C# basics, 16211652

arrays, 58–59, 1634

Boolean types, 43–44

built-in reference types, 45

built-in value types, 41

character types, 44–45

comments, 68–71

compiling C# files, 64–66

conditional statements, 47–51

console I/O, 66–68

constants, 38–39

constructors, 1630–1631

control statements, 1634–1636

CTS types, 41

decimal types, 43–44

enumerations, 55–58, 1627

events, 1647–1649

exception handling, 1639–1640

fields, 81

floating-point types, 42–43

flow control, 47

generics, 1649–1651

identifier rules, 74–76

inheritance, 1640–1642

integer types, 41–42

interfaces, 1626

jump statements, 55–56

loops, 51–55, 1637–1638

Main( ) method, 62–64

method parameters and return types, 1628

methods, 80–81, 1627

namespace aliases, 61–62

namespaces, 59–60, 1622–1623

naming conventions, 77–80

object type, 45–46

overview of, 29, 1621–1622

parameter modifiers, 1628–1630

preprocessor directives, 71–74

properties, 80–81, 1631–1632

reference types, 39–41, 1623–1624

resource management, 1642–1647

simple example program, 30–33

static members, 1633–1634

string type, 46–47

summary, 81–82

usage conventions, 76–77

using statement, 60–61

value types, 39–41, 1624–1625

variable declaration, 34

variable initialization, 34–35

variable scope, 36–38

C# class, writing, 493495

C++/CLI programming language, 16211652

arrays, 1634

constants compared with C#, 38

constructors, 1630–1631

constructors compared with C#, 99

control statements, 1634–1636

data types compared with C#, 42

enumerations, 1627

error handling compared with C#, 372

events, 1647–1649

exception handling, 1639–1640

GDI+ drawing principles, 1075

generics, 1649–1651

inheritance, 1640–1642

inheritance compared with C#, 113

interfaces, 1626

loops, 1637–1638

memory management compared with C#, 319–320

method parameters and return

types, 1628

methods, 1627

mixing native and managed code, 1651–1652

namespaces, 1622–1623

nondeterministic destruction, 855

overview of, 1621–1622

parameter modifiers, 1628–1630

pointers compared with C# references, 40

properties, 1631–1632

reading/upgrading Visual Studio 6 projects, 411

reference types, 1623–1624

resource management, 1642–1647

static members, 1633–1634

value types, 1624–1625

variable initialization compared with C#, 35

writing C++/CLI class, 486–490

Cab Project, Visual Studio 2005 installer projects, 447

cache, Active Directory, 1603

Calculate DocumentSize( ) method, 1116, 11181119

CalculateLineWidths( ) method, 1116, 11181119

calendar control, 12391242

call contexts, remoting and, 14501452

callback functions, 195.

See also delegates

CallExternalMethodActivity, 1547, 1578

camel casing, for names, 77

Canvas panel, 11541155

CapsEditor application, 11121126

calculating item and document sizes, 1118–1119

coordinate transforms, 1121–1122

editing text document in, 1112–1116

Invalidate( ) method, 1116–1117

OnPaint( ) method, 1119–1120

responding to user input, 1122–1126

captures, regular expressions, 239241

cascading style sheets. See CSS (cascading style sheets)


casing schemes for names, 77–78

sensitivity in C#, 32

switch…case statement, 50–51

caspol.exe (Code Access Security Policy tool), 592594

changing group permissions, 619–620

creating code groups, 618

creating/applying permission sets, 620

deleting code groups, 619

distribution with strong names, 622–623

exception checking function, 594

options, 592

resetting security policy, 618

viewing assembly code groups, 595–597

viewing assembly permissions, 600

viewing code groups with, 592–594

viewing enterprise level permissions, 603

viewing user level permissions, 602

cast operators

boxing and unboxing, 188

casting between pointer types, 335

casts between classes, 185, 187

COM interface for, 751

implementing user-defined casts, 182–185

list of, 156

multiple operators, 189–192

overloading, 180

overview of, 181–182

pointers to integer types, 334–335

summary, 193

CatalogZone control, 1291, 12941295, 1298

catch blocks

catching exceptions, 374–376

catching exceptions from other code, 380–381

consequences of unhandled exceptions, 382

multiple, 376–380

throwing exceptions from, 383

user-defined exceptions, 385–387

Visual Studio 2005 exception handling, 430

CCWs (COM callable wrappers), 771, 775776

Cert2spc.exe (Software Publisher Certificate Test tool), 624

certificates, code distribution with, 623630

change notification, in replication, 1588

ChangePassword control, ASP.NET, 1281, 12821283

<channel> element, 1431

ChannelFactory class, proxy for accessing services, 15361537


defined, 1402–1403

delayed loading of client, 1434–1435

formatters, 1415

overview of, 1410–1414

registering with ChannelServices, 1415–1416

security configuration of, 1442–1444

sending messages to, 1420


defined, 1402

registering with, 1415–1416

char type, 1625

character types, 4445

CheckBox control, 1000

checked operator, 159160

CheckedChanged event, check box, 1000

CheckedListBox, 10011003

Children property, object collections, 1601

class ID (CLSID), 751, 778

class keyword, declaring reference type in C#, 1623

Class Library Wizard, writing Visual Basic class assembly, 490

Class View window, Visual Studio 2005, 420


abstract, 117

adding constructors to a class hierarchy, 120–122

ADO.NET database, 849–851

ADO.NET shared, 849

AJAX OOP extensions, 1326–1327

assigned with using keyword, 61

bit arrays, 311

between casts, 185, 187

constructors of derived classes, 118–120

culture classes, 638

data members, 85

DataGridView hierarchy, 1049–1052

delegates implemented as, 197

dictionaries, 305–306

event logging, 534–535

exception handling, 372, 378–379, 390–392

font, 1109

function members, 85–86

inheritance and, 112–113

instances of, 84

IP address, 1359–1360

lifetime management of, 1427

lower-level protocols, 1361–1371

members, 84–85

Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespace, 957–958

namespaces, 21

namespaces for grouping, 32

object class, 106

object creation and, 84

objects as instance of, 197

partial, 104–105

passing objects in remote methods, 1421–1422

performance monitoring and, 542

printing, 1126–1127

reflection, 358

sealed, 117–118

static, 105–106

System namespaces and, 60

System.DirectoryServices, 1594–1595, 1616

System.Xml, 903, 906

System.Xml.XPath, 921, 923–927

transaction, 677–680

TriggerAction, 1189

Windows Forms hierarchy of, 993–995

WPF hierarchy of, 1140–1141

XmlNode, 914–915

XmlReader and XmlWriter, 906–907

classes, generic, 243268

binary code reuse, 246

code bloat and, 246

collections, 269–270

constraints, 252–255

creating, 247–251

default values, 252

inheritance and, 255–256

invoking methods, 251–252

naming conventions, 246–247

overview of, 243–244

performance benefits of, 244–245

static members, 256

summary, 268

type safety and, 245

classes, .NET

base class library, 20

connection, 851

folders and files, 791–793

.NET Remoting, 1440

Registry, 831–834

Registry, example of, 834–840

serialization and, 789

classSchema, 1585, 15891590

CLI. SeeC++/CLI programming language

Click events, buttons, 998999

ClickOnce, 459462

application cache, 461

compared with Windows Installers, 459–460

overview of, 443, 459

publishing applications with, 460

security, 461

settings, 461

<client> element, 1433

ClientActivated_Client. config file, 1433

ClientCallback, duplex communication, 15391540

client.exe.config file, 1434, 1449


accessing new service, 731

client application for DatabaseResourceReader, 673

COM components used from.NET clients, 755

creating COM client, 779–782

deployment solution, 448–456

duplex communication between service and, 1538–1540

error messages, 1319

JavaScript references, 1318

proxy to access services, 1536–1537

requirements for .NET applications, 443–444

tiered development and, 894–895

WCF, 1520–1522

Web Server deployment of, 458

clients, .NET Remoting

channels, 1412

code using configuration files, 1434

configuration file, 1449

configuration for client-activated objects, 1433

configuration for well-known objects, 1432

delayed loading of client channels, 1434–1435

lifetime management for, 1426–1429

overview of, 1409–1410

security, 1442–1444

ClientSponsor class, 1427

clipping region, using for graphics, 10801082

ClipRectangle property, PaintEventArgs, 1081

Clone( ) method

copying arrays, 141–142

transactional resources, 702

Close( ) method

block statement and, 855–856

hosting, 1535

service host, 1517

service implementation, 1531

closed locked state, state machine workflows, 15651568

closed unlocked state, state machine workflows, 15661568

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 47

application deployment and, 444

code access permissions, 597–598

generics and, 243

identity permissions, 598

language interoperability, 5–7

managed code and, 4

Object Remoting, 1400, 1401

overview of, 4

performance improvement, 5

platform independence, 4–5

runtime versions, 518–519

support for code access security, 603–604

CLS (Common Language Specification)

language interoperability and, 12–13, 485–486

requirements for CLS-compliance, 495–497

writing C# class assembly, 493–495

writing C++/CLI class assembly, 486–490

writing Visual Basic class assembly, 490–493

CLSCompliant attribute, 496

CLSID (class ID), 751, 778


accessing resources from, 1165–1166

applying themes to pages, 1285

ASP.NET model, 1219–1220

binary code reuse, 246

distribution with certificates, 623–630

distribution with strong names, 622–623

generating with XSD, 882–887

mixing native and managed, in C++/CLI, 1651–1652

writing to create data tables, 875–876

code access security, 590632

asserting permissions, 610–612

caspol.exe utility, 592–594

changing code group permissions, 619–620

CLR support for, 603–604

code distribution with certificates, 623–630

code distribution with strong names, 622–623

code groups, 591

creating code access permission, 610–612

creating code groups, 618

creating/applying permission sets, 620

declarative security, 613

deleting code groups, 619

demanding permissions, 604–605

denying permissions, 610

implicit permission, 609

managing code groups and permissions, 617

managing security policies, 613–614

managing zones, 630–632

overview of, 14, 590–591

permissions and permission sets, 597–599

policy levels, 601–603

requesting permissions, 605–609

resetting security policy, 618

security configuration file, 614–617

summary, 636

turning on/off, 617–618

viewing assembly code groups, 595–597

viewing assembly permissions, 599–601

Code Access Security Policy tool. Seecaspol.exe (Code Access Security Policy tool)

code bloat, 246

code editor, Visual Studio 2005, 412414

code groups

changing permissions, 619–620

creating, 618

deleting, 619

levels, 596

managing, 617

membership conditions, 591

overview of, 591

viewing assembly, 595–597

<codeBase> directory, configuring, 519520

CodeCondition class, WF, 1545

collection interfaces, arrays, 145146

collections, 269318

bit arrays. See bit arrays

dictionaries. Seedictionaries

Generic namespace, 265

initialization, 1699–1700

interfaces and types, 269–271

linked lists, 290–296

lists.See lists

List<T> class, 245

of multiple objects, 133

overview of, 269

performance, 317–318

queues, 283–287

read-only, 282–283

sorted lists, 297–299

stacks, 287–289


form, 1021

graphic display modes and safety palette, 1097

named, 1096–1097

overview of, 1095–1097

RGB values, 1096

systemwide resources for, 1165

columns. See data columns

COM (Component Object Model)

COM apartments for threading, 581

creating COM client, 779–782

extending COM components for .NET applications, 764–767, 780–781

language interoperability and, 7, 485

.NET and, 748

registry used for component configuration, 509

releasing COM objects, 763

using COM component from .NET client, 755–761

Visual Basic integration with, 6

COM apartments, 581

COM callable wrappers (CCWs), 771, 775776

COM Interoperability, 747786

ActiveX controls in Windows Forms, 767–770

ASP.NET and, 770

attributes, 775–778

CCWs (COM callable wrappers), 771

connection points for extending COM components for .NET applications, 764–767, 780–781

creating COM clients, 779–782

creating COM components, 755–761

creating .NET components, 771–772

creating type library, 772–774

data types and, 751

error handling and event handling, 754

freeing memory, 749

interfaces, 749–751

marshalling mechanism, 755

metadata and, 748–749

method binding, 751

.NET and, 748

overview of, 747

platform invoke and, 783–785

primary interop assemblies, 764

RCWs (runtime callable wrappers), 761–763

registry configuration, 751, 778

running Windows Forms controls in Internet Explorer, 782–783

summary, 783–785

threading and, 752–753, 764

using COM component from .NET client, 755

wrapping Window API calls, 705


creating simple application, 1458–1461

deploying application, 1461–1463

Enterprise Services based on, 1453

history of, 1454–1455

transactional services. See Enterprise Services

Combine( ) method, Delegate class, 16461647

ComboBox control, 10011003

Command class, 1066

command link controls, Windows Vista, 16601661

command-line compiler (csc.exe)

adding resource files to assemblies, 652

compiling code with, 31

commands, database

calling stored procedures, 863–866

ExecuteNonQuery( ), 859

ExecuteReader( ), 860

ExecuteScalar( ), 861

ExecuteXmlReader( ), 861–862

overview of, 858

summary, 899

commands, with WPF, 11581161

comments, 6871

internal within source files, 68–69

XML documentation, 69–71

Commit( ) method, transactions, 701

CommitChanges( ) method, Active Directory, 1603, 1605

CommittableTransaction class, 683, 685687

committing phase, transactions, 677

Common Language Runtime. See CLR (Common Language Runtime)

Common Language Specification. See CLS (Common Language Specification)

Common subcomponent, message queues, 1486

Common Type System. See CTS (Common Type System)

communication channels, WCF, 1512

comparison operators

comparing equality of reference types, 170

list of, 156

operator precedence, 163

overloading, 178–180

types of, 178

compatibility, backward, 330

compilers, C#

conditional compilation, 72

csc.exe (command-line compiler), 31

options, 64–66

compiling projects, Visual Studio 2005 terminology, 423

component load balancing, Enterprise Services, 1455

Component Services Explorer

creating installer package with, 1462–1463

overview of, 1463–1465

ComponentCommands, WPF, 1158


colors known as, 1096

compared with assemblies, 478–479

ErrorProvider, 1004–1005

HelpProvider, 1005

ImageList, 1005

CompositeActivity, custom, 15571664

adding designer, 1559–1562

attached properties, 1562–1565

overview of, 1557–1559

Computer Management MMC snap-in

creating message queues, 1488–1489

message queue properties, 1489–1490

ComSvcConfig.exe utility, creating WCF façade, 14791481

concatenation operators, 157

concurrency, configuring with Component Services Explorer, 1465

condition types, in WF, 1545

conditional compilation

Conditional attribute and, 425

defined, 72

conditional operators, 156, 1635

conditional statements

if statement, 48–49

switch statement, 50–51

<configSections> setting, 1315


Active Directory, 1585–1586

application configuration files, 512–515

categories, 509–510

configuration files

application configuration files, 509, 512–515

.NET Remoting. See .NET Remoting, configuration files

security configuration file, 614–617

types of, 509–510

XML and, 509

<configuration>, ASP.NET AJAX, 13131316

Configure( ) method

client code using configuration files, 1434

implementing servers, 1447–1448

server code using configuration files, 1433–1434

Connect( ) method, 1420

connection points, extending COM components for .NET applications, 764767, 780781

connection strings

managing, 852–854

overview of, 852

connections, database, 851857

creating in Visual Studio, 1058–1062

initiating transactions, 856–857

managing connection strings, 852–854

overview of, 851–852

releasing with try…catch…finally, 854–855

releasing with using block statement, 855–856

ConnectionsZone control, 1292

consistency, ACID properties, 677

consistent bit, transactions, 1468

Console Application project, Visual Studio 2005, 405406

console windows, reading from/writing to, 6668

Console.WriteLine( ) method, 221

AppendFormat( ) method, 227

format strings and, 228

how strings are formatted, 229–230

const keyword, 38

constants, 3839

advantages of, 39

characteristics of, 38

defining class members, 85


defined, 849

foreign key, 879–880

generic classes, 252–255

naming conventions, 898–899

overview of, 878

primary key, 878–879

update and delete, 880–881

constructors, 9499

adding constructors to a class hierarchy, 120–122

adding constructors with parameters to a class hierarchy, 122–124

in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1630–1631

calling from other constructors, 98–99

constraints, 255

creating lists, 273

defining class functions, 86

of derived classes, 118–120

FileStream, 811

overview of, 94–96

passing data to threads, 555–556

static, 96–98

StreamReader class, 817

StreamWriter class, 818–819

for structs, 103–104

consuming Web services, 13811383

ContainerControl, 1023

Content controls, .aspx pages, 1270

ContentControl controls, WPF, 11481150

ContentPlaceHolder control, 12691270

Contents, ASP.NET server controls, 1220

<ContentTemplate>, UpdatePanel control, 13191320

context menus

attributes, 1068

providing type-safe access to data, 1063–1066

context-bound objects

marshal-by-reference classes as, 1421

overview of, 1405–1406

ContextMenuAttribute, 1066

ContextMenuStrip, 1015


Enterprise Services, 1455–1456

.NET Remoting, 1405–1406, 1450–1452

ContextUtil class, 1468

contiguous, hierarchical namespaces, 1587

continue statement, 56

contracts, WCF, 15221532

creating WCF façade, 1479

data contracts, 1524–1525

duplex communication, 1538–1540

message contracts, 1525–1532

overview of, 1522

service contracts, 1522–1524

Control Panel, Regional and Language options, 640

control statements, in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 16341636

controlName, ASP.NET Web server controls, 1220

controls, ASP.NET, 12201231

Crystal Reports Web server controls, 1224

custom, 1264–1268

data Web server controls, 1228–1229

example of server, 1231–1236

navigation and login Web server controls, 1231

overview of, 1220–1223

standard Web server controls, 1224–1227

user. See user controls, ASP.NET

validation Web server controls, 1229–1230

WebParts Web server controls, 1231

controls, Windows Forms

appearance, 996

Button, 998–999

CheckBox, 1000

ComboBox, ListBox and CheckedListBox, 1001–1003

Control class, 995–998

DateTimePicker, 1003

FlowLayoutPanel, 1010–1011

Label, 1005–1006

linking to data source, 1052

ListView, 1006–1008

MaskedTextBox, 1010

MenuStrip, 1015

miscellaneous functionality in, 998

overview of, 995

Panel, 1010

PictureBox, 1008

ProgressBar, 1008

RadioButton, 1000

RichTextBox, 1009–1010

size and location, 995–996

SplitContainer, 1011

TabControl and TabPages, 1012

TableLayoutPanel, 1010–1011

TextBox, 1009–1010

ToolStrip, 1012–1015

user interaction and, 996–997

Windows functionality for, 997–998

WPF, 1147–1152

within WPF applications, 1211–1212

controls, Windows Vista command link, 16601662

controls, WPF, 11471152

ContentControl controls, 1148–1150

HeaderedContentControl, 1150–1151

HeaderedItemsControl, 1152

ItemsControl, 1151–1152

layout, 1152–1157

simple controls, 1147–1148

using within Windows Forms, 1209–1210

Controls layer, AJAX Library, 1308

ControlTemplate, 11701174

ControlToValidate property, validation controls, 12291330

conversions, data type. Seetype conversion

ConvertAll( ) method

generic delegates with Array class, 262–264

List<T> class, 282

CookieContainer, exchanging data using SOAP headers, 13951396

coordinates, 10821087

drawing scrollable windows, 1092–1093

drawing shapes, 1077–1078

measuring, 1082

Point and PointF, 1083–1084

Rectangle and RectangleF, 1085–1086

Region, 1087

Size and SizeF, 1084–1085

transforms, 1121–1122

world, page and device, 1094–1095

copy constructors, 174

Copy Web tool, 442, 446

copying files, 799804

core services layer, AJAX Library, 1307

correlation ID, acknowledgement queues, 1508


adding PerformanceCounter components, 543–545

Performance Counter Builder, 542–543

Course Order sample application, 14991507

class library, 1499–1501

installation, 1510

message receiver, 1503–1507

message sender, 1501–1502

receiving results, 1507–1508

sending priority and recoverable messages, 1502–1503

transactional queues, 1508–1509

$create( ) function, AJAX Library, 1325

Create( ) method

programming message queues, 1490–1491

transactional message queues, 1509

WebRequest, 1343, 1356–1357

CREATE FUNCTION statement, SQL, 971972

Create method, for XmlReader, 907

CREATE TABLE command, SQL, 975976

CREATE TRIGGER command, SQL, 974

CREATE XML SCHEMA statement, SQL, 981982

CreateChannel( ) method, Windows services, 1531

CreateGraphics( ) method, 1077

CreateInstance( ) method

activating client-activated objects, 1418

creating arrays, 140

returning proxy to client, 1419

CreateInstance( ) method, activators, 1428

CreateMessageSink( ) method, IChannelSender, 1414

CreateSink( ) method, formatters, 1415

CreateSubKey( ) method

RegistryKey class, 832–833

SelfPlacingWindow application using, 838–839

CreateUserWizard control, ASP.NET, 1281

Credentials property, WebRequest, 1344

CrossContextChannel, 1406

Crystal Reports Web server controls, 1224

csc.exe (command-line compiler)

adding resource files to assemblies, 652

compiling code with, 31

CSS (cascading style sheets)

Ajax core technology, 1302–1304

master pages in PCSDemoSite, 1272

optional in themes, 1284

CTS (Common Type System)

language interoperability and, 485–486

overview of, 10–12

predefined types and, 41

CultureInfo class, 663

System.Globalization, 639


changing programmatically, 663–664

classes in System.Globalization, 638

CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture, 640–641

custom, 673–674

date formats, 643–644

number formats, 641–643

overview of, 639

sort order for, 648–650

specific, neutral, and invariant, 639–640

strong names and, 500

Windows Forms application as example, 644–648


creating by binding objects, 1056–1058

using with BindingContext, 1054–1056

CurrentCulture, 663

CurrentUICulture, 663

Custom Actions editor, Visual Studio 2005, 465467

custom activities, WF, 15501552

custom attributes

AttributeUsage attribute, 351–353

GetCustomAttributes( ) method, 364–365

metadata and, 349

overview of, 350

parameter specification, 353–354

WhatsNewAttributes example, 354–358, 365–369

writing, 350–351

custom COM interfaces, 749

custom composite activities, WF, 15571565

custom controls, ASP.NET

calendar control, 1239–1242

defined, 1220

overview of, 1264–1268

custom controls, Windows Forms, 10231035

overview of, 1023–1024

TreeView-based, 1024–1030

user controls, 1030–1035

custom cultures, 673674

custom indexers, 135

custom resource messages, 664665, 697698

custom resource readers, 669670

custom services, 15771578

Cycle( ) method, ASP.NET custom controls, 12661267

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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