safe safety level, CLR (Common Language Runtime), 956

SafeHandle class, 704

SafeTransactionHandle, 704

safety palette

in GDI+, 1098

graphics display modes and, 1097

overview of, 1098

Sans serif font families, 1108

satellite assemblies, languages, 662

SaveFile( ) method, ReadWriteText application, 820

SaveSettings( ) method, 837838, 842843

SAX, XmlReader vs., 907

scalars, 173

sc.exe, 733734

scheduled replication, 1588


Active Directory, 1585, 1589–1590

data table, 870

overview of, 870

strongly typed XML, 981–982

schema generation, 874876

SCM (Service Control Manager)

communication function with services, 711–712

interaction with service classes, 722

main, service-main, and handler functions, 712


ambient transactions and, 691–693

nested scopes with ambient transactions, 693–695

variable, 36–38

<script> element, 1325

scripting languages, interoperability, 7

ScriptManager control, ASP.NET AJAX

client-side JavaScript references and, 1318

detecting partial-page postbacks, 1317–1318

as extension, 1306

overview of, 1317

Web service references, 1318–1319

<Scripts> element, 1318

scrollable windows, drawing, 10881094

ScrollableControl, 1023

ScrollBar control, WPF, 1148

ScrollMoreShapes application, 11011102

SDI (Single Document Interface), Windows Forms, 1016

sealed keyword, 117118

search, Active Directory

building UserSearch application, 1610–1614

overview of, 1606–1610

through DSML, 1615–1618

search, lists, 277279

search, Windows Vista, 16661673

Advanced Query Syntax, 1671–1673

OLE DB Provider, 1668–1671

overview of, 1666–1668

SearchRoot, 1606

SearchScope, 16061607

secondary indexes, XML, 980


adding events to database, 1242

ClickOnce, 461

code access. See code access security

configuration categories, 509

configuring with Component Services Explorer, 1464–1465

Enterprise Service, 1457

file, 824–829

with .NET Remoting, 1442–1444

role-based. See role-based security

role-based vs. code-based, 14

serialized objects and, 1424–1425

SQL Server hosting .NET runtime, 956

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) and, 1512

security, ASP.NET, 12761284

directories, 1281–1282

forms authentication, 1276–1279

login system, 1280

overview of, 1276

in PCSDemoSite, 1282–1284

Web server controls, 1280–1281

security configuration file, 614617

security policies

levels, 601–603

limitations of .NET security policy, 613–614

resetting, 618

security zones

Internet Zone, 461–462

managing, 632–636

SecurityAction enumeration, 607

secutil.exe, 628

Select( ) extension method, LINQ, 1693

Select methods, XPathNavigator, 922

SELECT statements

Advanced Query Syntax, 1671–1673

OLE DB Provider, 1671

Select/Case statement, switch statements in Visual Basic, 16351636

SelfPlacingWindow application, 834840

Semaphore class, 576578

Send( ) method

Course Order sample application, 1502

response queues, 1508

sending complex messages, 1496

sending message to queue, 1493–1495

Sequential Workflow, 1565, 15791580

SequentialWorkflowActivity, 1565

Serializable level, transactions, 857


marshal-by-value classes and, 1421

.NET base classes for, 789

security and, 1424–1425

serialization, in XML

overview of, 943–950

without source code access, 950–953

Serif font families, 1108

server context sinks, 1421

server controls, ASP.NET. See controls, ASP.NET

Server Explorer

creating database connection, 1058–1062

managing services, 734

Visual Studio 2005 windows, 422

server.exe. config file, 14471448

serverless binding, 1596

servers, 1446

Active Directory binding server name, 1596

channels, 1412

client from Web Server deployment, 456–457

client-activated objects, 1416–1417

code using configuration files, 1433–1434

configuration file, 1447–1448

configuration for client-activated objects, 1432–1433

configuration for well-known objects, 1431

hosting in ASP.NET, 1438–1440

installing ASP.NET Web sites on built-in, 1216–1217

lifetime management for, 1426–1429

overview of, 1408–1409

requirements for .NET-based applications, 443–444

security, 1442–1444

for well-known objects, 1416

server-side UpdatePanel updates, 13201321

service configuration program, 713

service contracts

defined, 1522

overview of, 1515–1516

properties, 1522–1524

service implementation, 1528–1529

Service Control Manager. See SCM (Service Control Manager)

service control program, 712, 713

service host, WCF

duplex communication between client and, 1538–1540

hosting process, 1535–1536

overview of, 1517–1519

service implementation and, 1529–1530

service program, Windows Services, 711, 712

<service> element

defined, 1430

server configuration for client-activated objects, 1432–1433

service host, 1518–1519

Service.asmx file, 13771380, 1385

ServiceBase class, 722723, 744

ServiceBehavior attribute, 15261528, 1536

ServiceContract property, service contract, 1523

ServiceController class

controlling services, 741–742

methods, 741

monitoring services, 735–740

overview of, 734–735

properties, 735–736

ServicedComponent class, 1458

ServiceHost, 15171522

ServiceInstaller, 727730

ServiceInstallerDialog, 730

service-main function, Windows Services, 712

ServiceModel Metadata (Svcutil.exe) utility, 15361537

ServiceProcessInstaller, 727730

services, WF, 15721578

custom services, 1577–1578

overview of, 1572–1573

persistence service, 1574–1575

tracking service, 1575–1576

services, Windows. See Windows Services

Services administration tool, 710

Services snap-in, MMC, 732

<Services> element, 13181319


defined, 1251

WCF binding supporting, 1534

set accessor, 94, 16311632

SetAccessControl method, 828

SetData( ) method, CallContext, 14501452

SetError( ) method, ErrorProvider, 10041005

SetOrderId( ) method, OrderData, 1475

SetShowHelp( ) method, HelpProvider, 1005

Setup Project, Visual Studio 2005, 447

Setup Wizard Project, Visual Studio 2005, 447

SetValue( ) method

arrays, 140–141

registry keys, 833

SelfPlacingWindow application, 839

transactional resources, 700


drawing, 1076–1079, 1100–1102

painting, 1079–1080

WPF and, 1144–1147

shared assemblies

creating, 503–504

defined, 478

delayed signing of private keys, 507

encrypting, 501–502

installing, 505

names, 500–503

overview of, 19, 500

private assemblies compared with, 472–473

publisher policy files and, 515

references to, 508

strong names, 504–505

versioning, 510

working with, 506–507

shared classes, ADO.NET, 849

Shared keyword, static members in Visual Basic, 16331634

shield icons, Windows Vista, 16561658

shortcut keys, assigning to menu item, 1016

shortcut operators, 157159

Show( ) method

displaying task dialog, 1662

drawing shapes, 1077

ShowActivatedServiceTypes( ) method, 14331434

ShowChannelProperties( ) method, 1413

ShowWellKnownServiceTypes( ) method, 14331434

side-by-side feature

assemblies and, 473

DLLs and, 471

signtool.exe, 624

simple binding, 1053, 11941196

simple controls, WPF, 11471148

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

SimpleClientApp solution, installation packages, 448456

SimpleWebApp solution, installation packages, 456457

Single Document Interface (SDI), Windows Forms, 1016

single-call objects

in configuration files, 1430

defined, 1416

server configuration for wellknown objects, 1431

single-threaded apartment (STA), 581, 752753

singleton objects

in configuration files, 1430

defined, 1416

lifetime management for, 1426–1429

sink providers, 1415

sinks. See message sinks

site map XML files, providing for site, 12731275

SiteMapPath Web server control, ASP.NET, 12731275

sites, Active Directory, 1587


calculating item and text document, 1118–1119

of controls, 995–996

Size struct

drawing scrollable windows, 1089–1094

overview of, 1084–1085

SizeF struct, 10841085

sizeof operator, 161, 337

.skin files, in themes, 1284

Slider control, WPF, 1148

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

configuring, 1464

defined, 1373

exchanging data using headers, 1392–1397

.NET Remoting and, 1401

syntax, 1374–1375

SoapHeaderAttribute attribute, 13931394

Soapsuds utility, 14401441

Socket class

building client application, 1369–1371

building server console

application, 1367–1369

defined, 1362

overview of, 1367

socket server, Windows Services, 714717

Software Publisher Certificate Test tool (Cert2spc.exe), 624

solid brushes, 10981099

solutions, Visual Studio 2005

adding projects to, 408–410

creating in ASP.NET, 22

projects compared to, 407–408

Sort( ) method

arrays, 142–145

cultures, 648–650

generic delegates with Array class, 261, 263

list elements, 280–281

numbers, 205

queries, 1679

sorted lists, 297299

methods, 298–299

overview of, 297

properties, 298

SortedList<TKey, TValue> class, 297


cultures, 648–650

list elements, 280–281

rows within DataView, 1044–1045


creating event sources, 535–536

tracing architecture, 524–525

source code, 950953

source journaling, message queues, 1488

special characters, regular expressions, 237

SpecialFolder enumeration, Windows Vista, 16581659

SplitContainer control, 1011

sponsoring lease renewal, 1426

sprintf function, 808

SQL persistence service, 1574

SQL Server 2005, 955984

hosting .NET runtime, 956–957

key generation, 895–898

Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespace, 957–958

overview of, 955

stored procedures, 968–970

triggers, 972–974

user-defined functions, 970–972

user-defined types, 958–968

XML data type, 974–982

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit (Wiley Publishing, Inc.), 955

SqlCommand, 888889

SqlConnection class, 851

SqlDataAdapter class, 888889

SqlDataReader, 976

SqlDataSource Web server controls, 12381239, 1247

SqlTrackingService, 15751576

SqlTrigger, 973974

SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute, 960961

SqlWorkflowPersistenceService, 1574

STA (single-threaded apartment), 581

STA (single-threaded apartments), 752753

Stack class, 288

stack pointers, 320

Stack<T> class, 288

stackalloc keyword, 345348

stack-based arrays, 345348

StackPanel, 1153

stacks, 287289

methods, 288

overview of, 287

value types stored on, 9, 39

working with, 287–289

standard query operators, 16891693

standard Web server controls, 12241229


Active Directory, 1584

XML, 902

StartRuntime method, 1572

startup settings, 509

state, managing in ASP.NET, 1215

State Machine Workflow, 15651568, 15791580

stateful remote objects, 1408

stateless remote objects, 1408

static classes, 105106

static constructors, 9698

static Equals( ) method, 169170

static keyword, 106, 16331634

static members, 256, 16331634

StaticResource markup extension, 1197

StatusEventArgs, 14441446

stored procedures

executing, 858

naming conventions, 899

returning nothing, 863–864

returning output parameters, 864–866

SQL Server 2005, 968–970

using in data adapters, 888–889

storyboard, animation, 11831184, 1188

Stream class, 13551356

StreamReader class

defined, 808–809

editing text document, 1113–1114

overview of, 816–818

reading to text files using, 816

ReadWriteText example, 820–822


buffered, 810

overview of, 808–810

reading/writing data in files with, 793

working with XmlReader class, 906–912

working with XmlWriter class, 912–914

StreamWriter class

defined, 808–809

overview of, 818–819

ReadWriteText example, 820–822

writing to text files using, 816

String class

immutable data types, 223

methods, 222–223

overview of, 222

value conversion, 1203–1204

string concatenation operators, 156

string tables. See resources

StringArrayConverter class, 12031204

StringBuilder class

AppendFormat( ), 230–231

building strings, 221, 224–226

members, 226–227

methods, 227

StringInfo class, 638

strings, 221233.

See also regular expressions

building, 223–226

format strings, 67–68, 227–229

FormattableVector example, 231–233

how they are formatted, 229–231

overview of, 221

predefined reference types, 46–47

regular expressions for processing, 234–235

StringBuilder members, 226–227

summary, 242

System.String class, 222–223

ToString( ) method, 107–109

user-defined types, 962–964

strong data typing, 912

Active Directory, 1584, 1589–1590

language interoperability and, 10

overview of, 9–10

type safety and type conversion and, 163

XML, 981

strong names

applying to assemblies, 617

code distribution with, 622–623

creating, 504–505

features of, 500

shared assemblies and, 19, 478, 500–503

struct keyword, 16241625

structs, 101104

classes compared with, 102

constructors for, 103–104

creating objects and, 84

defining types as, 101

derived from System.ValueType, 113

functions, 101–102

inheritance and, 103, 112–113

pointers to, 337–338

sizeof operator, 337

as value types, 102–103

vector struct example of operator overloading, 173–175

Structure keyword, 16241625

structured pages, ASP.NET, 22


assigning property triggers, 1167–1169

for ListBox, 1176–1182

storing in resources, 1163–1167

template, 1175–1176

with WPF, 1162–1163

StyleSheetTheme, 1284, 1285

Sub keyword, Visual Basic, 1627

Sub statement, Visual Basic, 1628

submitButton_Click( ) event handler, 12421244

SubordinateTransaction class, 683

substraction (-) operator, 163

svcconfigeditor.exe utility, 15181519

Svcutil.exe (ServiceModel Metadata) utility, 15361537

switch statement, in C# and C++/CLI, 16351636

switchcase statement, conditional statements, 5051


tracing architecture, 524, 526

used with XSD, 882

symmetric encryption, 501502

SyncDispatchMessage( ) method, IChannelReceiver, 1414

synchronization, 565588.

See also threads

background workers, 581–585

COM apartments, 581

enable cancel of background workers, 585–586

enable progress of background workers, 586–587

events, 578–580

Interlocked class, 571–572

lock statement for synchronizing multiple threads, 565–571

Monitor class, 572–573

Mutex class, 574–576

overview of, 565

Semaphore class, 576–578

summary, 588

WaitHandle class, 573–574

SyncProcessMessage( ) method, formatters, 1415

Sys.Debug class, 13311332

Sys.Services.AuthenticationService, 1334

Sys.Services.ProfileService, 1334

System namespace, 60

system queues, message queues, 1488

system resources, 1165

System.Attribute, 351353

System.Collections, 270

bit array classes, 311

Generic namespace, 265

List<T> class, 245

queue classes, 283

SystemColors, 1165

System.Convert, 185


classes found in, 849

defined, 848


defined, 848

using database connections, 851–853

using stored procedures, 969–970

System.DateTime, 227

System.Delegate, 197


event logging classes, 534

performance monitoring, 542

tracing, 523

System.DirectoryServices, 747, 1594

System.DirectoryServices.Protocols, 1594, 1616


Brush class, 1098–1099

Color struct, 1095

defined, 1075

Graphics class, 1076, 1100–1102

Image class, 1103–1104

Pen class, 1077, 1099–1100

Printing, 1130

Rectangle, 1081–1082

structs in, 1082

System.EnterpriseServices, 680.

See also Enterprise Services


classes, 372–373

properties, 381–382

SystemFonts, 1165

System.GC, 325

System.Globalization, 638

region classes, 638


file browser example, 796

for file system operations, 789

hierarchy of stream-related classes in, 808–809

IOException class, 372

System.Messaging, 1503.

See also message queues

System.MulticastDelegate, 197


methods, 106–107

methods for comparing object equality, 169

.NET classes derived from, 106

SystemParameters, 1165


assembly attributes, 483–484

Assembly class, 363

System.Resources, 651652, 657

classes, 657

ResourceManger class, 654

System.Runtime.InteropServices, 775

System.Runtime.Serialization, 789

System.Security, 603

System.Security.AccessControl, 824829

System.ServiceModel, 1517

System.ServiceProcess, 713

System.String, 222223


RegularExpressions, 221, 234

StringBuilder, 221, 224–226

System.Transactions, 675, 683685.

See also transactions


methods, 360

overview of, 358

properties, 359–360

reflection, 358

TypeView example, 360–363

System.ValueType, 113

<system.web.extensions>, 1315


class hierarchy, 993–995

Control class of, 995–998

defining Message struct, 1503

Integration, 1209

System.Windows.Shapes, 11441147

System.Workflow.Activities, 1544

System.Xml, 862

for ADO.NET. See ADO.NET, XML and classes, 906

defined, 901

overview of, 902–903

Serialization, 943–950

XPath, 921–927

Xsl, 926–931

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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