Xalan XSLT processor Xalan-J (XSLT engine) XEP (RenderX formatting program) Xerces Java Parser (Apache-XML project) Xerces-J parser support for XInclude XHTML 2nd 3rd browsers' handling of converting HTML document to changes for well- formedness converted HTML document example HTML document DTDs for empty element tags Modular (XHTML 1.1), authoring compound documents with Modular XHTML replacing standard DTD valid document (example) web browser support for XHTML 1.1 creating your own XHTML list of modules mixing applications into mixing modules into applications Module-based XHTML (W3C specification) XHTML Basic and RDDL xi:fallback element xi:include element xi\:fallback element XInclude 2nd 3rd alternate content for missing documents content negotiation include element text files, including xlink:arcrole attribute rddl\:resource element purpose names xlink:href attribute for locators rddl:resource element xlink:label attribute xlink:role attribute locator elements rddl\:resource element natures in resource elements xlink:show attribute xlink:title attribute 2nd arc elements locator elements resource elements xlink:to attribute (arc elements) xlink:type attribute arc 2nd extended locator possible values of resource 2nd simple xlink\:actuate attribute xlink\:from attribute (arc elements) xlink\:label attribute local resources and xlink\:role attribute xlink\:type attribute title XLinks 2nd 3rd 4th definition of DTDs for 2nd embedding non-XML content in XML documents extended links arcs local resources locator elements link behavior xlink\:actuate attribute xlink\:show attribute link semantics linkbases simple links web browsers' support of XPointers, use in XML benefits of case-sensitivity in character sets comments communications protocols and as data format [See data format, XML as] data format default character set for documents direct display in browsers alternative approaches Internet Explorer xml-stylesheet processing instruction documents [See documents, XML] elements enterprise applications and evolution of files how it works inability to use IDs in documents without DTDs invalid documents language reference name tokens names namespaces parsers [See parsers] processing instructions schema languages 2nd SGML and storing in a database trees valid documents Version 1.1 2nd 3rd IRI, use for namespaces namespaces support by DOM Level 3 Versions 1.0 and 1.1, W3C recommendations for what it isn't XML applications Robin Cover's list of XML Canonicalization XML declaration web browser problems with XML Encryption XML Information Set XML Schema Language (W3C) reference XML Signature XML Validation Form (Brown University) XML-RPC xml-stylesheet processing instructions 2nd 3rd [See also processing instructions] pseudo-attributes in XSLT stylesheets and xml:base attributes xml:lang attribute ATTLIST declarations of language codes subcodes for regions xml:space attribute xml\:lang attribute XMLCounter class (SAX, example class) xmlEncoding attribute (DOM) XMLFilter interface (SAX) 2nd XMLFilterImpl class (SAX) 2nd UpperCaseFilter class (example) xmllint --valid flag --xinclude option xmlns attribute 2nd SAX core feature setting default namespaces with 2nd xmlns( ) scheme, XInclude processors and xmlns:xsl attribute xmlns\:prefix attribute XMLReader class (Microsoft .NET) XMLReader interface (SAX) 2nd counting elements/attributes in a document filters and getFeature( ) methods called in ContentHandler setFeature( ) validating parsers XMLReaderAdapter class (SAX) XMLReaderFactory class (SAX) 2nd XMLSchema-instance namespace xmlVersion attribute (DOM) XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) XOM's nu.xom.xinclude package XPath 2nd 3rd arithmetic operators in calculating string value of an expression data model 2nd data types node sets numbers strings expressions 2nd 3rd [See also location paths] Booleans data types for numbers strings functions 2nd Boolean node-set numeric string location paths 2nd abbreviated syntax axes child element location steps compound node tests in predicates in root predicates in predicates in location steps relational operators unabbreviated location paths XPointer extensions to XPath module, DOM xpointer attribute (xi:include) xpointer( ) scheme, XInclude processors and XPointers 2nd 3rd child sequences escaping characters not allowed in URIs href attributes in URLs in links namespaces and points in ranges in here( ) function origin( ) function range( ) function range-inside( ) function range-to( ) function relative XPointers string-range( ) function shorthand pointers syntax of on URLs xs:all element 2nd xs:annotation element xs:any element 2nd xs:anyAttribute element 2nd xs:anySimpleType type xs:anyURI type xs:appinfo element 2nd xs:attribute element 2nd xs:attributeGroup element 2nd 3rd xs:base64Binary type xs:boolean type xs:byte type xs:choice element xs:complexContent element 2nd xs:complexType element 2nd 3rd mixed attribute xs:date type xs:dateTime type xs:decimal type xs:documentation element 2nd xs:double type xs:duration type xs:element element 2nd xs:ENTITIES type xs:ENTITY type xs:enumeration facet element xs:extension element 2nd deriving new type from xs:field element xs:float type xs:fractionDigits facet element xs:gDay type xs:gMonth type xs:gMonthDay type xs: group element 2nd xs:gYear type xs:gYearMonth type xs:hexBinary type xs:ID type xs:IDREF type xs:IDREFS type xs:import element 2nd xs:include element 2nd xs:int type xs:integer type xs:key element 2nd xs:keyref element 2nd xs:language type xs:long type xs:maxExclusive facet element xs:maxInclusive facet element xs:maxLength facet element xs:minExclusive facet element xs:minInclusive facet element xs:minLength facet element xs:Name type xs:NCName type xs:negativeInteger type xs:NMTOKEN type xs:NMTOKENS type xs:nonNegativeInteger type 2nd xs:nonPositiveInteger type xs:normalizedString type xs:notation element xs:NOTATION type xs:pattern facet element xs:positiveInteger type xs:QName type xs:redefine element 2nd xs:restriction element 2nd 3rd xs:schema element 2nd 3rd xs:selector element xs:sequence element 2nd xs:short type xs:simpleContent element 2nd xs:simpleType element 2nd pattern facet, using xs:string type xs:time type xs:token type xs:totalDigits facet element xs:union element 2nd xs:unique element 2nd xs:unsignedByte type xs:unsignedInt type xs:unsignedLong type xs:unsignedShort type xs:whiteSpace facet element xs\:appinfo element xs\:choice element xs\:schema element targetNamespace attribute xs\:simpleContent element xsi prefix xsi:nil attribute xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute 2nd xsi:schemaLocation attribute 2nd xsi:type attribute 2nd XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) 2nd XSLT and XSL-FO XSL Formatting Objects Composer (IBM) xsl prefix 2nd XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) 2nd 3rd applied to XML document (example) boxes in choosing between CSS and CSS vs. generating laying out master pages flowing content into pages generating finished document programs for working with properties XSLT to XSL-FO transform structure of documents xsl: apply-imports element xsl:apply-templates element 2nd mode attribute xsl:attribute element xsl:attribute-set element xsl:call-template element xsl:choose element xsl:comment element xsl:copy element xsl:copy-of element xsl:decimal-format element 2nd xsl:element element xsl:fallback element xsl:for-each element xsl:if element xsl:import element xsl:include element xsl:key element xsl:message element xsl: namespace-alias element xsl:number element xsl: otherwise element xsl:output element xsl:param element xsl: preserve-space element xsl:processing-instruction element xsl: sort element xsl: strip-space element xsl:stylesheet element xsl:template element 2nd mode attribute xsl:text element xsl:transform element xsl:value-of element 2nd 3rd xsl:variable element xsl:when element xsl: with-param element XSLT 2nd 3rd 4th applying templates with xsl:apply-templates attribute value templates calculating element value with xsl:value-of elements flowing content into pages format-number( ) function functions input document, example of Internet Explorer and modes, applying different templates with namespaces 2nd other features RDDL nature URL for rddl\:resource element pointing to stylesheet stylesheet processors 2nd built-in template rules problems with incorrect namespace URIs stylesheet using unabbreviated XPath syntax template rules, built-in for comment and processing instruction nodes for element and root nodes for namespace nodes for text and attribute nodes templates and template rules transforming documents into XSL-FO transforming XML documents 2nd TrAX (Transformations API for XML) type pseudo-atttribute, specifying with Version 1.0 xsl:decimal-format element XSLT stylesheets XSL-FO and