Address Translation

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Now that you've seen how Windows structures the virtual address space, let's look at how it maps these address spaces to real physical pages. User applications and system code reference virtual addresses. This section starts with a detailed description of 32-bit x86 address translation, followed by a brief description of the differences on the 64-bit IA-64 and x64 platform. In the next section, we'll describe what happens when such a translation doesn't resolve to a physical memory address (paging) and explain how Windows manages physical memory via working sets and the page frame database.

x86 Virtual Address Translation

Using data structures the memory manager creates and maintains called page tables, the CPU translates virtual addresses into physical addresses. Each virtual address is associated with a system-space structure called a page table entry (PTE), which contains the physical address to which the virtual one is mapped. For example, Figure 7-15 shows how three consecutive virtual pages are mapped to three physically discontiguous pages on an x86.

Figure 7-15. Mapping virtual addresses to physical memory (x86)

The dashed line connecting the virtual pages to the PTEs in Figure 7-15 represents the indirect relationship between virtual pages and physical memory.


Kernel-mode code (such as device drivers) can reference physical memory addresses by mapping them to virtual addresses. For more information, see the memory descriptor list (MDL) support routines described in the DDK documentation.

By default, Windows on an x86 system uses a two-level page table structure to translate virtual to physical addresses. (x86 systems running the PAE kernel use a three-level page table this section assumes non-PAE systems.) A 32-bit virtual address is interpreted as three separate components the page directory index, the page table index, and the byte index that are used as indexes into the structures that describe page mappings, as illustrated in Figure 7-16. The page size and the PTE width dictate the width of the page directory and page table index fields. For example, on x86 systems, the byte index is 12 bits because pages are 4096 bytes (212 = 4096).

Figure 7-16. Components of a 32-bit virtual address on x86 systems

The page directory index is used to locate the page table in which the virtual address's PTE is located. The page table index is used to locate the PTE, which, as mentioned earlier, contains the physical address to which a virtual page maps. The byte index finds the proper address within that physical page. Figure 7-17 shows the relationship of these three values and how they are used to map a virtual address into a physical address.

Figure 7-17. Translating a valid virtual address (x86-specific)

The following basic steps are involved in translating a virtual address:

  1. The memory management hardware locates the page directory for the current process. On each process context switch, the hardware is told the address of a new process page directory, typically by the operating system setting a special CPU register.

  2. The page directory index is used as an index into the page directory to locate the page directory entry (PDE) that describes the location of the page table needed to map the virtual address. The PDE contains the page frame number (PFN) of the page table (if it is resident page tables can be paged out).

  3. The page table index is used as an index into the page table to locate the PTE that describes the physical location of the virtual page in question.

  4. The PTE is used to locate the page. If the page is valid, it contains the PFN of the page in physical memory that contains the virtual page. If the PTE indicates that the page isn't valid, the memory management fault handler locates the page and tries to make it valid. (See the section on page fault handling.) If the page can't be made valid (for example, because of a protection fault), the fault handler generates an access violation or a bug check.

  5. When the PTE is pointed to a valid page, the byte index is used to locate the address of the desired data within the physical page.

Now that you have the overall picture, let's look at the detailed structure of page directories, page tables, and PTEs.

Page Directories

Each process has a single page directory, a page the memory manager creates to map the location of all page tables for that process. The physical address of the process page directory is stored in the kernel process (KPROCESS) block, but it is also mapped virtually at address 0xC0300000 on x86 systems (0xC0600000 on systems running the PAE kernel image). All code running in kernel mode references virtual addresses, not physical ones. (For more detailed information about KPROCESS and other process data structures, refer to Chapter 6.)

The CPU knows the location of the page directory page because a special register (CR3 on x86 systems) inside the CPU that is loaded by the operating system contains the physical address of the page directory. Each time a context switch occurs to a thread that is in a different process than that of the currently executing thread, this register is loaded from the KPROCESS block of the target process being switched to by the context-switch routine in the kernel. Context switches between threads in the same process don't result in reloading the physical address of the page directory because all threads within the same process share the same process address space.

The page directory is composed of page directory entries (PDEs), each of which is 4 bytes long (8 bytes on systems running the PAE kernel image) and describes the state and location of all the possible page tables for that process. (As described later in the chapter, page tables are created on demand, so the page directory for most processes points only to a small set of page tables.) The format of a PDE isn't repeated here because it's mostly the same as a hardware PTE.

On x86 systems running in non-PAE mode, 1024 page tables are required to describe the full 4-GB virtual address space. The process page directory that maps these page tables contains 1024 PDEs. Therefore, the page directory index needs to be 10 bits wide (210 = 1024). On x86 systems running in PAE mode, there are 512 entries in a page table (because the page directory index is 9 bits wide). Because there are 4 page directories, the result is a maximum of 2048 page tables.

EXPERIMENT: Examining the Page Directory and PDEs

You can see the physical address of the currently running process's page directory by examining the DirBase field in the !process kernel debugger output:

You can see the page directory's virtual address by examining the kernel debugger output for the PTE of a particular virtual address, as shown here:

The PTE part of the kernel debugger output is defined in the section "Page Table Entries."

Because Windows provides a private address space for each process, each process has its own set of process page tables to map that process's private address space. However, the page tables that describe system space are shared among all processes (and session space is shared among processes in a session). To avoid having multiple page tables describing the same virtual memory, when a process is created, the page directory entries that describe system space are initialized to point to the existing system page tables. If the process is part of a session, session space page tables are also shared by pointing the session space page directory entries to the existing session page tables.

But as shown in Figure 7-18, not all processes have the same view of system space. For example, if paged pool expansion requires the allocation of a new system page table, the memory manager doesn't go back and update all the process page directories to point to the new system page table. Instead, it updates the process page directories when the processes reference the new virtual address.

Figure 7-18. System and process-private page tables

Thus, a process can take a page fault when referencing paged pool that is in fact physically resident because its process page directory doesn't yet point to the new system page table that describes the new area of pool. Page faults don't occur when accessing nonpaged pool, even though it too can be expanded, because Windows builds enough system page tables to describe the maximum size during system initialization.

Page Tables and Page Table Entries

The process page directory entries point to individual page tables. Page tables are composed of an array of PTEs. The virtual address's page table index field (as shown in Figure 7-17) indicates which PTE within the page table maps the data page in question. On x86 systems, the page table index is 10 bits wide (9 on PAE), allowing you to reference up to 1024 4-byte PTEs (512 8-byte PTEs on PAE systems). However, because 32-bit Windows provides a 4-GB private virtual address space, more than one page table is needed to map the entire address space. To calculate the number of page tables required to map the entire 4-GB process virtual address space, divide 4 GB by the virtual memory mapped by a single page table. Recall that each page table on an x86 system maps 4 MB (2 MB on PAE) of data pages. Thus, 1024 page tables (4 GB/4 MB) or 2048 page tables (4 GB/2 MB) for PAE are required to map the full 4-GB address space.

You can use the !pte command in the kernel debugger to examine PTEs. (See the experiment "Translating Addresses.") We'll discuss valid PTEs here and invalid PTEs in a later section. Valid PTEs have two main fields: the page frame number (PFN) of the physical page containing the data or of the physical address of a page in memory, and some flags that describe the state and protection of the page, as shown in Figure 7-19.

Figure 7-19. Valid x86 hardware PTEs

As you'll see later, the bits labeled Reserved in Figure 7-19 are used only when the PTE isn't valid. (The bits are interpreted by software.) Table 7-11 briefly describes the hardware-defined bits in a valid PTE.

Table 7-11. PTE Status and Protection Bits

Name of Bit



Page has been read.

Cache disabled

Disables caching for that page.


Page has been written to.


Translation applies to all processes. (For example, a translation buffer flush won't affect this PTE.)

Large page

Indicates that the PDE maps a 4-MB page (or 2 MB on PAE systems). See the section "Large and Small Pages" earlier in the chapter.


Indicates whether user-mode code can access the page or whether the page is limited to kernel-mode access.


Indicates whether the translation maps to a page in physical memory.

Write through

Disables caching of writes to this page so that changes are immediately flushed to disk.


On uniprocessor systems, indicates whether the page is read/write or readonly; on multiprocessor systems, indicates whether the page is writable. (The Write bit is stored in a reserved bit in the PTE.)

On x86 systems, a hardware PTE contains a Dirty bit and an Accessed bit. The Accessed bit is clear if a physical page represented by the PTE hasn't been read or written; the processor sets this bit when the page is first read or written. The processor sets the Dirty bit only when a page is first written. In addition to those two bits, the x86 architecture has a Write bit that provides page protection. When this bit is clear, the page is read-only; when it is set, the page is read/ write. If a thread attempts to write to a page with the Write bit clear, a memory management exception occurs and the memory manager's access fault handler (described in the next section) must determine whether the thread can write to the page (for example, if the page was really marked copy-on-write) or whether an access violation should be generated.

Hardware PTEs on multiprocessor x86 systems have an additional Write bit implemented in software that is intended to avoid stalls when flushing the PTE cache (called the translation look-aside buffer, described in the next section) across processors. This bit indicates that a page has been modified by another processor.

Byte Within Page

Once the memory manager has found the physical page in question, it must find the requested data within that page. This is where the byte index field comes in. The byte index field tells the CPU which byte of data in the page you want to reference. On x86 systems, the byte index is 12 bits wide, allowing you to reference up to 4096 bytes of data (the size of a page). So, adding the byte offset to the physical page number retrieved from the PTE completes the translation of a virtual address to a physical address.

EXPERIMENT: Translating Addresses

To clarify how address translation works, let's go through a real example of translating a virtual address on an x86 non-PAE system, using the available tools in the kernel debugger to examine page directories, page tables, and PTEs. In this example, we'll use a process that has virtual address 0x50001 currently mapped to a valid physical address. In later examples, you'll see how to follow address translation for invalid addresses with the kernel debugger.

First let's convert 0x50001 to binary and break it into the three fields that are used to translate an address. In binary, 0x50001 is 101.0000.0000.0000.0001. Breaking it into the component fields yields the following:

To start the translation process, the CPU needs the physical address of the process page directory, stored in the CR3 register while a thread in that process is running. You can display this address either by examining the CR3 register itself or by dumping the KPROCESS block for the process in question using the !process command, as shown here:

In this case, the page directory is stored at physical address 0x12F0000. As shown in the preceding illustration, the page directory index field in this example is 0. Therefore, the PDE is at physical address 0x12F0000.

The kernel debugger !pte command displays the PDE and PTE that describe a virtual address, as shown here:

In the first column the kernel debugger displays the PDE, and in the second column it displays the PTE. Notice that the PDE address is shown as a virtual address, not a physical address as noted earlier, the process page directory starts at virtual address 0xC0300000 on x86 systems. Because we're looking at the first PDE in the page directory, the PDE address is the same as the page directory address.

The PTE is at virtual address 0xC0000140. You can compute this address by multiplying the page table index (0x50 in this example) by the size of a PTE: 0x50 multiplied by 4 equals 0x140. Because the memory manager maps page tables starting at 0xC0000000, adding 140 yields the virtual address shown in the kernel debugger output: 0xC0000140. The page table page is at PFN 0x700, and the data page is at PFN 0xe63.

The PTE flags are displayed to the right of the PFN number. For example, the PTE that describes the page being referenced has flags of D UWV. D here stands for dirty (the page has been modified), U for user-mode page (as opposed to a kernel-mode page), W for writable page (rather than read-only), and V for valid. (The PTE represents a valid page in physical memory.)

Translation Look-Aside Buffer

As we've learned so far, each address translation requires two lookups: one to find the right page table in the page directory and one to find the right entry in the page table. Because doing two additional memory lookups for every reference to a virtual address would result in unacceptable system performance, most CPUs cache address translations so that repeated accesses to the same addresses don't have to be retranslated. The processor provides such a cache in the form of an array of associative memory called the translation look-aside buffer, or TLB. Associative memory, such as the TLB, is a vector whose cells can be read simultaneously and compared to a target value. In the case of the TLB, the vector contains the virtual-to-physical page mappings of the most recently used pages, as shown in Figure 7-20, and the type of page protection applied to each page. Each entry in the TLB is like a cache entry, whose tag holds portions of the virtual address and whose data portion holds a physical page number, protection field, valid bit, and usually a dirty bit indicating the condition of the page to which the cached PTE corresponds. If a PTE's global bit is set (used for system space pages that are globally visible to all processes), the TLB entry isn't invalidated on process context switches.

Figure 7-20. Accessing the translation look-aside buffer

Virtual addresses that are used frequently are likely to have entries in the TLB, which provides extremely fast virtual-to-physical address translation and, therefore, fast memory access. If a virtual address isn't in the TLB, it might still be in memory, but multiple memory accesses are needed to find it, which makes the access time slightly slower. If a virtual page has been paged out of memory or if the memory manager changes the PTE, the memory manager explicitly invalidates the TLB entry. If a process accesses it again, a page fault occurs and the memory manager brings the page back into memory and re-creates an entry for it in the TLB.

To maximize the amount of common code, the memory manager treats all PTEs the same whenever possible, whether they are maintained by hardware or by software. For example, the memory manager calls a kernel routine when a PTE changes from invalid to valid. The job of this routine is to load this new PTE into the TLB in whatever hardware-specific manner the architecture requires. On x86 systems, the code is a NOP because the processor loads the TLB without any intervention from the software.

Physical Address Extension (PAE)

The Intel x86 Pentium Pro processor introduced a memory-mapping mode called Physical Address Extension (PAE). With the proper chipset, the PAE mode allows access to up to 64 GB of physical memory on current Intel x86 processors and 1024 GB of physical memory on x64 processors (though Windows currently limits this to 128 GB due to the size of the PFN database required to map so much memory). When the processor executes in PAE mode, the memory management unit (MMU) divides virtual addresses into four fields, as shown in Figure 7-21.

Figure 7-21. Page mappings with PAE

The MMU still implements page directories and page tables, but a third level, the page directory pointer table, exists above them. PAE mode can address more memory than the standard translation mode not because of the extra level of translation but because PDEs and PTEs are 64 bits wide rather than 32 bits. The system represents physical addresses internally with 25 bits, which gives the ability to support a maximum of 225+12 bytes, or 128 GB, of memory. One way in which 32-bit applications can take advantage of such large memory configurations is described in the earlier section "Address Windowing Extensions." However, even if applications are not using such functions, the memory manager will use all available physical memory for file cache data through the use of the system cache, standby, and modified lists (described in the section "Page Frame Number Database").

As explained in Chapter 2, there is a special version of the 32-bit Windows kernel with support for PAE called Ntkrnlpa.exe. To select this PAE-enabled kernel, you must boot with the /PAE switch in Boot.ini. Note that this special version of the kernel image is installed on all 32-bit Windows systems, even Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP systems with small memory. The reason for this is to facilitate device driver testing. Because the PAE kernel presents 64-bit addresses to device drivers and other system code, booting /PAE even on a small memory system allows device driver developers to test parts of their drivers with large addresses. The other relevant Boot.ini switch is /NOLOWMEM, which discards memory below 4 GB (assuming you have at least 5 GB of physical memory) and relocates device drivers above this range. This guarantees that drivers will be presented with physical addresses greater than 32 bits, which makes any possible driver sign extension bugs easier to find.

IA-64 Virtual Address Translation

The virtual address space for IA-64 is divided into eight regions by the hardware. Each region can have its own set of page tables. Windows uses five of the regions, three of which have page tables. Table 7-12 lists the regions and how they are used.

Table 7-12. The IA-64 Regions




User code and data


Session space code and data






Kseg3, which is a cached 1-to-1 mapping of physical memory. No page tables are needed for this region because the necessary TLB inserts are done directly by the memory manager.


Kseg4, which is a noncached 1-to-1 mapping for physical memory. This is used only in a few places for accessing I/O locations such as the I/O port range. There are no page tables needed for this region.




Kernel code and data

Address translation by 64-bit Windows on the IA-64 platform uses a three-level page table scheme. Each process has a page directory pointer structure that contains 1024 pointers to page directories. Each page directory contains 1024 pointers to page tables, which in turn point to physical pages. Figure 7-22 shows the format of an IA-64 hardware PTE.

Figure 7-22. IA-64 page table entry

x64 Virtual Address Translation

64-bit Windows on the x64 architecture uses a four-level page table scheme. Each process has a top level extended page directory (called the page map level 4) that contains 512 pointers to a third-level structure called a page parent directory. Each page parent directory contains 512 pointers to second-level page directories, each of which contain 512 pointers to the individual page tables. Finally, the page tables (each of which contain 512 page table entries) point to pages in memory. Current implementations of the x64 architecture limit virtual addresses to 48 bits. The components that make up this 48-bit virtual address are shown in Figure 7-23. The connections between these structures are shown in Figure 7-24. Finally, the format of an x64 hardware page table entry is shown in Figure 7-25.

Figure 7-23. x64 virtual address

Figure 7-24. x64 address translation structures

Figure 7-25. x64 hardware page table entry

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    Microsoft Windows Internals
    Microsoft Windows Internals (4th Edition): Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000
    ISBN: 0735619174
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 158 © 2008-2017.
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