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closeJava Programming with Oracle SQLJ
  Table of Contents
 open1. Introduction
 open2. Relational Databases, SQL, and PL/SQL
 open3. Fundamental SQLJ Programming
 open4. Database Objects
 open5. Collections
 close6. Deploying SQLJ in the JServer
   6.1 Understanding the Oracle JServer
   6.2 Designing Server-Based SQLJ Programs
   6.3 Translating SQLJ Programs
   6.4 Loading SQLJ Programs into the Database
   6.5 Publishing Class Methods
  6.6 Using Database Triggers
   6.7 Using JDeveloper to Translate and Load SQLJ Programs
   6.8 Using Enterprise JavaBeans
 open7. Large Objects
 open8. Contexts and Multithreading
 open9. Advanced Transaction Control
 open10. Performance Tuning
 open11. Combining JDBC, SQLJ, and Dynamic SQL
 openA. Java and Oracle Type Mappings
 openB. Oracle Java Utilities Reference
 openC. SQLJ in Applets, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages

Database > Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ > 6. Deploying SQLJ in the JServer > 6.6 Using Database Triggers


6.6 Using Database Triggers

A database trigger is a procedure that is run, or fired, when a certain action takes place on a database table. Triggers can fire in response to a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. They can fire either before or after the SQL statement. They can also fire once for each row affected by the SQL statement, or once for the entire statement. A trigger that fires once for each row affected by a SQL statement is known as a row trigger , and a trigger that fires once for the statement as a whole is known as a statement trigger. Triggers may have an optional constraint that limits the circumstances under which the trigger runs. Triggers have a variety of uses; one common use is to record changes to rows in a table.

Assume you want to record any change to the price column of the products table that causes the price of a product to increase by 10% or more. You can do this using a trigger. Whenever a price change of 10% or more occurs for a product, your trigger can record the ID, the old price, and the new price of the product in an audit table. In the examples I show in this chapter, the audit table is named price_audit and is defined as follows in the fundamental_user schema:

CREATE TABLE price_audit (   product_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT price_audit_fk_products     REFERENCES products(id),   old_price  NUMBER(*, 2),   new_price  NUMBER(*, 2) );

The following command creates a trigger named product_price_update_trigger that implements our audit logic. Whenever a price change of auditable magnitude occurs, the trigger adds a row to the price_audit table and writes a message to an output buffer, thus recording the change that was made. The :old and :new aliases that you see in the trigger code allow you to access old and new values for rows being changed by an UPDATE statement. You access the price before the update using :old.price, and the price after the update using :new.price.

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER   product_price_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE OF   price ON   products FOR EACH ROW WHEN   (new.price > old.price * 1.1) BEGIN   dbms_output.put_line('For product id ' || :old.id);   dbms_output.put_line('Old price = ' || :old.price);   dbms_output.put_line('New price = ' || :new.price);   dbms_output.put_line('The new price is 10% greater than the old price -     auditing change');   -- insert row into the price_audit table   INSERT INTO     price_audit   VALUES (     :old.id, :old.price, :new.price   ); END; /

Now that the trigger has been created, assume that the products table contains the following IDs and prices:

SQL> SELECT id, price FROM products;         ID      PRICE ---------- ----------          1      19.95          2         30          3      25.99          4      13.95          5      49.99          6      14.95          7      13.49          8      12.99          9      10.99         10      15.99         11      14.99         12      13.49

Given this data, consider what happens if you update the price for both products 1 and 4 to 26.00. In both cases, that increase is greater than 10%, so the trigger fires for both rows:

SQL> UPDATE products SET price = 26 WHERE id IN (1, 4); For product id 4 Old price = 13.95 New price = 26 The new price is 10% greater than the old price - auditing change For product id 1 Old price = 19.95 New price = 26 The new price is 10% greater than the old price - auditing change

After making the update shown here, you can query the price_audit table and verify that the trigger has added two rows to record the two price changes:

SQL> SELECT * FROM price_audit; PRODUCT_ID  OLD_PRICE  NEW_PRICE ---------- ---------- ----------          4      13.95         26          1      19.95         26

You can use SQLJ to replace PL/SQL code in database triggers. This section shows you how to rewrite the body of the trigger named product_price_update_trigger using SQLJ. The steps to do this are as follows:

  1. Create a SQLJ program containing a method that performs the same basic operations as the PL/SQL body of the trigger.

  2. Translate the SQLJ program into class files.

  3. Load the class files into the database.

  4. Publish the class method using a wrapper.

  5. Recreate the trigger with a call to the wrapper.

I'll now discuss these steps in detail.

6.6.1 Step 1: Create a SQLJ program

The program ServerExample2.sqlj, shown in Example 6-2, implements the logic of the trigger named product_price_update_trigger using SQLJ instead of PL/SQL. The ServerExample2 class contains one method, named productPriceUpdate( ), that performs the same basic operations as the PL/SQL body of the trigger.

Example 6-2. ServerExample2.sqlj
/*    The program ServerExample2.sqlj is designed to run in    the Oracle JServer Java Virtual Machine.    The program rewrites the body of the trigger    product_price_update_trigger using SQLJ. */ import java.sql.*; public class ServerExample2 {   public static void productPriceUpdate (     int    product_id,     double old_price,     double new_price   ) {     try {       #sql {         CALL dbms_java.set_output(1000)       };       System.out.println("For product id " + product_id);       System.out.println("Old price = " + old_price);       System.out.println("New price = " + new_price);       System.out.println("The new price is 10% greater than the " +         "old price - auditing change");       // insert row into the price_audit table       #sql {         INSERT INTO           price_audit         VALUES (           :product_id, :old_price, :new_price         )       };     } catch (SQLException e) {        System.out.println("SQLException " + e);        System.exit(1);     }   } // end of productPriceUpdate(  ) }

6.6.2 Step 2: Translate the SQLJ program into class files

Once you've written a SQLJ program to implement your trigger logic, your next step is to translate that program into one or more class files. The following command translates the ServerExample2.sqlj program using the sqlj command-line utility:

sqlj -ser2class ServerExample2.sqlj

This translation produces the following three class files:

  • ServerExample2.class

  • ServerExample2_SJProfileKeys.class

  • ServerExample2_SJProfile0.class

Your next step is to load these class files into the database.

6.6.3 Step 3: Load the class files into the database

Use the loadjava command-line utility to load the class files generated in Step 2 into the database. The following command loads the three previously generated class files into the fundamental_user schema:

loadjava -user fundamental_user/fundamental_password -resolve  ServerExample2.class  ServerExample2_SJProfileKeys.class  ServerExample2_SJProfile0.class

6.6.4 Step 4: Publish the class method using a wrapper

After loading your class files into the database, your next task is to publish the method that implements your trigger logic so the method is callable from PL/SQL. The following example creates a PL/SQL wrapper procedure named product_price_update( ) for the productPriceUpdate( ) method in the ServerExample2 class:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE product_price_update(   product_id NUMBER,   old_price  NUMBER,   new_price  NUMBER ) AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'ServerExample2.productPriceUpdate(int, double, double)'; /

With the method published, you can easily invoke it from the PL/SQL body of a trigger.

6.6.5 Step 5: Recreate the trigger with a call to the wrapper

After publishing the method that implements your trigger logic, your final task is to create (or recreate) a trigger that invokes the wrapper procedure for your method. The following example recreates the trigger named product_price_update_trigger, replacing the PL/SQL body of the trigger with a call to the product_price_update( ) wrapper procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER   product_price_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE OF   price ON   products FOR EACH ROW WHEN   (new.price > old.price * 1.1) CALL product_price_update(:old.id, :old.price, :new.price); /

That's it! You have just implemented a database trigger using SQLJ.


Index terms contained in this section

class files
      loading into database
      translating SQLJ programs into
firing triggers
fundamental_user schema
loadjava utility
price_audit table
product_price_update( ) procedure 2nd
product_price_update_trigger 2nd 3rd
productPriceUpdate( ) method 2nd
row triggers
      creating programs
      translating programs into class files
statement trigger
      row trigger
      statement trigger
      wrapper procedures
      Java class methods, publishing

Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
ISBN: 0596000871
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 150
Authors: Jason Price

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