Using Namespaces

Using Namespaces

The example you have seen so far is a very small program. However, small programs can soon grow into bigger programs. As a program grows, it creates two problems. First, more code is harder to understand and maintain than less code. Second, more code usually means more names; more named data, more named methods, and more named classes. As the number of names increases so does the likelihood of the project build failing because two or more names clash (especially when the program uses third-party libraries).

In the past, programmers tried to solve the name-clashing problem by prefixing names with some sort of qualifier (or set of qualifiers). This solution is not a good one because it's not scalable; names become longer and you spend less time writing software and more time typing (there is a difference) and reading and re-reading incomprehensibly long names.

Namespaces help solve this problem by creating a named container for other identifiers, such as classes. Two classes with the same name will not be confused with each other if they live in different namespaces. You can create a class named Greeting inside the namespace named TextHello, like this:

namespace TextHello  {      class Greeting      {          ...      }  }

You can then refer to the Greeting class as TextHello.Greeting in your own programs. If someone else also creates a Greeting class in a different namespace and installs it on your computer, your programs will still work as expected because they are using the TextHello.Greeting class. If you want to refer the new Greeting class, you must specify that you want the class from the new namespace.

It is good practice to define all your classes in namespaces, and the Visual Studio 2005 environment follows this recommendation by using the name of your project as the top-level namespace. The .NET Framework Software Developer Kit (SDK) also adheres to this recommendation; every class in the .NET Framework lives inside a namespace. For example, the Console class lives inside the System namespace. This means that its fully qualified name is actually System.Console.

Of course, if you had to write the fully qualified name of a class every time, it would be no better that just naming the class SystemConsole. Fortunately, you can solve this problem with a using directive. If you return to the TextHello program in Visual Studio 2005 and look at the file Program.cs in the Code and Text Editor window, you will notice the following statements:

using System;  using System.Collections.Generic;  using System.Text;

The using statement brings a namespace into scope, and you no longer have to explictly qualify objects with the namespace they belong to in the code that follows. The three namespaces shown contain classes that are used so often that Visual Studio 2005 automatically adds these using statements every time you create a new project. You can add further using directives to the top of a source file.

The following exercise demonstrates the concept of namespaces further.

Try longhand names

  1. In the Code And Text Editor window, comment out the using directive at the top of Program.cs:

    //using System;

  2. On the Build menu, click Build Solution. The build fails, and the Output pane displays the following error message twice (once for each use of the Console class):

    The name 'Console' does not exist in the current context.

  3. In the Output pane, double-click the error message. The identifier that caused the error is selected in the Program.cs source file.

    The first error can affect the reliability of subsequent diagnostic messages. If your build has more than one diagnostic message, correct only the first one, ignore all the others, and then rebuild. This strategy works best if you keep your source files small and work iteratively, building frequently.

  4. In the Code and Text Editor window, edit the Main method to use the fully qualified name System.Console.

    Main should look like this:

    static void Main(string[] args)  {      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");      }

    When you type System., notice how the names of all the items in the System namespace are displayed by IntelliSense.

  5. On the Build menu, click Build Solution. The build succeeds this time. If it doesn't, make sure Main is exactly as it appears in the preceding code, and then try building again.

  6. Run the application to make sure it still works by clicking Start Without Debugging on the Debug menu.

In the Solution Explorer, click the + to the left of the References entry. This displays the assemblies referenced by the Solution Explorer. An assembly is a library containing code written by other developers (such as the .NET Framework). In some cases, the classes in a namespace are stored in an assembly that has the same name (such as System), although this does not have to be the case—some assemblies hold more than one namespace. Whenever you use a namespace, you also need to make sure that you have referenced the assembly that contains the classes for that namespace; otherwise your program will not build (or run).

Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Step by Step
Microsoft® Visual C#® 2005 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Year: 2005
Pages: 183
Authors: John Sharp © 2008-2017.
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