12.3 The CurrencyConverter Class

 <  Day Day Up  >  

The CurrencyConverter class's three main duties are to:

  • Provide a method that starts the application ( main( ) )

  • Create the application interface

  • Respond to user input

Before we examine the specific code required to perform those duties, you should skim the entire class listing, presented in Example 12-1. For now, you don't need to read the code too carefully ; we'll study it in detail over the remainder of this chapter.

Example 12-1. The CurrencyConverter class
 // Import the package containing the Flash UI components we're using. import mx.controls.*; // Define the   CurrencyConverter   class, and include the package path. class org.moock.tools.CurrencyConverter {   // Hardcode the exchange rates for this example.   private static var rateUS:Number = 1.3205;  // Rate for US dollar   private static var rateUK:Number = 2.1996;  // Rate for pound sterling   private static var rateEU:Number = 1.5600;  // Rate for euro    // The container for all UI elements   private var converter_mc:MovieClip;            // The user interface components   private var input:TextInput;           // Text field for original amount   private var currencyPicker:ComboBox;   // Currency selection menu   private var result:TextArea;           // Text field for conversion output   /**    * CurrencyConverter Constructor    *    * @param   target   The movie clip to which     *   converter_mc   will be attached.    * @param   depth    The depth, in   target   , on which to     *                   attach   converter_mc   .    * @param   x        The horizontal position of   converter_mc   .    * @param   y        The vertical position of   converter_mc   .    */   public function CurrencyConverter (target:MovieClip, depth:Number,                                      x:Number, y:Number) {     buildConverter(target, depth, x, y);   }   /**    * Creates the user interface for the currency converter    * and defines the events for that interface.    */   public function buildConverter (target:MovieClip, depth:Number,                                   x:Number, y:Number):Void {     // Store a reference to the current object for use by nested functions.     var thisConverter:CurrencyConverter = this;     // Make a container movie clip to hold the converter's UI.     converter_mc = target.createEmptyMovieClip("converter", depth);     converter_mc._x = x;     converter_mc._y = y;     // Create the title.     var title:Label = converter_mc.createClassObject(Label, "title", 0);     title.autoSize = "left";     title.text = "Canadian Currency Converter";     title.setStyle("color", 0x770000);     title.setStyle("fontSize", 16);     // Create the instructions.     var instructions:Label = converter_mc.createClassObject(Label,                                                             "instructions",                                                             1);     instructions.autoSize = "left";     instructions.text = "Enter Amount in Canadian Dollars";     instructions.move(instructions.x, title.y + title.height + 5);     // Create an input text field to receive the amount to convert.     input = converter_mc.createClassObject(TextInput, "input", 2);     input.setSize(200, 25);     input.move(input.x, instructions.y + instructions.height);     input.restrict = "0-9.";     // Handle this component's   enter   event using a generic listener object.     var enterHandler:Object = new Object( );     enterHandler.enter = function (e:Object):Void {       thisConverter.convert( );     }     input.addEventListener("enter", enterHandler);     // Create the currency selector ComboBox.     currencyPicker = converter_mc.createClassObject(ComboBox, "picker", 3);     currencyPicker.setSize(200, currencyPicker.height);     currencyPicker.move(currencyPicker.x, input.y + input.height + 10);     currencyPicker.dataProvider = [                          {label:"Select Target Currency", data:null},                          {label:"Canadian to U.S. Dollar", data:"US"},                          {label:"Canadian to UK Pound Sterling", data:"UK"},                          {label:"Canadian to EURO", data:"EU"}];     // Create the Convert button.     var convertButton:Button = converter_mc.createClassObject(Button,                                                             "convertButton",                                                             4);     convertButton.move(currencyPicker.x + currencyPicker.width + 5,                         currencyPicker.y);     convertButton.label = "Convert!";     // Handle this component's events using a handler function.     // As discussed later under "Handling Component Events," this technique     // is discouraged by Macromedia.     convertButton.clickHandler = function (e:Object):Void {       thisConverter.convert( );     };     // Create the result output field.     result = converter_mc.createClassObject(TextArea, "result", 5);     result.setSize(200, 25);     result.move(result.x, currencyPicker.y + currencyPicker.height + 10);     result.editable = false;   }   /**    * Converts a user-supplied quantity from Canadian dollars to    * the selected currency.    */   public function convert ( ):Void {     var convertedAmount:Number;     var origAmount:Number = parseFloat(input.text);     if (!isNaN(origAmount)) {       if (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data != null) {         switch (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data) {           case "US":             convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUS;             break;           case "UK":             convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUK;             break;           case "EU":             convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateEU;             break;         }         result.text = "Result: " + convertedAmount;       } else {         result.text = "Please select a currency.";       }     } else {       result.text = "Original amount is not valid.";     }   }   // Program point of entry   public static function main (target:MovieClip, depth:Number,                                x:Number, y:Number):Void {     var converter:CurrencyConverter = new CurrencyConverter(target, depth,                                                             x, y);   } } 

12.3.1 Importing the Components' Package

Our CurrencyConverter class makes many references to various component classes ( Button , CombBox , Label , etc.). The component classes we need reside in the package mx.controls . Throughout our CurrencyConverter class, we could refer to the components by their fully qualified names , such as mx.controls.Button or mx.controls.ComboBox . That obviously gets tedious , so prior to defining our CurrencyConverter class, we import the entire mx.controls package, as follows :

 import mx.controls.*; 

Once the mx.controls package is imported, we can refer to a component class such as Button without specifying its full package name . Note that not all component classes reside in the mx.controls package. For example, the classes for containers such as Window and ScrollPane reside in the mx.containers package. To determine the package for a component class, consult its entry in Flash's built-in Components Dictionary (Help Using Components Components Dictionary).

For complete details on packages and the import statement, see Chapter 9.

12.3.2 CurrencyConverter Properties

Our CurrencyConverter class defines two general categories of properties: class properties that specify the exchange rates for various currencies and instance properties that store references to some of the components in our user interface:

 // The exchange rate properties private static var rateUS:Number = 1.3205;  // Rate for US dollar private static var rateUK:Number = 2.1996;  // Rate for Pound Sterling private static var rateEU:Number = 1.5600;  // Rate for euro // The container for all UI elements private var converter_mc:MovieClip;          // The user interface components private var input:TextInput;            // Text field for original amount private var currencyPicker:ComboBox;    // Currency selection menu private var result:TextArea;            // Text field for conversion output 

For the sake of this example, the exchange rates in our application are permanently set in class properties. In a real currency converter, they'd most likely be retrieved at runtime from a dynamic, server-side source, as described in Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide by Tom Muck (O'Reilly).

Notice that not all of our user interface components are stored in instance properties. After creation, some components (e.g., the Label components) need not be used again and, hence, are not stored in instance properties. When creating a component, we store a reference to it only if another method in the class needs to manipulate it later in the application.

12.3.3 The main( ) method

The currency converter application's startup method is CurrencyConverter.main( ) :

 public static function main (target:MovieClip, depth:Number,                              x:Number, y:Number):Void {   var converter:CurrencyConverter = new CurrencyConverter(target, depth,                                                           x, y); } 

The main( ) method is a class method (i.e., declared static ) because it is invoked once for the entire application and is not associated with a particular instance. The main( ) method uses a common Java convention to set things in motion: it creates an instance of the application's primary class, CurrencyConverter , and stores that instance in a local variable, converter . The instance manages the remainder of the application either by itself or, in larger applications, by creating and interacting with other classes. Notice that the application's primary class, CurrencyConverter , is also the class that defines the main( ) method. In fact, the CurrencyConverter class creates an instance of itself! This structure is both legitimate and common.

As we saw previously, CurrencyConverter.main( ) is invoked from the frame labeled main following the preloader. When the main( ) method exits, the local converter variable goes out of scope (i.e., no longer exists), and the reference to the CurrencyConverter instance in it is automatically deleted. However, the application continues to run because the movie clip and other components created by CurrencyConverter continue to exist on stage, even after main( ) exits. Physical assets on stage (e.g., movie clips and text fields) that are created at runtime exist until they are explicitly removed (or the clip in which they reside is removed), even if they are not stored in variables or properties.

As we'll see later, the CurrencyConverter instance created by main( ) is kept alive in the scope chain of the buildConverter( ) method. The movie clip and components created by buildConverter( ) retain a reference back to the CurrencyConverter instance via the scope chain. Without that reference, our application wouldn't be able to respond to component events.

12.3.4 The Class Constructor

The CurrencyConverter class constructor is straightforward. It simply invokes buildConverter( ) , which creates our application's user interface:

 public function CurrencyConverter (target:MovieClip, depth:Number,                                    x:Number, y:Number) {   buildConverter(target, depth, x, y); } 

Notice that, like the main( ) method, the constructor passes on its arguments to another section of the program ”in this case the buildConverter( ) method, which uses the arguments to create the application's interface.

12.3.5 Creating the User Interface

As we've just learned, the currency converter interface is created by the buildConverter( ) method. To create the interface, buildConverter( ) instantiates user interface components and defines event handlers that dictate the interface's behavior.

You should already have skimmed the full listing for buildConverter( ) earlier in Example 12-1. Now let's study the method line by line.

The first line of code in buildConverter( ) may be unfamiliar to some programmers ”it stores a reference to the current object in a local variable named thisConverter :

 var thisConverter:CurrencyConverter = this; 

Storing the current object in a local variable adds it to the buildConverter( ) method's scope chain. This not only allows the current object to be accessed by nested functions, but it keeps the current object alive for as long as those nested functions exist. As we'll see shortly, the event handlers in our application are implemented as nested functions; they use the thisConverter variable to access the current CurrencyConverter instance. For general information on this technique, see "Nesting Functions in Methods " in Chapter 4 and Section 12.4 later in this chapter. The interface container

Now we can move on to creating interface elements. First, we must create a container movie clip to which all our components are placed. We give the clip an instance name of converter and place it inside the specified target clip at the specified depth . Recall that the target and depth are supplied to the main( ) method in CurrencyConverter.fla , which passes them on to the CurrencyConverter constructor, which in turn passes them to buildConverter( ) .

 converter_mc = target.createEmptyMovieClip("converter", depth); 

Placing our application's components in a single movie clip container makes them easy to manipulate as a group. For example, to move the entire group of components, we can simply set the _x and _y properties of the container clip:

 converter_mc._x = x; converter_mc._y = y; 

Again, the values x and y were originally supplied to the main( ) method on frame 15 of CurrencyConverter.fla .

Notice that our main container clip is stored in the instance property converter_mc . Storing the clip in a property allows it to be accessed outside the buildConverter( ) clip, for the purpose of, say, repositioning it or deleting it. In our case, we do not reposition or delete the main container, so we could, in theory, store it in a local variable instead of a property. In this case, however, we store it in the instance property converter_mc simply to make the class easier to enhance in the future. The title Label component

Now that our container movie clip is prepared, we can put our components into it. We start by giving our application a title using a Label component, which is used to display a single line of text on screen.

The following code creates a Label component named title inside converter_mc and places it on depth 0:

 var title:Label = converter_mc.createClassObject(Label, "title", 0); 

All components in our application are created with the UIObject class's createClassObject( ) method. Its three parameters specify:

  • The class of component to create

  • The instance name of the component

  • The depth of the component inside its parent movie clip or component

The createClassObject( ) method returns a reference to the newly created component. In the case of our title instance, we store that reference in a local variable named title . We use a local variable in this case because we have no need to access the title instance later. If, elsewhere in our application, we needed access to the title component, we'd store it in an instance property instead of a local variable.

Note that the instance name, "title" is used by convention for clarity, but we never use that name in our code. In our application, we refer to components via variables and properties only. In this case, we refer to the title instance by the variable name title ”not by its instance name (which happens to be the same as the variable name). By convention, most of our component instance names match the variable or property name in which they are stored. However, nothing requires the instance name and the variable or property name to match; only the variable or property name matters to our application (the instance name is ignored).

Now take a closer look at the code we use to create the title instance:

 converter_mc.createClassObject(Label, "title", 0); 

Notice that we invoke createClassObject( ) on converter_mc , which is a MovieClip instance, despite the fact that the MovieClip class does not define a createClassObject( ) method! We can use createClassObject( ) on MovieClip instances because that method is added to the MovieClip class at runtime by the v2 component architecture (along with various other methods). Adding a new method or new property to a class at runtime works only when the recipient class is declared dynamic , as is the built-in MovieClip class.

Because we're accessing createClassObject( ) through MovieClip , we also don't need to worry that it returns an object of type UIObject , not type Label as required by our title variable. In theory, the following line of code should generate a type mismatch error because createClassObject( ) returns a UIObject , but title 's datatype is Label :

 var title:Label = converter_mc.createClassObject(Label, "title", 0); 

However, no error occurs because type checking is not performed on methods that are added to a class dynamically at runtime. When invoking createClassObject( ) on a component, to prevent a compiler error, you must cast the return value to the type of object you are creating. For example, here we cast the return of createClassObject( ) to the Label type, as is required if converter_mc holds a component instance instead of a MovieClip instance:

 var title:Label = Label(converter_mc.createClassObject(Label, "title", 0)); 

Now that our application's title instance has been created, we can adjust its display properties, as follows:

 title.autoSize = "left";         // Make the label resize automatically title.text = "Canadian Currency Converter";  // Set the text to display title.setStyle("color", 0x770000);           // Set the text color title.setStyle("fontSize", 16);              // Set the text size 

For more information on setting the style of a single component or all the components in an application, see Help Using Components Customizing Components Using Styles to Customize Component Color and Text. The instructions Label component

To create the instructions for our application, we'll use another Label component similar to the application title created earlier. We store this Label instance in a local variable named instructions :

 var instructions:Label = converter_mc.createClassObject(Label,                                                         "instructions", 1); instructions.autoSize = "left"; instructions.text = "Enter Amount in Canadian Dollars"; instructions.move(instructions.x, title.y + title.height + 5); 

The last line of the preceding code places the instructions Label 5 pixels below the title Label.

Components can be positioned only with the move( ) method. Attempts to set a component's read-only x and y properties fail silently. Note that components support the properties x , y , width , and height (without an underscore ). However, MovieClip instances support the properties _x and _y , _width , and _height (with an underscore).

The move( ) method expects a new x coordinate as its first parameter and a new y coordinate as its second parameter. To leave the instructions instance's horizontal location unchanged, we specify its existing horizontal location ( instructions.x ) as the first argument to move( ) . The instructions instance's vertical location is calculated as the vertical position of the title instance, plus the title instance's height , plus a 5-pixel buffer. The input TextInput component

With the title and instructions completed, we can move on to components that accept user input. Our first input component is a TextInput instance, which lets a user enter a single line of text (in this case, an amount in Canadian dollars):

 input = converter_mc.createClassObject(TextInput, "input", 2); input.setSize(200, 25); input.move(input.x, instructions.y + instructions.height); input.restrict = "0-9."; 

We use setSize( ) to make our TextInput component 200 x 25 pixels.

Components can be resized only with setSize( ) . Attempts to set a component's read-only width and height properties fail silently.

We use the restrict property to prevent the user from entering anything other than numbers or a decimal point character. Negative values and dollar signs are not allowed.

Next , we define what happens when the Enter key (or Return key) is pressed while the TextInput component instance has keyboard focus. When Enter is pressed, we want to convert the user-supplied value to the chosen currency. Conversion is performed by the CurrencyConverter.convert( ) method. To invoke that method when Enter is pressed, we register an event listener object to receive events from the TextInput instance. In this case, the event listener object is simply an instance of the generic Object class:

 var enterHandler:Object = new Object( ); 

On the generic Object instance, we define an enter( ) method that is invoked automatically by input (our TextInput instance) when the Enter key is pressed:

 enterHandler.enter = function (e:Object):Void {   thisConverter.convert( ); } 

Notice that the enter( ) method accesses the current CurrencyConverter instance via the thisConverter variable we defined earlier. That variable is accessible to the nested enterHandler.enter( ) method for as long as the input instance exists.

Finally, we register the generic Object instance to receive events from input , specifying " enter " as the type of event the instance is interested in receiving:

 input.addEventListener("enter", enterHandler); 

Although it's perfectly legitimate to use a generic Object instance to handle events, in more complex applications, an event listener object may well be an instance of a separate class. However, when a single event from a single user interface component generates a single response (as in our present case), it is also possible to handle the event with an event handler function rather than a generic Object instance. Later, we'll use an event handler function to handle events from our application's Convert button. We'll also learn why Macromedia discourages the use of event handler functions. In the specific case of TextInput.enter( ) , however, we're forced to use a listener object due to a bug in the TextInput class that prevents its event handler functions from working properly. The currencyPicker ComboBox component

Our application already has a place for the user to enter a dollar amount. Next, we add the drop-down menu (a ComboBox component) that lets the user pick a currency to which to convert. The ComboBox instance is stored in the currencyPicker property and is created, sized , and positioned exactly like previous components in the application:

 currencyPicker = converter_mc.createClassObject(ComboBox, "picker", 3); currencyPicker.setSize(200, currencyPicker.height); currencyPicker.move(currencyPicker.x, input.y + input.height + 10); 

To populate our currencyPicker component with choices, we set its dataProvider property to an array whose elements are generic objects with label and data properties. The value of each object's label property is displayed on screen as an option in the drop-down list. The value of each object's data property is used later by the convert( ) method to determine which currency was selected by the user.

 currencyPicker.dataProvider = [                      {label:"Select Target Currency", data:null},                      {label:"Canadian to U.S. Dollar", data:"US"},                      {label:"Canadian to UK Pound Sterling", data:"UK"},                      {label:"Canadian to EURO", data:"EU"}]; 

We chose this implementation to separate the application's display layer from its data layer (which might retrieve conversion rates from a server-side application). An alternative, less flexible implementation might embed the currency conversion rates directly in the data property of each ComboBox item. The convertButton Button component

We've already seen that the user can convert a value simply by pressing the Enter key while typing in the input text field. We'll now add an explicit Convert button to the application for users who prefer not to use the Enter key.

The convertButton component is an instance of the mx.controls.Button component class, not to be confused with the native Button class that represents instances of Button symbols in a movie. Because we imported the mx.controls.* package earlier, the compiler knows to treat unqualified references to Button as references to the mx.controls.Button class.

To create and position the convertButton component, we use now-familiar techniques:

 // Create the Convert button. var convertButton:Button = converter_mc.createClassObject(Button,                                                            "convertButton",                                                           4); convertButton.move(currencyPicker.x + currencyPicker.width + 5,                    currencyPicker.y); 

To specify the text on convertButton , we assign a string to its label property:

 convertButton.label = "Convert!"; 

Finally, we must define what happens when convertButton is clicked. To do so, we assign an event handler function to convertButton 's clickHandler property, as follows:

 convertButton.clickHandler = function (e:Object):Void {   // Invoke   convert( )   on the current   CurrencyConverter   instance   // when   convertButton   is clicked.   thisConverter.convert( ); }; 

The preceding code demonstrates one way to handle component events. It defines an anonymous function that is executed automatically when convertButton is clicked. The property name, clickHandler , specifies the event to handle, in this case the click event. To define an event handler for a different event, we'd define an event Handler property where event is the name of the event. For example, to handle the List component's change event or scroll events, we'd assign a function to the changeHandler or scrollHandler property.

Because the anonymous function is nested inside the buildConverter( ) method, it has access to buildConverter( ) 's local variables via the scope chain. Hence, convertButton can reference the current CurrencyConverter instance via the local variable thisConverter . We use that reference to invoke the convert( ) method.

We've now seen two different ways to handle events from components. For guidance on which to use in various situations, see "Handling Component Events," later in this chapter. The result TextArea component

Our interface is almost complete. We have a TextInput component that accepts a dollar amount from the user, a ComboBox component that lets the user pick a currency, and a button that triggers the conversion. All we need now is a TextArea component in which to display currency conversion results. TextArea components are used to display one or more lines of text on screen within a bordered, adjustable rectangle.

Here's the code that creates, sizes, and positions our TextArea component:

 result = converter_mc.createClassObject(TextArea, "result", 5); result.setSize(200, 25); result.move(result.x, currencyPicker.y + currencyPicker.height + 10); 

To prevent the user from changing the contents of the result TextArea component, we set its editable property to false (by default, TextArea component instances are editable):

 result.editable = false; 

And that concludes the buildConverter( ) method. Let's move on to the convert( ) method, which performs currency conversion.

12.3.6 Converting Currency Based on User Input

In the preceding section, we created the user interface for our currency converter application. We specified that when the Convert button is clicked or when the user presses the Enter key while entering a number, the convert( ) method should be invoked. The convert( ) method converts a user-supplied value to a specific currency and displays the result on screen. It also displays error messages. The code in convert( ) provides a good example of how components are accessed and manipulated in a typical ActionScript 2.0 OOP application. Here's a reminder of the full code listing for convert( ) :

 public function convert ( ):Void {   var convertedAmount:Number;   var origAmount:Number = parseFloat(input.text);   if (!isNaN(origAmount)) {     if (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data != null) {       switch (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data) {         case "US":           convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUS;           break;         case "UK":           convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUK;           break;         case "EU":           convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateEU;           break;       }       result.text = "Result: " + convertedAmount;     } else {       result.text = "Please select a currency.";     }   } else {     result.text = "Original amount is not valid.";   } } 

Our first task in convert( ) is to create two local variables: convertedAmount , which stores the postconversion value, and origAmount , which stores the user-supplied value. The value of origAmount is retrieved from the input component's text property, which stores the user input as a String . We convert that String to a Number using the built-in parseFloat( ) function:

 var convertedAmount:Number; var origAmount:Number = parseFloat(input.text); 

But the input.text property might be empty, or it might not be valid (that is, it might contain a nonmathematical value such as "....4..34"). Hence, our next task is to check whether the conversion from a String to a Number succeeded. If conversion did not succeed, the value of origAmount will be NaN ( not-a-number ). Hence, we can say that the value is valid when it is not NaN :

 if (!isNaN(origAmount)) { 

If the value is valid, we check which currency is selected in the drop-down list using currencyPicker.selectedItem.data . The selectedItem property stores a reference to the currently selected item in the ComboBox, which is one of the objects in the dataProvider array we created earlier. To determine which object is selected, we consult that object's data property, which will be one of: null , "US," "UK," or "EU." If the data property is null , no item is selected and we should not attempt to convert the currency:

 if (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data != null) { 

If, on the other hand, data is not null , we use a switch statement to determine whether data is "US," "UK," or "EU." Within the case block for each of those possibilities, we perform the conversion to the selected currency:

 switch (currencyPicker.selectedItem.data) {   case "US":     convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUS;     break;   case "UK":     convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateUK;     break;   case "EU":     convertedAmount = origAmount / CurrencyConverter.rateEU;     break; } 

Once the converted amount has been calculated, we display it in the result TextArea component, as follows:

 result.text = "Result: " + convertedAmount; 

When no currency has been selected, we display a warning in the result component:

 result.text = "Please select a currency."; 

Similarly, when the amount entered in the input component is not valid, we display a warning in the result component:

 result.text = "Original amount is not valid."; 

12.3.7 Exporting the Final Application

Our currency converter application is ready for testing and deployment. To specify the name of the movie to create ( CurrencyConverter.swf ), follow these steps:

  1. With CurrencyConverter.fla open , choose File Publish Settings Formats.

  2. Click OK.

  3. To test our application in the Flash authoring tool's Test Movie mode, select Control Test Movie.

For our application, we'll export to Flash Player 7 format (the default in Flash MX 2004), but you could also export to Flash Player 6 format if you expect your visitors to be using that version of the Flash Player. The v2 components officially require Flash Player or higher, but in my tests the currency converter application worked happily in Flash Player as well.

 <  Day Day Up  >  

Essential ActionScript 2.0
Essential ActionScript 2.0
ISBN: 0596006527
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 177
Authors: Colin Moock

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