


on e-mail message pages, 287

overview, 173

pattern matching, 175

required field validation, 174, 177 78, 179, 180

server validation, 180

of settings in Properties window, 56

of user input in guestbooks

comments field, 179 81

format of e-mail field, 178 79

overview, 173

validator controls, 174 75, 177, 178 79

validator controls

for e-mail message pages, 287

for guestbook pages, 174 75, 177, 178 79

security and, 315

for sending pictures as e-mail message pages, 297

VarChar and Char data types, 151 52, 212

variable declarations

tenets of OOP, 24 25

when building slide lists, 68 69

VB.NET. See Visual Basic .NET

VBScript events, 60

View Guestbook pages, 172 73, 187 91

 ViewCalendar.aspx, 269

 ViewGuestbookGrid.aspx, 171 73

 ViewGuestbookList.aspx, 187 91, 200 201

 ViewGuestbookList_Repeater.aspx, 202 3

views of documents, switching, 50 51


maintaining slide numbers in, 71 74

maintaining values during round trips, 146

overview, 72 73

virtual paths, 107

virtual root, configuring IIS for, 322, 323 24

virtual server (SMTP)

installing and configuring, 279 84

overview, 278 79

virus checkers, 310

visitors. See also user input; user preferences

adding entries to guestbooks, 167 70

anonymous, 310 12, 315

authenticating using login forms, 315 17

Visual Basic events, 60

Visual Basic .NET

syntax of, 23

tenets of OOP, 23 28

using with Web Matrix, 20 21

Visual Studio .NET compared to Web Matrix, 20

vulnerabilities, 306, 309. See also security

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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