Data members, class, 109

Data type(s), 23, 24

casting. See Cast(s)

class as, 111

conversion. See Type conversion

importance of, 35

object as a “universal”, 302–303

promotion of, 58–60

reference, 35, 115

value (simple). See Value type(s)

See also Type

Date and time, formatting, 653–657

custom placeholder characters for, table of, 656

format specifiers for, table of, 653

DateTime class, 653

Deadlock, 684

Decimal .NET structure, 392, 393, 569, 577–582

constructors, 577578

fields, table of, 582

methods, table of, 578–582

decimal value type, 36, 40–41

literal, 47

Declaration space, 52

DeclaringType property, 451

Decrement operator ( ), 29, 63, 64–65

overloading, 213, 216

Decrement( ), 696–697

default statement, 89, 91

and goto, 106

and #line directive, 444

and type parameters, 509–511

DefaultCachePolicy property, 782

DefaultWebProxy property, 782

#define directive, 439, 440, 479

delegate keyword, 395, 402, 403

Delegates, 395–408

and anonymous methods, 402–406

covariance and contravariance and, 406–408

declaring, 395–396

and events, 410

generic, 516–519

and instance methods, 398–399

and multicasting, 400–402

System, list of, 563

Delegates, instantiating, 397

using method group conversion, 398

Dequeue( ), 728–729, 754–755

DesignMode property, 821

Destructors, 131–132

Dictionaries, 708, 746

Dictionary class, 734

Dictionary<TK,TV> class, 738, 746–748

methods, table of some, 746

DictionaryBase class, 733

DictionaryEntry structure, 713, 722, 766

DirectoryNotFoundException, 371, 379

Dispose( ), 809, 810, 812, 820, 821

and the using statement, 554, 819–820

Dispose(bool), 810

overriding, 812–819

Disposed event, 809

Divide( ), 579

DivideByZeroException, 336, 340, 341, 345, 350

DivRem( ), 565

DllImport attribute, 555

Documentation comments, 867

do-while loop, 85, 101–102, 105

Dot operator (.), 111, 119, 200, 331

Double .NET structure, 392, 393, 569, 573

fields, table of, 577

methods, table of, 575–577

double value type, 24–25, 36, 38–40, 47

DoubleToInt64Bits( ), 610

DownloadData( ), 800

DownloadFile( ), 800

DownloadString( ), 800

Dynamic method dispatch, 287–288

C# 2.0(c) The Complete Reference
C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072262095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 300

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