How Advertising Became Badvertising

Technology and Madison Avenue are a lethal mix to privacy! Coupons and sweepstakes that are pretenses to profile and target us, junk faxes, junk mail, spam, telemarketing calls, adware, cookies, Web bugs , pop-ups ”they're all byproducts of advertising. That's why I call it badvertising. Madison Avenue has become one big database, and presence awareness technology is waiting in the wings. The marketers and information brokers already know where we live, what we like, and who we are. It's only a matter of time before they know our comings and goings too! Computer chips have become so miniscule and cheap that they're weaving them into fabrics . One day in the not-too- distant future, billboards will suddenly start talking to you when you walk down the street! Just like they pitched Tom Cruise in Minority Report, remember? That's what Madison Avenue is cooking up!

Invasion of Privacy. Big Brother and the Company Hackers
Invasion of Privacy! Big Brother and the Company Hackers
ISBN: 1592000436
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 135
Authors: Michael Weber © 2008-2017.
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