Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] Macleod, Ken MagpieRSS libraries magpie_simple.php example script MailBucket mailing lists markup Maron, Mikel MCF (Meta Content Framework) Medlogs metadata triples Microsoft IIS, server-side inclusion, enabling MIME types for Atom and RSS mobilerss mod_admin (RSS 1.0) mod_aggregation (RSS 1.0) mod_annotation (RSS 1.0) mod_audio (RSS 1.0) mod_Book case study documentation organizing the data reusing existing elements RSS 1.0 RSS 2.0 mod_changedpage (RSS 1.0) mod_company (RSS 1.0) mod_content (RSS 1.0) mod_DCTerms (RSS 1.0) mod_dublincore (RSS 1.0) mod_event (RSS 1.0) mod_prism (RSS 1.0) mod_rss091 (RSS 1.0) mod_servicestatus (RSS 1.0) mod_slash (RSS 1.0) mod_streaming (RSS 1.0) mod_syndication (RSS 1.0) mod_taxonomy (RSS 1.0) mod_threading (RSS 1.0) mod_wiki (RSS 1.0) modularization modules Atom blogChannel module creating mod_Book [See mod_Book case study] Creative Commons module ICBM module RSS 1.0 [See RSS 1.0, modules] RSS 2.0 [See RSS 2.0, modules] Simple Semantic Resolution module trackback module Yahoo Media RSS module Movable Type cross-poster MP3 file syndication module (mod_audio, RSS 1.0) MPN-Interest (RSS 1.0) MulleNewz My Yahoo! to RSS facility MyHeadlines myRadio |