practices and tools just mentioned can be accommodated within the APM framework. The agile principles still apply. The need for self-organizing, self-disciplined organizational structures still applies. Short, feature-based iterative development still applies, as does the need for frequent, comprehensive feedback and adaptive adjustments. Scaling to larger projects requires additional thought, and practices, for both people and product. CAP cards provide a mechanism for scaling the self-organizing practices of single teams to teams of teams . Component-level planning and reporting (using a parking lot graphic) provide a mechanism for scaling feature-based planning to larger projects. There are other tools that project managers will bring to bear on larger projects, while still adhering to the values and principles of Agile Project Management.

Large agile teams will not be as nimble as small ones, but then they probably don't need to be. They just need to fulfill the fundamental purposes of APMdelivering valuable products to customers and creating satisfying work environments.

The Agile Revolution

Guiding Principles: Customers and Products

Guiding Principles: Leadership-Collaboration Management

An Agile Project Management Model

The Envision Phase

The Speculate Phase

The Explore Phase

The Adapt and Close Phases

Building Large Adaptive Teams

Reliable Innovation

Agile Project Management. Creating Innovative Products
Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321658396
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 96
Authors: Jim Highsmith © 2008-2020.
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