
adding to Sidebar, 55-56

creating. See Gadgets, creating

on desktop, 55-56

downloading, sites for, 56

Gadgets, creating, 57-60

HTML, use of, 58-59

and JavaScript, 58-59

package file, 59

XML gadget file, 57-58

Games, link, removing from Start menu, 41

GetRight, 242

Graphic equalizer, 119

Graphics adapter memory, PCMark05 benchmarking, 149

Group Policy

domain policy, 39

local policy, 39

policies, listing of, 41-44

Group Policy Client, 169

Group Policy Editor

accessing, 39

policy setting, steps in, 39-40

Guest account, renaming, 258-59

Hacking Windows Vista
Hacking Windows Vista: ExtremeTech
ISBN: 0470046872
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 105
Authors: Steve Sinchak

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