Add-on Libraries

team bbl

This section presents a selection of add-on libraries for wxWidgets available at the time of writing. These tend to be distributed as source code, which you must compile, and there is currently no standard way of doing this. With some, you can simply add the source files to your own make or project file; others come with their own make or project file or even use a configure script, creating libraries for you to link against. Please see the individual packages for build instructions. A package manager and standards for third-party code are being developed to make this easier in the future.

wxMozilla is a project to develop a wxWindows component for embedding the Mozilla browser into any wxWidgets application. It's available from

wxIndustrialControls provides a set of widgets for showing digital and analog values. Includes Angular Meter, Linear Meter, Angular Regulator, Linear Regulator, Bitmap Switcher, Bitmap Check Box, LCD Display, and LCD Clock. It's available from

wxCURL is a simplified and integrated interface between LibCURL and wxWidgets. wxCURL provides several classes for simplified interfaces to HTTP, WebDAV, FTP, and Telnet-based resources. It's available from

wxCurlDAV is a C++ class designed for people using wxWidgets to simply and easily add WebDAV functionality to their application. It's available from

ToasterBox is a cross-platform library to make the creation of MSN style "Toaster" popups easier (message windows that slide up and down). It's available from

wxVTK enables the 3D graphics library VTK to render to and interact with wxWidgets. It's available from

wxDockIt is a docking library by Mark McCormack. It's available from

wxIFM (Interface Management System) is a docking library based on a plug-in architecture. It's available from

wxMathPlot is a framework for mathematical graph plotting in wxWidgets. It's available from

wxTreeMultiCtrl enables you to add any wxWindow-derived class to a tree shaped structure similar to a wxtreeCtrl. It is well suited for a scrollable property sheet. It's available from

wxVirtualDirTreeCtrl is a very handy component for quickly creating project browsers, repository views, and smart directory selectors based upon event handlers, which can be overridden to make it look even more flexible. It is based upon a wxtreeCtrl component and designed in such a way that the native functionality of this class can still be used. It's available from

wxPropertyGrid is a specialized two-column grid for editing properties such as strings, numbers, flagsets, string arrays, and colors. It's available from

wxSMTP is a an email framework including an SMTP class. See also contrib/src/net in the wxWidgets distribution for simple email-sending functionality. wxSMTP is available from

wxResizeableControl provides a user interface for child windows placed within other windows. The user can drag them around and resize them using eight marks drawn on the edges and corners of the control. This class sends notification events to its parent when the window is created, resized, moved, or deleted. It's available from

wxOTL is an alternative database connectivity library for wxWidgets based on the Oracle, ODBC, and DB2-CLI Template Library from S. Kuchin. It's available from

wxReportWriter allows you to create table-based reports for all kinds of data. It's available from

wxHyperlinkCtrl is a hyperlink control providing the ability to intercept mouse click events to perform your own custom event handling and the ability to open a link in a new or current browser window. It's available from

wxSQLite is a wrapper for the SQLite database engine. It's available from

wxIE allows you to embed Internet Explorer in your wxWidgets for Windows applications. Incorporates the wxActiveX class for embedding ActiveX controls in a wxWindow. It's available from

wxCTB is a serial communications package for Windows and Linux. It's available from A fully featured terminal program called wxTerm that makes use of wxCTB can also be downloaded from this site.

AWX is a library of add-on classes. It includes awxOutlookDialog (a settings dialog using icons to switch pages), awxButton (an enhanced bitmap button), awxToolbar (a wxToolBar-like class with enhanced deactivated button support), and awxLed (an LED simulator with red, yellow, and green states). It's available from

wxSpellChecker is a generic spell-check framework that can use different engines. It's available from

wxArt2D is a library for advanced 2D graphical programming, with SVG and CVG support. It's available from

wxImprola is a GUI framework for the Improla image processing library. It's available from

Extended wxHTML Help lets you invoke modal wxHTML Help dialogs from other modal dialogs, and it also allows you to embed wxHTML Help within your application. It's available from

wxStEdit is a library and sample program for wxStyledTextCtrl that is a wrapper around the Scintilla text editor widget. It is meant to be used as a component of a larger program, and although it tries to manage as much as possible, it's fairly extensible as well. It's available from

wxLCDWindow displays numbers like a liquid crystal display. It's available from

mmwx is a class library containing the following classes: mmMultiButton, mmNavigator, mmMonthCtrl, mmDropMonth, mmDropMenu, mmDropWindow, mmHyperText, mmHyperBitmap, mmTextStretch, and mmLogonDialog. It's available from

LitWindow Library is a system for specifying dialog behavior using constraint rules. It's available from

Keybinder is a generic system to let your users bind one or more shortcut keys to commands, and includes a user interface for editing shortcuts. It's available from

wxBetterDialog is a collection of dialogs, including an enhanced color selection dialog. It's available from

wxBZipStream contains Bzip compression and decompression stream classes. It's available from

wxCrashReport formats and prints a report in case the application crashes on Linux. Also included is support for BlackBox.dll, which does the same on Windows. It's available from

wxHTTPServer is a HTTP 1.0-compliant web server class that uses wxWidgets for events and sockets. It's available from

wxHyperLink contains a static text element that links to an URL. Clicking on the URL activates the standard browser and opens the URL. It's available from

wxListCtrlEx is a subclass of wxListCtrl with advanced features such as column sorting (which can sort both text and numbers) and a simplified virtual data interface. It also can correctly resize your columns (maintaining their original proportions) when you resize it. It's available from

wxRarInputStream implements RAR file extraction. It's available from

wxSheet is a rewrite of the wxGrid widget, with more control for intercepting events and extending functionality. It's available from

wxStreamMerger is a class for obtaining the difference between two streams. It's available from

    team bbl

    Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
    Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
    ISBN: 0131473816
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 262 © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: