Registry Entries for the Indexing Service

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The Indexing Service is controlled by entries in the registry. These entries can be edited using Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe, although the usual caveats apply because a misstep in the registry can cause problems not only in the Indexing Service but elsewhere in Windows 2000 as well. Edit only those entries that you must. If the Indexing Service console has a method for making changes, use that instead. Always back up the registry before editing it.

Entries for the Indexing Service can be found in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex. Figure 26-10 shows the registry entries for the Indexing Service. (Remember, the values displayed by Regedt32 are in hexadecimal. An entry of 0x7530 is actually 30,000 in decimal.) Table 26-3 lists some of the critical operational parameters for the Indexing Service that are accessible through the registry.

click to view at full size.

Figure 26-10. The Indexing Service entries in the registry.

Table 26-3. Selected registry entries for the Indexing Service

Registry Entry Function
DaemonResponseTimeout Sets the period (in seconds) after which the CiDaemon process should have responded appropriately. Used to determine whether the CiDaemon process is looping because of a corrupt file.
EventLogFlags Controls the generation of event log messages.
FilterContents Indicates whether the contents of a file will be filtered or whether only the properties of the file will be filtered. A value of 0 specifies that the contents will not be filtered. With any other value, the file will be filtered.
FilterDirectories When set to a value of 0, directories will not be filtered for system properties or displayed in query results. With any other value, the directories will be filtered.
FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions Indicates whether files with nonregistered extensions will be filtered. When set to a value of 0, only registered file types will be filtered.
FilterRetries Indicates the maximum number of times a file will be retried for filtering after a failure.
GenerateCharacterization Controls the automatic generation of file abstracts.
IsapiMaxEntriesInQueryCache Shows the maximum number of cached queries.
IsapiMaxRecordsInResultSet Indicates the maximum number of rows to return for a single query.
IsapiMaxRecordsPerGetRows Indicates the maximum number of rows to fetch when getting data to display on an HTML page.
IsapiRequestQueueSize Controls the maximum number of Web query requests to queue when the server is busy with other requests.
MasterMergeTime Indicates the time at which a master merge will occur. This value is stored as the number of minutes after midnight.
MaxCharacterization Shows the maximum number of characters in abstracts generated automatically.
MaxFilesizeFiltered Controls the maximum size of a single file to be filtered using the default filter. If the size of a file exceeds this value, only file properties will be filtered. This limit does not apply for registered file types.
MaxFreshCount Specifies the maximum number of files whose latest indexed data is not in the master index. If this number is exceeded, a master merge will be performed.
MaxIndexes Sets the maximum number of persistent indexes in the catalog. If this number is exceeded, a shadow merge will be performed to bring the total below this number.
MaxPendingDocuments Sets the maximum number of pending documents to be filtered before considering the content index out of date for property queries.
MaxQueryExecutionTime Identifies the maximum execution time (in seconds) for a query. If the CPU time for a query takes longer than this value, processing will stop and an error message will be returned.
MaxShadowFreeForceMerge A master merge is forced when free space on the catalog hard disk has fallen below the MinDiskFreeForceMerge value and the disk space occupied by the shadow indexes exceeds this value.
MaxShadowIndexSize A master merge is started when the disk space occupied by the shadow indexes exceeds this percentage of the catalog drive.
MaxWordLists Sets the maximum number of word lists that can exist at a time.
MinDiskFreeForceMerge A master merge is forced when the free space on the catalog drive has fallen below the percentage set here and the disk space occupied by the shadow indexes exceeds the value of MaxShadowFreeForceMerge.
MinSizeMergeWordlists Sets the minimum combined size of word lists that will force a shadow merge.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Administrator's Companion, Vol. 1
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Administrators Companion (IT-Administrators Companion)
ISBN: 1572318198
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 366 © 2008-2017.
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