

SAM (sustainable asset management), 193

Sara Lee, 138

Sasser, W. Earl, Jr., 152–153

Say-do trap, 36–43

Schlesinger, Leonard A., 152, 153

Schmit, Mark J., 154

Schneider, Benjamin, 155, 159

Schultz, Theodore, 187, 243

Schwab, 60, 179

Sears, 180

Segment-specific turnover, 195

Service culture, 155

Service profit chain, 152

Shareholder value analysis (SVA), 190

Shavell, S., 173

Shaw, K., 191, 247

Six factor framework, 4–5, 235–239

decision making, 5, 238

information and knowledge, 5, 237, 238

managerial structure, 5, 237–238

people, 4, 237–238

research roots, 235–239

Six factor framework (Cont.):

rewards, 5, 238, 239

work processes, 4, 237, 238

Skandia Corporation, 187

Sky, 175–176

Smart Organization, The (Matheson/Matheson), 34

Smith, A., 175

Southwest Airlines (SWA), 123–124

Spence, A. M., 244

Spencer Stuart human capital market index, 190–191

Standard & Poor’s, 197

Statistical estimation, 253

Statistical modeling

business impact modeling, 106, 111, 253–257

foundation for management action, 28

ILM analysis, 89–92, 104, 250–253

National City Corporation, 106, 111

Stiglitz, J. E., 173

Stock options, 166–167, 178

Stokey, N. L., 20

Stories. See Case studies

Strack, Rainer, 189

Strategic acquisitions. See Acquisitions

Structural equation modeling, 109

Surveys, 44

Sustainable asset management (SAM), 193

SVA, 190

Systematic risk, 170–171, 177

Systems thinking, 17–32

case study (ProductCo), 17–21

case study (TechCo), 29–31

causal pathways, 24–25

closed vs. open systems, 27

effect of combined changes, 26

interrelated consequences, 23–24

interrelated parts, 22–23

M&A, 146

organizational psychology, 249

root causes, 27–28

unintended consequences, 25–26

Systems view of human capital productivity, 22

Szostak, Anne, 48

Play to Your Strengths(c) Managing Your Internal Labor Markets for Lasting Compe[.  .. ]ntage
Play to Your Strengths(c) Managing Your Internal Labor Markets for Lasting Compe[. .. ]ntage
Year: 2003
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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