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It is increasingly difficult to acknowledge all the people who have influenced this book. Colleagues and friends have contributed their knowledge and insight, often without knowing their impact. By arguing a point or sharing explanations of concepts, our associates have forced us to question or rethink what we know.

We thank our associates in at least two ways. First, we have tried to include references to their written works as they have influenced this book. References in the text cite specific papers relating to particular thoughts or concepts, but the bibliography also includes broader works that have played a more subtle role in shaping our approach to security. So, to all the cited authors, many of whom are friends and colleagues, we happily acknowledge your positive influence on this book. In particular, we are grateful to RAND for permission to present material about its Vulnerability, Assessment and Mitigation method and to use its government e-mail analysis as a case study in Chapter 8. Second, rather than name individuals, we thank the organizations where we have interacted with creative, stimulating, and challenging people from whom we learned a lot. These places include the University of Tennessee, Trusted Information Systems, the Institute for Defense Analyses, the Contel Technology Center, the Centre for Software Reliability of the City University of London, Arca Systems, Exodus Communications, RAND, and Cable & Wireless. If you worked with us at any of these locations, chances are high that you had some impact on this book. And for all the side conversations, debates, arguments, and light moments, we are grateful.

Authors are the products of their environments. We write to educate because we had good educations ourselves and because we think the best response to a good education is to pass it along to others. Our parents, Paul and Emma Pfleeger and Emanuel and Beatrice Lawrence, were critical in supporting us and encouraging us to get the best educations we could. Along the way, certain teachers gave us gifts through their teaching. Robert L. Wilson taught Chuck how to learn about computers, and Libuse L. Reed taught him how to write about them. Florence Rogart, Nicholas Sterling, and Mildred Nadler taught Shari how to analyze and probe.

To all these people, we express our sincere thanks.

Charles  P.  Pfleeger
Shari  Lawrence  Pfleeger
Washington  D.C.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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